Took myself on a breakfast date today. Miss Daisy just out of shot.
Took myself on a breakfast date today. Miss Daisy just out of shot.
Low pick because I bounced hard off the physical copy with the weird pidgin talk writing BUT the audio was perfect because you didn't have to figure out how the words worked you just heard them as they should sound. It was a little bit misogynistic and overtly libertarian but there were still a lot of interesting ideas being floated around.
Ugh! Strange syntax by our hero, characters in blackface, endless and confusing descriptions about sleeper cells, the inner workings of Luna and a computer named Mike, all of which leads up to a revolution which I assume happens. Made it to 40%, but just didn't care enough to find out if they were successful or not. I guess this reader is a harsh reviewer.
I can't believe it's already time for July #BookSpin lists! I may not have gotten around to June's picks yet (I plan to make up for that in July) but I've still subbed them out for the next round. This month's new additions are The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and This Alien Shore.
This gave me everything I‘ve come to expect from Heinlein: an engaging, agenda-driven story I found interesting to interrogate and argue with. In many areas, I feel like he reaches for admirable concepts but falls short by contemporary standards. For example, the women often hold powerful positions and sexual assault is considered abhorrent, but patriarchal attitudes prevail. Also, racial diversity doesn‘t eliminate racist attitudes—or blackface.
Did some #audiocarving. I wanted to do a couple more pumpkins this year, but Superstore sold out before I could get back there. Poop. Still I‘m glad I got to tackle two patterns I love. The hand reaching out of the grave was a Pizza Hotline ad before I gave it the stencil treatment, while Mona Lisa‘s my mum‘s perennial favourite.
I made it a bit further into THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS while I performed routine wig maintenance and selected this year‘s pumpkin stencils.
I‘m conflicted about this book. I‘m interested in how it tackles the mechanics of revolution, and I like that the characters can disagree on some political points without losing sight of their common goals. At the same time, though, Heinlein throws in blackface and “jokey” false rape allegations. Ugh.
I did some #audiocooking since I still don‘t feel great and I figured some substantive food might help. My mapo tofu-inspired scramble isn‘t as good with leftover ground pork as with sausage, but it‘ll still fill my belly.
I‘m now at 3:51 for the Readathon. I‘ve finished two things I‘d already started (SWEET DISORDER by Rose Lerner and APOCALYPSE SUITE by Way & Bá) and bailed on two romances for poor chemistry. Onward! #deweyoct #readathon
I took an #audiowalk to get some Readathon supplies and found a pretty tree!
I LOVE book cover puzzles! This science fiction one was fun (and quick) to put together. My wife and I managed to solve it in a couple of hours and did some audio puzzling to American Predator. Books, books, and more books!!📚
Today is the New Moon in Gemini! It‘s been a crazy long weekend for me. I found this photo on Instagram and thought it was lovely. I love the moon and this could be me giving it a loving kiss. The new moon is the perfect time to set new goals. Implement new desires. A fresh start a time to manifest dreams . What goal do you want to set for this season? Answer in the comments! #moonreflections
#BookNDinner! #Vietnamese Edition! Accompaniment this chilly and sunny evening: a pork dish and Thai iced tea. MMMMmmm 😋!
It's cloudy; it may even rain. I thought today would be a great day to start The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. #wednesdayreading #scifi
#BookNDessert! Accompaniment this frigid and windy evening: chocolate ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate syrup! MMMMmmmm 😋! Happy reads & happy eats! 😎👌🏻
I eat soooo much healthier than @BookBabe . 😂👏🏻
#BookNDinner! Accompaniment this frigid and windy evening: garlic-parmesan wings with ranch (already done 😆), cheddar cheeseburger with mushrooms & frizzy onions & bourbon-bbq sauce, French fried, and iced tea. MMMMmmm 😋! Happy reads & happy eats! 😎👌🏻
#BookNBreakfast! Accompaniment this warmer and bright morning was: a sausage-cheddar omelette, hash browns, toast, and English Breakfast tea. MMMMMmmm 😋! Happy reads & happy eats! 😎👌🏻
Picked these two up at a used bookstore during a visit with @JessNevertheless a couple weeks ago. Book browsing is one of our favorite things to do together. Also snagged this picture of them against her infamous massive bookshelves for that litsy aesthetic.
Should I start one of these next? Looking for a short easy read..
My #bookhaul arrived! Y‘all, I can‘t even begin to tell you how excited I am to jump into these. Sadly, I‘m neck deep in several books at this time and I have a decently sized backlog. BUT I AM STILL SUPER EXCITED!
#nonfiction #scifi #horror
The year is 1966. Yes, I know the book is set in 2076. Yet, it is about as mid-sixties as they come. Its themes are: the fascination with the moon, space travel and computers; commune-like family structures and the role of women; and rebellion, politics and authority. Its is written in a fake Russian accent; it ceaselessly objectifies and sexualizes women; and much of it is spent in boring bureaucratic meetings. Semi-enjoyable time capsule. ⭐⭐⭐/5
Managed to finish this audio today before Audible snatched it away from Channels. Surprisingly very good. Took me a while to get in to the story but I ended up really liking it.
There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.
"Oh, I don't mean I would keep him dogged down. I don't think it matters where a man eats lunch as long as he comes home for dinner."
Gotta love those good ol' fashioned patriarchal values in the guise of free love feminism. Go libertarianism, go! The book may take place in 2075, but the sexism is totally 1966. Now I see why the movie of "Starship Troopers" was adapted as such a farce.
"TANSTAFL!" For #booktober day 10, this book is (kinda) #outofthisworld. Set on the moon in the future, a community of outcasts faces war and computers that think for themselves. It's been a looooong time since I read this book in a dystopian lit class in college, but I remember being intrigued.
Somewhere between the American Revolution, and the settlement of Australia, but set in space. Heinlein brings his signature Liberty loving style. Highly recommend.