Did you know that The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five is endorsed by best selling author Aimee Brown? #chicklit
Did you know that The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five is endorsed by best selling author Aimee Brown? #chicklit
Reviews are everything to authors! Do you review books? If you've read The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five I'd love to hear your review on it!
I'm currently reading Another Woman's Man. So far so good!
So, I dedicated The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five to myself. I wrote this novel after being fired from a zero-hour job that treated me like dirt, after being turned down for an apprenticeship for being too old, and a long summer of depression and self doubt. Writing this book gave me new purpose and hope. I dedicated this book to myself to remind myself that I am capable. What's the best dedication you've ever read?
A gorgeous book about Sasha's journey to realising her own self worth.
I don't usually read spiritual books, but I'm glad I read The Soulweaver. It's not just a book but a journey from not only Hong Kong to Australia to London and New York, but from Hannah to Lin. A compelling tale that will never leave you. #spiritual
What books are beside your bed? I have a few of my favourite titles published by my publisher Crooked Cat and also shamelessly, my own book The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five. #chicklit #bedside
I hate that this book is so good. Mostly because, Aimee is my book endorser and a great friend and I seem biased. But the hundreds of great reviews back me up on this one, so you'll just have to trust me.
Little Gray Dress is a solid piece of chick lit. There's the perfect blend of light hearted comedy and compelling romance. I don't like chicklit with pathetic main characters but Emi isn't. She's someone I would be friends with and root for.
So I've just found out that users of Litsy are called Littens. As an author with publishers Crooked Cat Books, and as a cat lover, I love that! Here's a Litten with a kitten. #catsoflitsy
Not a quote from my book, but a quote about my book. Does that count? Reviews mean everything to me. If you've read The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five, I'd love to know your thoughts! #chicklit #friendship #review
Hey there! I'm new to Litsy so be gentle, please. My name is Kate and I am author of The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five. A contemporary women's fiction about feeling insecure and trying to find your place in the world. It's a coming of age for anyone who doesn't feel like they are where they should be. A platonic love story, too.
Tagline - what's a quarter-life crisis between friends?
#womensfiction #chicklit #friendship