Philippe tried again to make out the drawing without seeming to. Sylvain lifted his forearm so that the paper curled back over itself and over Magalie‘s arm in the process, hiding the #sketch completely. #QuotsyJune19
Philippe tried again to make out the drawing without seeming to. Sylvain lifted his forearm so that the paper curled back over itself and over Magalie‘s arm in the process, hiding the #sketch completely. #QuotsyJune19
I picked this up and read this because it was on NPR‘s #100 swoon worthy romances.
(This is one of my favorites from the list)
Yesterday afternoon's high tea at The Chocolate Chamber: lemon scones with mango jam, sandwiches, salad, and lavender-flavored hot chocolate. Delicious! Places like this always remind me of @LauraFlorand's books so that's what I'm tagging.
The Chocolate Chamber, Cebu City, Philippines
#romantsy #bookanddessert
Cinq etoiles ✨J'adore ce livre. Enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, multicultural, strong characters, french pastries, hot chocolate- I love everything about The Chocolate Kiss. This book just made me so happy while reading it. I smiled, I cried, I felt for both Philippe and Magalie in their journey to love. Secondary characters were fleshed out well. The descriptions were lavish, evocative, and as decadent as chocolat.
This is book two in the series - I'm sure you can read them out of order. Fortunately for me my library had the ebook of book one The Chocolate Thief. I read these on the red-eye home last night. I really was not up for anything heavy, although I stayed up longer than I should have getting sucked into this sweet world. Holy sweetness!
I picked these up recently at my local used book store I hope it's ok to read this series out of order#Fauthor #springflingreading
Tonight's date night dessert immediately reminded me of something Philippe Lyonnais would make. Le sigh.
#romantsy #amouretchocolat #valentinesday #lauraflorand #kissingbooks #riotgrams
Macarons always remind me of this book! These are from Antoinette and they are my favorites in Singapore, I like them even more than the Laduree ones here.
Sharing a quote from the book:
"She spoke the word macarons lovingly, the way any Parisian would. Bearing no resemblance to the chewy, coconut-filled American macaroon, the heavenly sandwiches of air and lusciousness that were the Parisian macaron were the test of a pastry chef's quality."
I found this small cafe that served macarons! And of course got reminded of Laura Florand's books