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Radleys | Matt Haig
Just about everyone knows a family like the Radleys. Many of us grew up next door to one. They are a modern family, averagely content, averagely dysfunctional, living in a staid and quiet suburban English town. Peter is an overworked doctor whose wife, Helen, has become increasingly remote and uncommunicative. Rowan, their teenage son, is being bullied at school, and their anemic daughter, Clara, has recently become a vegan. They are typical, that is, save for one devastating exception: Peter and Helen are vampires and have for seventeen years been abstaining by choice from a life of chasing blood in the hope that their children could live normal lives. One night, Clara finds herself driven to commit a shocking and disturbingly satisfying act of violence, and her parents are forced to explain their history of shadows and lies. A police investigation is launched that uncovers a richness of vampire history heretofore unknown to the general public. And when the malevolent and alluring Uncle Will, a practicing vampire, arrives to throw the police off Clara s trail, he winds up throwing the whole house into temptation and turmoil and unleashing a host of dark secrets that threaten the Radleys marriage. The Radleys is a moving, thrilling, and radiant domestic novel that explores with daring the lengths a parent will go to protect a child, what it costs you to deny your identity, the undeniable appeal of sin, and the everlasting, iridescent bonds of family love. Read it and ask what we grow into when we grow up, and what we gain and lose when we deny our appetites."
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I‘m excited to read this one and then maybe see the movie? 🧐

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Radleys | Matt Haig
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A light hearted, unconventional approach to a vampire novel. Lots of juicy family drama. This would be a fun movie. 3.5/5

peanutnine I could see this as a movie! 1mo
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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The Radleys (Peter, Helen , Clara and Rowan) have a secret - they are vampires trying to live a quiet life following the abstainers handbook. When a situation occurs putting Clara in danger of being found out, the parents ask Uncle Will to help them. His arrival changes everything for their family. Overall, a good, not great read.

#BookSpinBingo for November! @TheAromaofBooks thanks for hosting -

Make a great day everyone🍂

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looking fabulous!! 9mo
dabbe Your advent calendar has been sent to your email address. I hope you like it! 🩵❄️🩵 9mo
bthegood @dabbe I got it and love it - thank you so much - such a nice way to start the month!! Make a great day - 🙂 9mo
dabbe @bthegood 🩵❄️🩵 9mo
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I finished 3 books during the #Friendsgiving and #NovelNovember readathons ! Only the tagged book to go for a #BookSpinBingo this month!!

Thanks for hosting @Catsandbooks and @Andrew65 -

Make a great day everyone - 🍂

Andrew65 Excellent, thanks for playing along 👏👏👏🍾🥂😍🎊🎉 9mo
Catsandbooks Wonderful! Thanks for joining in on the fun! 🦃🧡 9mo
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I'm in for #NovelNovember thanks for hosting @Andrew65 - I'll use goals that I listed for #Friendsgiving readathon (as they overlap nicely, thank you for hosting @Catsandbooks ) - finish tagged and two others and get a #BookSpinBingo (thank you for hosting @TheAromaofBooks )!

Make a great day everyone - 🍂

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 10mo
Andrew65 Best of luck 😁 10mo
Catsandbooks Fantastic! 🧡 10mo
bthegood @Catsandbooks @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 thanks for the support!! 🙂 10mo
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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#OrangeStack #AutumnPlease!

I'm so behind 😅 Trying to catch up today!

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs 🧡The Giver Series and 🧡 Eleanor Oliphant! Well done 👍🏼 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love Eleanor 🧡 11mo
ShyBookOwl @Eggs 2 of my faves! 11mo
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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1-16-23: My 6th finished book of 2023! The Radleys, Peter and Helen, seem to be a normal husband and wife. However, along with their two children, Rowen and Clara, they have one flaw. They happen to be abstaining vampires! The kids don‘t know why they never feel well until one day after a bizarre event, they are finally told. When their uncle comes to town things take a turn and the family has to come to terms with their choices. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣6️⃣

GidgetsTreasures75 I‘m always up for a vampire tale and I‘ll read anything Matt Haig writes. 👍🏼 2y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I read this last October and it was delightfully weird 🧛🏻
#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Vampire @StayCurious

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Day 134.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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This was the vampire novel I didn't know that I needed - dark, macabre, and funny all at once. A twist on the classic mythology. The Radleys are a typical suburban family, except that they're also vampires. But in this world, vampires can choose to abstain from drinking blood. It makes them weaker, but they can be "normal". Normal enough that the kids don't even realize their own secret. That is, until Clara accidentally murders her classmate.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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#haunted 🧛🏻🧛🏻‍♀️ Vampire
This one is on my #bookspin list for the month! It's about a family of vampires and sounds quirky and hilarious

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs I do enjoy Haig ❤️🖤❤️ 3y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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1. They All Fall Down by Rachel Howzell Hall 🎧📚
2. Teen Killers Club by Lily Sparks (yesterday!) 🔪
3. The Stepford Wives (Ira Levine) and The Radleys (Matt Haig) 🤖 👠 , 🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♀️ 🏠

Tagging any littens who want to give it a whirl 🤗 #toonietuesdays

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Wow. I'm sad that this quiet suburban horror is over. I loved every minute of this eerie journey. #bookhangover

The Radleys | Matt Haig

This was a fun little addition to the vampire genre.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Your instincts are wrong. #firstlinefridays

LOVING this very quiet, very weird, very intriguing vampire novel.

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The Radleys | Matt Haig

Not as good as The Midnight Library. A quirky quick and good read!

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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It was meant to be. Found The Radleys at my local thrift store today. My first TBR found secondhand 🙌🏾 I was way too excited 😆

Reggie Wow talk about serendipity. I‘m excited to hear what you think about it. 4y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig

It felt strangely grown-up too, as though that‘s what being an adult was — the ability to know which secrets needed keeping. And which lies will save the ones you love.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Dove in expecting “Salem‘s Lot”-ish vibe. Finished it surprisingly engrossed by new insight on vampirism.

SW-T Welcome to Litsy! #litsywelcomewagon Happy reading to you! 😊 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳 4y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I‘ve started all of these at some point in the past few days.

I think ‘10 Minutes...‘ has finally stuck but, geez, I‘ve never had such a hard time picking my next read! 🤷🏻‍♀️


The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 2
#bookstoread #tbrpile

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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Sweet and savoury snacks (teeth busting candy) and my audible and next physical read for #deweysreadathon
I am ignoring Strictly's Halloween show even though its great fun.... Will see the dances on YouTube later I'm sure

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I'm trying to adult today with this audio book but 'tis hard....

Suet624 😁😁 5y
Blueberry 😍 5y
sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 5y
Reggie Lolol 5y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Current #audible book. Love Matt Haig.... Need to get into the huge pile of ironing after lunch with this to help me along 👍❤️👍

Reviewsbylola Audiobooks always help make chores go by quickly! 5y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig

Loved it. This was a really fun read and not my conventional type of book. The chapters are short and the story is fast-paced and engaging! There's more to the Radley's than meets the eye...

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Last night of our holiday and I've made it about half way through this one. Absolutely loving it so far - glad I acted on the man in Waterstones recommendation!

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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This was my first Matt Haig and I will definitely be returning! This novel kept me engaged and reading quickly to find out what would happen. You know a book is good when you think about reading it when you have other things to do! This isn‘t a typical vampire novel. This novel had much to say about morals and values, secrets, and relationships. Loved it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

ReadingRover I read The Labrador Pact by him earlier this year and really liked it. I think I‘ll try this one or the Humans next. 6y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I'm betting that vampires are all for #daylightsavingstime extra hours to feed. The Radleys are your typical family facing all the challenges of family and life, including being vampires.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🧛🏻‍♂️ 6y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I never, in a million years, would have picked up a book that I knew was about vampires. However, this was the third book in a row I read by #MattHaig !! And I really enjoyed it...seems different from what I imagined a “vampire story” to be 😊 4/5 🌟

Kaye Sounds great. I need to pick this one up too 😊. 6y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig

I'm slightly embarrassed about liking a vampire book so much, but this was a fun one! Loved the message of the book, and use of metaphor throughout.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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@Kaye this is how good your book choice was...about to start my third #MattHaig in a row!!

Kaye Wow, that‘s great. 😊 The Humans was just so clever. I‘m glad you are finding others to try also. I have a couple others in audio but have yet to start them. I‘m gonna have to give them a try. 👍 Thanks for the reminder. 6y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Finally the end of a busy and exhausting work week! Haven‘t gotten much reading done this week, but purposely planned Sunday to be a Do Nothing Day. Still going back and forth between vampires and whiney adult children.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Reading another one by Haig. Vampires and a quiet family life may not mix

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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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When you can‘t figure out where your bookmark went, so you use whatever‘s around, which is usually another book.

Ruri_kaichou This happened to my daughter a few nights ago. Except, she's 4 so she didn't realize it was not a good idea to use a book bigger than the book she is reading as a bookmark 😅 so I have get a sheet of paper instead 🤣🤣🤣 6y
hgrimes @Ruri_kaichou HAHAHA!!! Love that story! Too cute!! 😂 6y
SandyW I've done that... more than once (*hangs her head in shame*) 😲 6y
hgrimes @SandyW Sometimes you‘ve just cleaned the house and it is the only option! 6y
SandyW Yeah... Let's go with that. 😉 6y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Continuing my journey through Matt Haig‘s bibliography! Some of his books have some mixed reviews, including this one, but I am personally loving his work, his style, and his creativity. My 6th Matt Haig.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I‘ve just finished #ReasonsToStayAlive and I fell in love with #MattHaig‘s writings so much, that I have to start reading his fiction books. #TheRadleys #YAFiction #WhatIAmReading

Kaye He is great. Such talent. 7y
hello.itslauren @Kaye I loved Reasons To Stay Alive so i‘m looking forward to this so much 😍 7y
Kaye I read The Humans and was amazed by it. I bought the one you did plus I have another one called Dead Fathers Club or something. It‘s in a bag in my bedroom closet and I‘m too lazy to dig it out. 7y
itskatearmitage I liked this book although I much preferred Humans 6y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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Loved this, this is a fun exciting witty novel. Definitely not your average run of the mill Vampire story. This is about a suburban family of vampires even though their teenage children are unaware off who they really are until one eventful night where nothing will ever be the same again. #matthaig #vampires

OSChamberlain This sounds great! 7y
RaimeyGallant Sounds fun. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 7y
Teakillamockingbird @RaimeyGallant thanks I was so excited when I found out about Litsy. 7y
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RaimeyGallant It's pretty awesome. :) 7y
ephemeralwaltz Welcome to Litsy! 7y
Jess7 Welcome to Litsy!! 7y
Libby1 Welcome to Litsy! ❤️📚❤️ 7y
Teakillamockingbird Thanks everyone I‘m loving it here I‘m addicted already xx 7y
JennAndrew This sounds excellent! Sounds like one to read. Welcome to Litsy! 7y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I loved this book! It was a quick read. I don't want to stop reading it once I started. I can't remember the last time I wanted to sit all day and read a book cover to cover. The book is about a family of abstaining vampires. The parents haven't told the children they are vampires, leading to the events of the book.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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My current read. Quick chapters. Enjoying it so far!

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I'm enjoying this fun little romp about a suburban family of vampires.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I'm not even half way through this and I'm hoping it lives up to the hype. I'm enjoying this concept so far and let's be honest, I'm a sucker for vampire stories.

The Radleys | Matt Haig
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I had never heard of this author or book, but between the cover art and the fantastic blurb, I had to have it. Still haven't read it yet, but it is a impulse buy-causing blurb for sure!

"One night, when Clara finds herself driven to committing a bloodthirsty act of violence, her parents react with resignation rather than horror."


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Die Radleys - Matt Haig 📗
Volle Punktzahl, weil mich das Buch trotz Voreingenommenheit überraschen und begeistern konnte. Ich bin froh, dass ich es entdeckt habe und nicht vor dem mittlerweile ausgelutschten Vampirthema zurückgeschreckt bin. Es gibt definitiv noch mehr da draußen als Glitzervampire 😉 zum Beispiel ein Cover, das im Dunkeln leuchtet.

Meine ausführlichen Buchgedanken gibt es jetzt auf meinem Blog Teestube🍵 tinkabeere.blogspot.de

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Und plötzlich fühlte er sich seltsam erwachsen, als wäre es genau das, was einen Erwachsenen ausmacht - die Fähigkeit, zu wissen, wann Geheimnisse gehütet werden mussten.
Und welche Lügen man braucht, um seine Lieben zu retten.

The Radleys | Matt Haig

Haig's book, The Humans, was one of the best books I have ever read, so my expectations were high for this one. A decent story about family and vampires.


Keine einzige Seite gelesen heute 😩 Ein anstrengender Tag war das, aber mein Buch ist veröffentlicht. Immerhin 😊
Gute Nacht, den Schlaf kann ich super gebrauchen, morgen wirds nochmal nervig ... 😴

Liedie Na, wenn das nichts ist! ?Herzlichen Glückwunsch ? 8y
BenjaminSpang Glückwunsch! 8y
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Vampirlastig geht's durch die Mittagspause 😊
Die Radleys 📖 Seite 250/225
Der Vampir, der mich liebte 📖 Seite 12/337