Beautifully motivational and relatable. Love yourself!
Beautifully motivational and relatable. Love yourself!
Honestly I‘m not sure what I think of this 🤣 I spent half the book feeling very inspired and motivated, and half the book completely confused and convinced the author is bonkers. lol.
I don‘t ever really read self-help, but this book has low-key been on my radar since it‘s publication, because who doesn‘t want to be badass? 😂 There were 2 or 3 chapters that resonated with me, and the author approached the whole book with humor, which I always appreciate. My biggest take from it was to always LOVE YOURSELF! It‘s really the first step to badassery!
#pop24 - genre I typically avoid
#tbrtarot - yellow cover
I loved this book! It really helped me get out of a dark place during a dark time in my life. 💖
I wanted to love this, but it felt like it didn't explain enough of the how and too much pseudoscience of manifesting your reality. It has solid advice that was a bit clouded by suggestions to raise your vibration.
...Once something moves from our brains to our bones. That's when we can use it to change our lives.
"So often, we pretend we've made a decision, when what we've really done is signed up to try until it gets too uncomfortable."
"Dragging around guilt and self-criticism is beyond unhealthy and is utterly pointless, not to mention boring. You aren't a better person for feeling guilty or bad about yourself, just a sadder one."
"You aren't a selfish person for taking care of yourself, just a happier one. Take care of yourself as if you're the most awesome person you've ever met."
4✨ Once I read my chapters today I wanted to keep going. The author shares tips on how to create a better life for yourself. Most of the advice is shown in examples of what you would or would not want to see in your life, and then there are aspirations/manifestations. However, a big point is love yourself, and get up to do something about the desire you have for your life. Don‘t just say what you want, take action! #Roll100 March @PuddleJumper
Gandalf is enjoying my book tote of the day. Should be done with the tagged book in 2 days! 😍 #CatsofLitsy
Found this book through another book I was listening to…don‘t remember why 🤔🤔 Plus side, it‘s very short only 6 hours at regular speed. The info is pretty basic but maybe how Sincero presents it will resonate with you. A LOT of focus on manifesting if that‘s your jam.
Started this one last night. I really need recommendations for books to help with self-esteem. Homework from my therapist. #youareabadass #kindle #library #ebook #recommendations #selfhelp #selfcare #confidence #selfesteem
It's time to reinvent one self! I have vibrated so low for such a long time. This year I was even worse. I lied to myself a lot and subjected myself to toxic environments and people. All that can be attributed to my low self esteem, plus not knowing who I really was. This is a pact to myself to do better, to be better and to live my best life. I'll enter 2022 brand new! I'll be reborn emotionally and intellectually.
I did not like this book. I almost DNF‘d this book multiple times and some of Jen‘s concepts, such as “Source Energy” were confusing and hard to follow. I also disliked how Jen implied “just changing your mindset” will cure your depression, and I ended up skipping through chapter 24 because I couldn‘t stand that chapter. Overall, Jen had some good points but a portion of her advice is just dumb and/or is not practical for most people.
Book 65📚
Great little book of exercises and ways to stay mindful and present🤍
The quick reference in the back is beyond helpful🙌🏻
3.8/5. Changed my perspective on a couple things but overall definitely has advice I‘ve given.
"I just wanna see what I can get away with."
This is so powerful for me. I get too worked up with presurre at work and this whole adulting that it sometimes makes me not see all the wonderful possibilities. Thanks for the reminder! ☺️
Love yourself and got a small “Badass” talking button to kick off the motivation 😎
Ok so please trust me when I say that I am usually NOT into “self-help” stuff, but this book helped me through a really difficult time so I recommend it. I listened to it as an audio book first, then bought the hard copy so I can reread it and also so I could make notes etc. It‘s not so much that what she says is dramatically different but the way she says it and her own examples just really spoke to me. It might help someone else so I am sharing!
These are definitely some words I will remember forever. Very important.
“If you want to live a life you‘ve never lived, you have to do things you‘ve never done.”
This quote spoke to me in many ways. We often find ourselves looking at other people‘s lives sayings “I wish I could be them”, “I want their life”, “look at how much fun they‘re having”, but we don‘t do anything about it. #LitsyReads #CurrentlyReading #HumpdayPosts
I‘m about to start a new book and I‘m super excited!! I‘ve been waiting to read this for awhile now. #selfhelp #listsylove
Back at it again! Just got a stack of motivational books to help me this year
Not quite as many books as I'd hoped for but I'm still happy with the numbers. I was in a slump towards the end of the year. Here's to hoping 2021 is better.
This has been on my #TBR and taking up bookshelf space forever. Seemed like a good one to finish out the year with, and it was but it fell a bit short of the mark. While she shared a few good ideas and I felt moments of inspiration, overall the information was a bit dated and had too much woo-woo for me. I‘m glad I read (listened) to it but I‘m really glad to donate it and let it move in from my life.
"Wanting can be done sitting on the couch with a bong in your hand and a travel magazine in your lap.
Deciding means jumping in all the way, doing whatever it takes, and going after your dreams with the tenacity of a dateless cheerleader a week before prom night."
Re-reading this gem as I prepare for 2021.
#GreatThingsToCome #ActionOverExcuses #TimeForAMentalShift
1. My #Readolutions for 2021: read 100 books, budget with #PennyPerPage, keep up w/ SciManDan‘s book club, start a low key Booktube channel. The latter is more of a pipe dream, but still... 😅
2. Tagged. I don‘t do “self-help”, but it was a freebie, so I thought, “Eh, why not?” 😂🤣
3. Neal Shusterman, the Arc of a Scythe series looks SO good! Can‘t wait to start it! 😍
E readers and audio books are not my typical go to, but I when I have to spend 4 hours in the car for work travel then I appreciate the time to myself. I have read this book in the past but feeling like I need the reminder that this Girl Boss really is a Badass! #badass #girlboss #coo #audiobook
I‘ve been struggling lately with the weight of supporting my whole extended family. My co-worker noticed and got me a few of my favorite things. I‘m so blessed to have so much support.
I feel like I‘m doing really well with my therapist and some specific issues and that self help books aren‘t a good choice for me right now.
Started listening to this audiobook with my sister a couple weekends ago and finished it up today. Overall, I liked it and think she had some great messages/advice. I didn‘t always like some of her metaphors but I‘m hoping to keep at least some of her pointers in mind going forward
I have decided to become a bad ass, and since I am a librarian. I guess that will make me the Bad Ass Librarian. Very motivating book. Can't wait to finish it so I can restart it again.
“You are the only you that you‘ll ever be”
Really enjoyed Jen Sincero‘s chapter on forgiveness. Particularly liked her use of Lily Tomlin‘s quote, which I believe captured the essence of chapter.
Book 28 of the year**
This felt like Prosperity Gospel for people who don't believe in God.
If you just believe hard enough in and pray to "source energy" it will all work out in your favor!
**not really, I still haven't caught up on my back log but I finished this and wanted to record my thoughts before they fade
I liked this book. However, I expected more from it, given the degree of hype surrounding it. I thought it had good points and a lot of common sense. Thoughts?
Very well worded and helpful tips for any life no matter how wise you are
Has anyone else reached their 2020 Reading Goal? and then doubled it? 🤣