Ugh...they get better with every installment! 🖤
Really enjoyed this whole duology. The premise was interesting and though I did guess the twist I still liked discovering it.
The last 20% of this book blew me away! Cannot wait for more!
Adored it! And the goblin market. This series never disappoints me!
I liked it. Didn't love it. Felt like the conclusion was a little rushed but it did wrap up. Still love her writing.
Loved it! Love the whole huge series! Cannot wait for the next installment!
A good midway point in the series. Had to dive right into book three to get my answers! I really like her writing.
Much better than I thought it would be. Makes me want to pick up the novels and watch the movies.
Not as great as I'd hoped. But still a decent read.
I enjoyed this collection. Only a couple meh entries. Most were original takes on classic horror and I really loved them!
Loved this book! Killer mermaids are everything I want in a book right now and this book delivered! Cannot wait for the sequel!
Liked this nostalgic little romp. It wasn't as good as I would've hoped but nothing can live up to the characters from the original movie. Still very fun and enjoyable.
Full of brilliant little details only King can create. Less a horror novel and more a book about the real power of friendship and believing in something. Fully loved this book.
Excellent lead up to Into the Drowning Deep! Killer mermaids are definitely my jam!
This series gets better and better. Nothing that I expected to happen actually happened. And that cliffhanger was just wow. The conclusion is gonna be amazing I can already tell!
Loved seeing Taryn's perspective but still don't like her. I like her more than I did though. Dying for more from this world!
Ehhh...what I liked, I really liked. But a majority just wasn't for me. I think I liked this better than Milk and Honey, but still feel she's over rated and I don't see what all the praise is really about.
They only get better. I wasn't sure they would after only reading Throne of Glass but they have grown exponentially with each subsequent book in the series. So much happening, non stop action. Characters that actually grow and evolve. Everything I want in a book series. Never stale or repetitive. 5/5 stars!
The only thing missing from this novella was closure. I wanted more of an ending. But otherwise I enjoyed a better look into the oracle and war gifts of this Queendom.
This was a cute and quick little book that left me wanting more so I'm glad it's the beginning in a series. A little eerie and dark, great pacing, and complely unique. 4/5 stars!
How exciting! Congrats on your litfluence! I would pick Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody! #scripturients250kgiveaway
I can't not adore this book. The characters have come to mean so much to me. Brown had created a world of intrigue and duplicity that keeps you hovering on the edge. The action is cinematic and vivid. The dialogue and perspectives are masterful. The complexity is genius. Endless praise for this book and the entire series!
Really enjoyed this book! The back and forth between time and perspective was different in a good way. The fact that at various times I both liked and disliked both protagonists made it even better. Made the characters more real to me. Sun or Blood both Queens held my interest and I'm looking forward to book two.
The thing I loved most about this book is much the same as I loved about the first. The banter and dialogue between the characters. The mish mash of personalities, that were so real and vividly crafted, crashing into each others lives and worlds in ways that so completely make no sense but are also so perfect. It was solidly entertaining, humorous, and full on from page one to the end. I'll read Giles' books again. He didn't disappoint!
I mean, it horrified me, but I enjoyed it. The idea of this contest and the grueling nature of what we will do to survive is a premise that intrigued me. I couldn't fathom how it would carry out. I found myself rooting for many characters while knowing that only one could survive. If you could call it survival at all. This is definitely character driven and well done in that respect. But I was a little let down by the swiftness of it's conclusion.
I've enjoyed this series. It is a quick guilty pleasure read. Fast paced and it doesn't take itself too seriously. You don't go in expecting a masterpiece but it always seems to deliver on it's promise to find the darkness and wickedness that can linger beneath it's characters. I could see where it was heading early on but it's okay, I still gobbled it up. Sad that there won't be any more in the series.
I had high expectations. It both did & did not deliver on them. The nostalgia of the 80's pop culture had me grinning plenty. There was more than one moment that was truly dark & well crafted, but it was a very slow build & after all that the end was swift. It was solid but not amazing. My greatest takeaway is that the friendship between these girls is bone deep and genuine and we should all strive for connections like those in real life.
Jay Kristoff is masterful at writing witty and smart ass dialog. His characters are always complex and flawed in the best ways and I find it easy to love and love to hate them at all the right places. I predicted little in this book and I find that completely refreshing. I want a Lemon Fresh and Cricket and Kaiser in my life. Everyone deserves such a motley little crew to surround themselves with.
4/5: Loved this book! Didn't really know what to expect but the quick paced action and realistic science of the story just sucked me in and didn't let me go. I found myself thinking of the book and wanting to know what happened next whenever I couldn't be reading it. Guilty pleasure gold right here folks!
4/5: Loved this book! Didn't really know what to expect but the quick paced action and realistic science of the story just sucked me in and didn't let me go. I found myself thinking of the book and wanting to know what happened next whenever I couldn't be reading it. Guilty pleasure gold right here folks!
4/5: Loved this book! Didn't really know what to expect but the quick paced action and realistic science of the story just sucked me in and didn't let me go. I found myself thinking of the book and wanting to know what happened next whenever I couldn't be reading it. Guilty pleasure gold right here folks!
Ugh! That ending! The wait for the next book might kill me. This had all the quick intensity of the original trilogy. I loved the dual perspective. I loved the characters. Kenji will always be one of my favorite literary characters I have ever read. This series has a special spot in my heart.
This was a cute little bridge between Wings & Ruin and the next Chapter of the Prythian books. No, there wasn't a lot of action, but it was a good epilogue to the war and what the inner circle is doing with their lives since, and plans they have going forward. I have one complaint...the word Mate became so far over used I found it laughable. Could be a drinking game. Overall I enjoyed this and am dying to see where she takes us with the next book.
I adore the characters and their complex growth. How Maas weaves their stories through each other, how their relationships knit together and crumble apart. Each book becomes more intricate and well told. Action, relationships, vivid description and detail, she comes through with it all. I can't say much without spoiling the books that come before. I can say that I really love this world and am glad I have a few more books to get to before it ends.
I've been really interested in reading this series. Heard so many good things about it! Thanks for the chance to win @wanderinglynn
This book was haunting and atmospheric. And though I guessed the main twist early on, I also doubted my guess because it was that well written. My heart broke over and over the further I read. There were no slow parts, every word of this book was a concise and necessary part of telling the story. I will absolutely be watching for more work from Shea Ernshaw.
This was an enjoyable audiobook. The back and forth through present and past made more sense than I expected it to and the story over all left me feeling completely shattered for the characters. I knew there was no chance for a happy ending because of the way it was told but I still hoped somehow there would be one. The characters were definitely gray and compelling and I didn't know who I wanted to root for half the time.
This book was beautiful. Vikings. Blood Feuds. Bloody Battles. And surprisingly deep emotional workings. Yes, I could see where it was headed early on. No, I didn't care. Not a bit. I still loved watching the characters figure it all out for themselves. Rich in vivid, realistic descriptions and culture, this book didn't disappoint.
Enjoyed this sequel to The Call. It only got darker in the second book. And the first had darkness aplenty. The characters were rich, the worlds layered. It had everything I wanted, except more. I didn't want the end to arrive. When it did it was a bit rushed and left me with questions that could be explored in another sequel. I was satisfied overall and can see this as an ending point, but I really want more of this brutal and unforgiving world.
I don't know if I have ever been so devastated and so happy at the same time while reading passages of a book. Every single word of this series catches you up and grabs you by the throat. You cheer and weep and laugh all within moments and it all makes sense. I will recommend this series over and over and over and probably over again because it is that good. Had no idea I could care so much about a fictional, murderous artificial intelligence.
This was a much wanted but too short jaunt back into the Raven Boys world. I loved Opal even more in this than I did in the original series. Her perspective and personality made me wish I had one of her of my own. I'm so attached to these characters and cannot wait for the new series!
I enjoyed this book. It had unique bits and less unique bits here and there but overall it was enjoyable. It was a creative take on the Fae and their courts. Didn't blow me away but kept me interested and even surprised a time or two. A solid read.
A very unique world and magic system. Not as action packed as I predicted, I still really enjoyed the story and characters. It had flaws though. Some of the sisters were almost interchangeable in my mind and I sometimes forgot which was which and the different 'magic' types were a little difficult to keep straight. But the characters drew me in, the plot kept me guessing and intrigued, and the pacing was good.
5/5: Brilliance. Plain and simple. This was a roller-coaster ride into the nostalgic stratosphere! I loved every single word of it...well the first chapter or two may have been a little user-manual-esque, but that was necessary, so I forgive it. Flawed characters on epic quests against a vile and truly despicable enemy, what more could you really ask for? Throw in a pop-culture smorgasbord of goodies and it can't be beat. Truly an amazing book!
This book surprised me with how much I enjoyed it. It was fast paced and really liked its exploring of themes of loyalty and how far we are willing to go for the people we love. That cliffhanger was a doosy and the wait for book two is gonna suck though.
While this wasn't my favorite book I did enjoy it. It was fast paced and had a few unexpected twists. I found some of it predictable but not overly so and I liked the turmoil of some of the characters. I will pick up the sequel when it comes out.
This book killed me! So much happened, no down time at all! Stressful and full of anxiety for the characters I loved! Amazing series all around!
This book was wonderful. Immersive and fantastical. I hope we all find doorways someday.