My new favorite Phryne Fisher! And set on a cruise ship, which I loved. Super fun, fast, and amazing read.
#phrynefisher #mystery #theunreadbookshelf2023
My new favorite Phryne Fisher! And set on a cruise ship, which I loved. Super fun, fast, and amazing read.
#phrynefisher #mystery #theunreadbookshelf2023
Always enjoy a good Phryne read! Picking 'the crim' in this one was a bit too easy but I still enjoyed it. Good holiday reading 📖 😊
In book 15 of the murder mysteries, Phryne and Dot go on a cruise to find a thief and leave all the other characters behind. That made it easier for me not to compare the tv show and the books all the time, because it's only the second book that I have read. There's an interesting cast of characters on the ship , including some that you just love to hate. I had lots of fun, although I'm not interested in going on a cruise, ever 🚢
Book 15 in my Phryne Fisher reread was not one of my favorites the first time around. But it holds up better on audiobook and I bumped my rating from 3 to 4 stars. I think the reason it‘s not my fave is that they are away from St. Kilda and all of the wonderful secondary characters. Still, worth reading if you love Phryne! 4⭐️
Another book down in my #PhryneMarathon this one being very apropos right now considering the fact NSW is currently underwater! Australia, burning one day, drowning the next🤿 And of course, my roof is leaking and I now have a lovely crop of black mould in my foyer. Wonderful. At least the book was great, Phryne & Dot take a case that brings them on a cruise ship to New Zealand in chase of a jewel thief. Hijinks ensue.☺️ #phryneappreciationclub
This Phryne Fisher mystery takes place on a cruise ship. I‘d love to be on a cruise with Phryne, even if crimes were occurring! I haven‘t read this but I love the TV series. #Ship #LetsTravelAugust
Bk15 Of The Phryne Fisher series is done! Another one of my favourites, even though there‘s no Bert & Cec, Lin Chung or Jane & Ruth.Phryne has been asked by P&O to investigate some jewel robberies onboard the SS Hinemoa.Taking Dot along on a cruise to the South Island Of NZ, amongst the fjords, dancing,star filled nights & flirting, she must track down a viscous thief who‘ll stop at nothing to get the stone around her neck. #phryneappreciationclub
#MayBookFlowers #day8 #BodyOfWater The body of water in this particular story is the Tasman Sea. Phryne Fisher is hired by P&O Cruises to find a jewel thief onboard the SS Hinemoa, on a cruise from Melbourne to New Zealand. With her companion Dot they navigate shipboard romances, erotic photographers, jealous husbands & some of the most beautiful sunsets & harbours in the world. Even a fjord & glacier! Gorgeous.
#LyricalApril #day6 #Sail These two books are set on cruise ships.The first, Death By Water, sees Phryne hired by P&O to investigate jewel thefts onboard their ships.She sets sail on the S.S Hinemoa on a cruise to New Zealand with her maid Dot.The 2nd A Decline In Prophets is the 2nd book in the Rowland Sinclair series & sees Rowly & his friends on a ship,R.M.S Aquitainia,back to Sydney after the events of the first novel. Then people start dying.
Took me longer than usual to finish this book, not because it was boring but because I've been tempted by my new comfy lounge, to just sit in splendor & chill on pay tv & Netflix. But I have resisted temptation today & finished No15 in The Hon.Phryne Fisher series. Phryne & Dot have escaped their noisy house & joined a P&O cruise to New Zealand to catch a jewel thief. As always, Phryne's adventures are entertaining, & her clothes are beautiful.4⭐️
After a headache induced night of lying on my new lounge watching Netflix, I'm starting the next Phryne Fisher in the series. Phryne & Dot have escaped their crowded home & embarked on a P&O cruise. Management have asked her to look into a series of burglaries on the ship, so inbetween romances, cocktails & jazz musicians, she's on the hunt for a thief amongst the first class passengers. This is Bk15 in the series. #phryneismyspiritanimal