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The Lesbian Sex Haiku Book (with Cats!)
The Lesbian Sex Haiku Book (with Cats!) | Anna Pulley
22 posts | 4 read | 22 to read
Lesbian sex has been confounding people since the dawn of time. What is it that two women do together exactly? The Lesbian Sex Haiku Book (with Cats!), a humorous guide to lesbian sex, dating rituals, and relationships, and aims to dispel all myths. Haiku paired with hilarious watercolor illustrations of cats in various stages of sexual awkwardness will enlighten, demystify, remystify, and most importantly entertain as you learn about all the aspects involved in girl-on-girl action. From lesbian pick-up lines: Pronounce Annie Proulx's name correctlywatch lady's cargo pants fall off. To icebreaker haiku for first dates: It has been MANY years, but I'm not done griping about The L Word. To, of course, the mechanics of lesbian sex: It's like straight sex but afterwards we ask ourselves, "We just had sex, right?" Lesbian sex is like water polono one really knows the rules. This laugh-out-loud book is the perfect gift to amuse and educate your friends, loved ones, and lovers.
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This was a very amusing book that plays tongue-in-cheek with stereotypes about queer women, mostly related to dating (trying to figure out if the multiple hang outs you've had with one woman were dates to dating your ex's ex to trying and failing to break up). I really loved the cheeky drawing of cats as lesbians! The references in here are very west coast lesbian for women currently in the 30-40 age range. Also some spot on bisexual jokes too!

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I need something light and funny after finishing my last read, which was disappointing and dark. This book seems appropriate. Just the look on the left cat's face cracks me up. #QueerBooks

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Got these three review copies in the mail today! I like how they are in various stages of readiness. One (the tagged book), is the regular copy. Meredith Russo's new #trans #YA book is an ARC but has a cover image and is out in May this year. Mackenzi Lee's upcoming #QueerYA is very bare bones still and coming out in January 2020. #QueerBooks #LGBTQBooks #TransBooks

HeatherBookNerd I didn‘t realize Meredith Russo had a new book coming. Yea! 6y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Ooo can't wait for Mackenzi Lee's new one! (edited) 6y
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There are no words. Rated 😂😂😂😂😂

Suet624 All of this. 😂😂😂😂 8y
brilliantglow Omg😂😂😂 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😂😂😂😂hahaha! That hysterical! 8y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa As soon as typed that and hit send, I immediately started thinking of the movie Hysteria. Which fits with this image too! 😂😂 8y
bates_barb That image is beyond hilarious! 8y
OrangeMooseReads 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 8y
Sandra 😂😂😂 8y
[DELETED] 3323341091 🤣🤣🤣 8y
sprainedbrain Omg. 😂😂😂😂😂 8y
Bookgirl Hahaha!!! 🤣😆🤣😂 8y
silentrequiem Hahahahahah! 😂😂😂 8y
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LindsayReads 😂😂😂😂😂 8y
Bibliogeekery Ha! Amazing! 🤣 8y
Suzze 😜😜😜 8y
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saresmoore This book is fantastic! 8y
Julsmarshall That is hilarious! 8y
LeahBergen 😂😂 8y
Soubhiville Ha! Good call on the mullets... 8y
Cinfhen 🤣🤣🤣 8y
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BookishMarginalia 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 8y
WhatDeeReads 😂 8y
Sweettartlaura 😂😂😂 8y
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Yournewfriendsams 😂🙌🏽😂🙌🏽😂 8y
LauraJ That's just foreplay. It doesn't matter who you share your bed with. Rachel is freaking awesome! 8y
BookishFeminist 😂😂 8y
mischa Truth! 👍🏻🤣 8y
WanderingBookaneer @LauraJ : 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Agreed 8y
Gayan I love her so much. She is keeping me sane as we get closer and closer to the dark day. 8y
WanderingBookaneer @Gayan : She's the one thing I miss about not having cable. 8y
Gayan I'm not sure I could live without her. 8y
WanderingBookaneer @Gayan : I tell my wife the same thing. 😜 ( @BookishMarginalia ) 8y
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BookishMarginalia 😂😂😂 8y
minkyb Hilarious! 8y
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Robothugs This is too funny 😂 8y
Handmade_Redhead Ok. I'm going to have to look this book up now. 8y
minkyb Honestly, too funny. 8y
saguarosally I remember when I was in college a local coffee shop had lesbian Scrabble nights. I kept trying to figure out what lesbian Scrabble was, because I was always up for Scrabble. As far as I know, it was really just lesbians getting together to play Scrabble. 8y
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Imagined proposition lines from famous women throughout history. 😂

Chessa 😂😂😂🙀 8y
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Guess the lesbian film described in this haiku.

BookBabe I can't guess, but I also can't wait to find out! 😁 8y
Nonaroo But Mom I'm a Cheerleader. Loved it! 8y
Emory One of my faves ❤ 8y
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WanderingBookaneer @BookBabe : @Nonaroo is close. But I'm a Cheerleader 8y
Nonaroo I have no idea why I threw "But mom..." in there! ? 8y
minkyb This movie is hysterical. 8y
Zelma I ❤️ this movie so much! I had it on VHS. 😋 8y
Soubhiville I love this movie too! 8y
Shortstack One of my all time favorite LGBQT movies!! Right behind Hedwig. ❤️💛💚💙💜 8y
BookNerdBritt AHHH I love this movie!!! 8y
WanderingBookaneer @Shortstack : Those are among my favorite too! 8y
Reese_Pearly.Pages I've watched this movie a hundred times. Lol 8y
Loretta Such a good film. 8y
BooksCatsMaine I love Cheerleader so much! I will now have to buy this book. 8y
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Guess the lesbian movie from the haiku.

readordierachel Haha. "Bound" 8y
Soubhiville Bound, I can't say how many times I've watched this DVD! Meow! 8y
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You might be a queer girl if...

jpmcwisemorgan I have a friend I want to get this book for. I think she would like it. She'll laugh uproariously and her wife will roll her eyes. I will win because I made my friend laugh. Hmmm... 8y
WanderingBookaneer @jpmcwisemorgan : I'm laughing uproariously as I read it... and I'm in an ER waiting room. (Everything is fine.) 8y
jpmcwisemorgan Everything is fine? What?! I'm taking your word for it but secretly worrying. It's how I roll. 8y
WanderingBookaneer @jpmcwisemorgan : Long story. Let's just say everything was resolved satisfactorily. 8y
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You might be a queer girl if...

(This was me when @BookishMarginalia set her sights on me!)

LiteraryinPA Aww! :) 8y
BookishMarginalia 😎😎😎 8y
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You might be a queer girl if...

Ekkross Your posts give me life! 8y
WanderingBookaneer @Ekkross : I'm glad. There will be a few more tonight. 8y
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jpmcwisemorgan This is great information! 8y
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minkyb Well alright! 8y
MicheleinPhilly HA! 😂 8y
TheBookAddict 🤣🤣🤣👍🏽 8y
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mjdowens Well, that certainly pegged my attention😂 8y
Ekkross Best quote ever? Yes, I think so. 8y
DeborahSmall 😂💞 8y
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My haiku review:

I may not be a
lesbian, but this book is
funny as hell, ya'll!

#haikureview #midnightbookgirl

vivastory 5-7-5 Well played! 👏 👍 8y
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Hope you put a dent in this list this first week of 2017, so I'm doing #boutofbooks. #midnightbookgirl

Reviewsbylola Henrietta Lacks is a fantastic book! 8y
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I'm giving this book as a gift... but I'm totally going to read it first! #midnightbookgirl #CurrentlyReading

jpmcwisemorgan OMG I'm so glad to know of the existence of this book. It will make the perfect gift for my landlords. 8y
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Had a blast last night at @FountainBookstore with Bob Miller from @flatironbooks and picked up this title to read.

Looking forward to their 2017 releases (especially #Caraval and #BehindHerEyes and #MarilyninManhattan)!

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Just a snippet of brilliance.

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Early contender for best title of the year

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