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Parasite | Mira Grant
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A decade in the future, humanity thrives in the absence of sickness and disease.We owe our good health to a humble parasite -- a genetically engineered tapeworm developed by the pioneering SymboGen Corporation. When implanted, the Intestinal Bodyguard worm protects us from illness, boosts our immune system -- even secretes designer drugs. It's been successful beyond the scientists' wildest dreams. Now, years on, almost every human being has a SymboGen tapeworm living within them.But these parasites are getting restless. They want their own lives . . . and will do anything to get them.ParasitologyParasiteSymbiont ChimeraFor more from Mira Grant, check out:Newsflesh FeedDeadlineBlackoutNewsflesh Short Fiction (e-only novellas)Apocalypse Scenario #683: The BoxCountdownSan Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California BrowncoatsHow Green This Land, How Blue This SeaThe Day the Dead Came to Show and TellPlease Do Not Taunt the Octopus
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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In the future tapeworms are used to take care of medical needs. Sally has one after her accident. The problem is that she has to relearn everything and after 6 years she is feeling that the engineering company that has discovered this parasitic technology is hiding something. What is scarier than having a tapeworm in your intestines? Maybe a tapeworm that travels to your brain and takes control of your body?!?!😳. Scientific horror!

Texreader This sounds so disgusting!! Ewww!!! 3y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Because I love her Newsflesh trilogy I picked up Parasite. It's a fascinating idea - how deliberately infecting yourself with a tapeworm for health purposes can backfire. She does some reaching with the science it feels like, and the conversation isn't very smooth but I am looking forward to reading the next book.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
TheSpineView 😱📚 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Started this one this morning. I think now might be a good time to mention that I have parasitophobia. So I really hope this doesn't terrify me. #Scarathlon2020 #TeamHarkness #ReadYourWay #cocoturns50 #bookspinbingo #thrilloweenreadathon #fallintoreadathon #24B4Monday

Soubhiville Uh oh... how did it go? The premise here might be tough for you! It‘s pretty gross! 4y
TheSpineView 🤩👍😊 4y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Y‘all I love this book So Much! The start is a bit slow but never boring and as always Mira Grant‘s characters are all loveable, infuriating, and endlessly fascinating! Now I just have to find a store that‘s got the second book in stock and I‘ll be all set

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“They taught me that once an animal starts biting, it‘s time to take my hand away from them.”

y‘all having that simple sort of logic applied to people, where it absolutely still works, nearly made me break down in tears.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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I love Adam and Tansy more than literally any other characters in this book (except maybe Sal and Beverly, I think they‘re about even with Sal and Beverly.)

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“It was for science, and as long as something is for science, it‘s worth doing. It‘s just not necessarily worth repeating.”

I love me a scientist who‘s just a little bit mad (aren‘t all the great ones a little mad though?)

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“Sometimes humanity is the reason we can‘t have nice things.”

Yeah, that‘s what the kids are calling “a mood” I believe.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“The line between “police force” and “army” is Barries under the best o of circumstances, and we were no longer operating under the best of circumstances.”

Have I mentioned recently how much I love how Mira Grant deals with people with access to guns and contracts allowing the use thereof? Because I do very very much love it.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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147 pages in and we‘re well and truly in horror territory now. Our first named death has happened and I‘m possibly too excited to see who goes next (that being said I will cry if the dog dies)

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“They need walking and brushing, petting, and to be told, occasionally, that they are good boys and girls, and that someone loves them” —this scary scary man talks like he‘s never met a pet before

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“because hubris is not only a sin, it‘s a fun game to play at parties”

This particular line just struck me as very amusing.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“None of gods creatures is an ‘it,‘ even if they‘re not a boy or a girl or a mammal or a pretty bird. Call them ‘he‘ or ‘she‘ and be a little wrong, but never take away their individuality like that.”

I love this for plants and animals and other alive but not speaking creatures!

Parasite | Mira Grant
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“Your health is too important to trust to just anyone. Choose SymboGen. Choose freedom.” - early SymboGen advertising slogan

Y‘all have I mentioned how much I enjoy that Mira Grant includes quotes from the characters in the books she writes?

Parasite | Mira Grant
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And we‘re back on the “catching up on Mira Grant” train! This time with Parasite! I loved the Newsflesh trilogy so I‘m quite excited for this one!

Parasite | Mira Grant
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I really enjoyed this book. It was boring in parts, but every time I was about to set it down for good, it would get really exciting again. It also hit a little close to home, what with the global pandemic we are having to deal with right now. But that didn't really bother me. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Parasite | Mira Grant
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I have been wanting to watch this movie soooo badly. Tonight is finally the night! Finishing up The Night Country while I wait for the previews.

diovival Yoooooooo! This movie stressed me out. I loved it. 4y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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My bluray came! I have not been able to stop thinking about this since I saw it in theatres and I loved it just as much on the second viewing.

Parasite | Mira Grant

Yep. I‘m in love with Mira Grant. I‘m excited that this is a trilogy! Solid writer.

Parasite | Mira Grant

Well this is getting interesting..

Parasite | Mira Grant
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We‘ve reached the toddler phase where I am an object to be utilized as a piece of furniture. I‘m not complaining, it‘s pretty cute most of the time.

The tagged book was published in 2013, but I‘ve been saving this Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire series for a special treat. I‘m so glad I did, this book has been just what I needed!

#saturdayreads #currentsituation #suckerforseanan

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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Very interesting take on the cleanliness of today‘s society. #quotes

LauraJ Throw away your antibacterial soap! Seriously, Grant is right. 5y
rubyslippersreads My great-grandmother used to say, “Everybody has to eat a peck of dirt before they die.” 😂🤢 5y
Crazeedi @LauraJ yep, I've never used antibacterial soaps! 5y
Crazeedi @rubyslippersreads that's a true saying in my family too!! 5y
Crazeedi This sounds very interesting! 5y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Neat quote. ‘Conservation of panic‘ makes me giggle

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Parasite | Mira Grant
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I love mad scientist horror stories, especially when the science is backed by enough reality to be plausible. (Heard of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis? Zombie ants?) This story will have you washing your hands and avoiding street tacos for a long time. And you‘ll learn neat facts about parasites!
#teamstoker #24b4Monday #scaryscavengerhunt (where a character dies)

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Andrew65 Sounds like Taccos are off the menu! 5y
Godpants This has been on my TBR for ages. This is the kind of endorsement I need to actually check it out. 5y
LeahBergen I have a troubling fascination with parasites. 😆 5y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Started this one today. Crazy science stuff is my jam!

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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This knick knack from Michael's is the only thing that I own that encapsulates every part of my personality. Cats, books, horror. Perfectenschlag.
Booked tagged is book featured most prominently in this photo.

Gennic Awe! I love him! 5y
spookysara @Gennic he's my favorite :) 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗🌸 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 🌼📖💖 5y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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I enjoyed the premise of this book, genetically engineered tapeworms develop their own minds and start to take over. Also some thoughts on the concept what makes a person. However it was not without flaws. The characters could have had more depth, and the twist was something that I guessed almost immediately. It sort of felt like reading a movie. If that makes sense. I did overall enjoy it as an easy sci-fi read and will continue the series

Chrys As an added plus my son was immediately intrigued by the concept and is audiobooking it. 5y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Thank you so much @ReadingRover for all the goodies in the #SFMBC package you sent!!! The bookmarks are adorable/beautiful and the book choices are perfect. The lotion smells amazing. And I can‘t wait to try blue tea, i had never heard of it and blue is my favorite color 💙💙💙 @Avanders

Avanders Ooooh 😍😍👏🏽🌌 5y
ReadingRover Yay! I‘m so glad you like the books. The Mira Grant one is quite a chunkster 😝. The blue tea is super fun. The taste is kinda bland until you doctor it up though. Omg I got those erasers cause they‘re a super cute idea & I thought they were going to be the size of the box & they‘re so tiny! But they do smell good. The Strange Bird looks good. I‘ll probably pick it up at some point. You‘ll have to let me know how it is. 5y
MaleficentBookDragon I am intrigued by blue tea. 🤔 5y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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I got this book at the dollar store and it was not bad. A crazy scientist and sleep walkers that will kill

Parasite | Mira Grant

A good midway point in the series. Had to dive right into book three to get my answers! I really like her writing.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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I was definitely surprised by this book, I got caught up in the story the characters are likable and relatable. And happy to see that there are more in the series.

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Parasite | Mira Grant

Sometimes humanity is the reason we can‘t have nice things.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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First time in a long time that a book filled a page of my journal with lines I like. This book is disgusting and interesting and not at all dry like I thought it would be. Moving on to the second part of the series today.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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Parasite | Mira Grant

I feel like I need a thorough shower after every chapter of this book. The subject matter is so disgusting to me, that I‘m cringing the entire time I‘m reading. Hopefully I get used to it eventually so I can enjoy the rest of the series.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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Soubhiville I liked these, but not as much as the Newsflesh books. What a weird story though!!! 6y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Kendra.Diane 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
ReviewsMayVary The whole carnivorous plant thing was weird. I wonder if it comes back up later in the series. 🤔 6y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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I enjoy how Mira Grant breaks up the main story with other segments which add to the story. The main story of Parasite is mixed in with parts of an ‘out of publish‘ book, an autobiography, transcribed videos, and an interview from Rolling Stones.

SymboGen have developed an intestinal parasite capable of delivering medication to their host. But people have started succumbing to a sleepwalking disease, and it seems that the parasites are to blame!

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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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What the actual f!*$ ...


Parasite | Mira Grant
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I really enjoyed Feed (though I haven‘t read the rest of the series yet) so I‘m excited to try this one!


brutalbookworm This trilogy is hands down one of my favorites. You should also try Scott Siglers infected trilogy. 7y
Soubhiville I loved the Newsflesh series and the short stories in Rise that went with it. I thought Parasite was fun, but didn‘t like it quite as much. 7y
Bookworm54 @Soubhiville I‘m glad to hear you still enjoyed it, as the reviews seem fairly so-so. I‘m liking it so far! :) @brutalbookworm I will keep an eye out for him! I did biomedical science and have particular affection for infectious diseases and parasites 😂 so I think this will be right up my street too! 7y
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Parasite | Mira Grant
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Well that was disappointing. I loved her feed series and I like her writing style but there was too much I didn't like about this book to get more then a meh from me. I found the parts between the action scenes quite boring and there were some pretty big plot holes and inconsistencies. I did zone out sometimes while I was reading so maybe I missed something either way I won't be continuing with the series.

Parasite | Mira Grant
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Loving this book already 💞

Parasite | Mira Grant
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I love Mira Grant and want to see more of her! #needsmorelove ❤️ #anditsaugust

Parasite | Mira Grant
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Not technically an #insect but the parasitology trilogy deals with worms that take over human brains. Sounds weird but these books are really good. 🐛 #junebookbugs

Parasite | Mira Grant
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Finished this beast tonight. Did not love it. I only finished it because I had already invested so much time. I will not be reading the rest of the trilogy. Bummer because I was actually really psyched for this one. Oh well, next please!

CherylDeFranceschi Sad to hear it. She's usually so much fun 7y
Reagan I was really interested in the Feed trilogy. Is that worth it? 7y
Zelma @Reagan-reads I haven't read the whole trilogy but Feed is really good! 7y
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