Does this even really need to be said? It‘s so busy and backed up this time of year. 😩 Sorry ‘bout it.
Does this even really need to be said? It‘s so busy and backed up this time of year. 😩 Sorry ‘bout it.
This is the gospel. As a first time mom of someone who‘s on the cusp of toddling, I identify heavily with this book. Bunmi is hilarious and not afraid to say that parenting sometimes just plain sucks.
I was excited to get my hands on a new short story by Oates, but I don‘t know what to make of it. The ambiguity is thick. Is it a story of a teacher acting inappropriately towards her students? Is it a story of a boy who couldn‘t suppress his sexual deviance and “embellished” their interactions in his own mind? A little of both? It would be a much better as a full-length novel, rather than a 70 page quickie.
Hi, getting political for a second, so we don‘t all have to spend $200 a month just to access apps like Litsy. Congress can still kill this. Call your leaders. Reverse the reverse; it‘s the worst game of Uno ever.
This book is giving me so many feelings. Could you imagine having to stop caring for and feeding your own child because you‘re forced to feed and tend to someone else‘s? The traumas black wet nurses experienced then are still felt today; though they have increased, there is still a large discrepancy between the breastfeeding rates of black mothers and white mothers. This is why events like Black Breastfeeding Week are so critical.
I wasn‘t going to start yet another book (What is that? 4 now? 😶), but I needed something I could listen to on my run. This was probably the wrong one to choose, because I was crying while trying to run and breathe and push a stroller. I looked like I really hate working out, when I was just that moved by this powerful book. The best narration I‘ve listened to all year!
1. So many...... so........ many..............
2. Bologna sandwiches with Lays chips smooshed inside of them. It‘s a childhood thing.
3. Absolutely not.
4. Going to an archery range to shoot my bow! Turning in overdue library books (BAD). Finishing Christmas shopping.
5. Not Florida. 😒
My front office had all kinds of goodies hidden away for me “from last week”! I‘m so stoked @TricksyTails ! Thank you for this box of awesome. I can almost promise it‘ll stay sealed until Christmas. But if the baby happens to open it for me... Well, I can‘t control that. 😉 And thank you to @That-Bookish-Hiker for these creeptacular bookmarks! I‘m in love with them all! Please keep a lookout for your package! It‘s inbound (finally).
I feel like I‘ve been waiting ages on the library‘s waitlist for this!
First and foremost, if the subject of sexual abuse is particularly bothersome to you, please just avoid the book. I enjoy Hutchison‘s wry writing, just not the way she develops her characters. Most of this story is just not believable and pretty convoluted. It was hard to connect to the main protagonist and share in her motivations. I felt like screaming “DO SOMETHING.” the entire time. Luckily, peripheral characters saved the story for me.
If y‘all get a second to read this piece in Time, please do. ❤️ Gillian is as brilliant as ever.
1. Little Baby Bum. All day. Everyday.
2. The headband I‘m wearing to help my bangs grow out.
3. The Office makes me laugh and cry. ❤️
4. https://fondoodler.com
5. My Best Friend‘s Exorcism is funny and ridiculous and horrifying. I‘m planning on reading it one more time before the year is up.
What are some of your favorite songs or genres to listen to while reading or to get into a reading mood? I‘m rebuilding my reading playlist from scratch, since Spotify is dead to me.
The feminism is strong in this one. Mr. Harris develops his female characters quite impressively. He doesn‘t reduce them to love interests or use as catalysts for male characters to flourish; they fight, resist, and use their brains. Not often are they helpless, but when they are, they don‘t need a knight. Starling is the most badass, tenacious feminist character I‘ve encountered this year, hands down.
And how can you not love Dr. Lecter?
I‘m such a horrible person for how long I‘ve laughed at this quote. If I had to sum up the book in one sentence, well...
This makes sense, considering the book does not. I suggest reading the last 80-something pages, before you try the first 200; they explain his, uh, thought processes or lack thereof. It‘s not necessarily a bad book, especially when you understand the backstory. Just don‘t expect it to flow with much logic.
Drugs are bad m‘kay?
I‘m rewatching all of the Peanut‘s Christmas movies and when Linus straight up tells Sally that he‘s not her sweet baboo and that he “wouldn‘t invite her to a chicken race”, my mouth DROPPED. I don‘t remember him being such a sassy pants. 😂😂😂
1. The the left: My son just discovered the kitchen cabinets have treasure in them. On the right: My son going through various stages of crisis, because his mother wanted to read a book.
2. Cooking, screaming internally, discovering new music, hiking/going for walks
3. Lychee and cabbage
4. I did! $5 at AC Moore!
5. When i find the thing, I‘ll be sure to that (:
Feel better. ❤️
I started reading this to lighten my mood from reading too much about Hannibal Lecter for one day. I‘ve just come full circle.
Jenny is a gift to the world.
I acquired some other goodies to make up for it. Swear. #bookmarkswap #isuck #iDidntForgetImJustSLOW
Starling is one of the most well-written feminist characters, ever. ICONIC. Don‘t shrink yourself for anyone.
Wow! Look at all that great food you can‘t eat yet! 😅 Do I tell him now or let him figure it out later? #happyfriendsgiving #LitsyEats
Easy recipes for a novice vegan written with some colorful language. Full of useful tips for those who might not not know their way around a kitchen yet. Perfect gift for a college bound kid or newlyweds!
@TricksyTails thanks for the tag, friend!
1. Gillian Flynn (if she‘ll ever write again 😩), Grady Hendrix, Sarah Andersen, Allie Brosh, Jenny Lawson, Haruki Murakami, William Peter Blatty, JRR Tolkien
2. Allie Brosh‘s book that won‘t be out until 2034.
3. Tea, lychee, chocolate, coffee
4. Literally anything.
5. Cooking and eating, hiking, dyeing my hair weird colors, being a mom
6. POTATOES. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.
I always wondered how Jane Austin would feel about this rendition of her work. I, personally, think it‘s kickass.
Thanks @Clwojick for the tag! 😊
1. Horror or mystery. True crime. Surrealist/weird lit are both great too. I love novels and graphic novels.
2. Authors who can horrify me and make me laugh. My favs include: Grady Hendrix, William Peter Blatty, Gillian Flynn, Allie Brosh, and Jenny Lawson.
3. Romance. I get so bored.
4. Sci-Fi
5. Probably, definitely anything “written” by Donald Trump
6. If i tag you, and you‘ve done it already, I‘m sorry!
I think this part was written to be horrifying, but instead, it‘s hilarious. Dr. Lecter is my favorite person.
1. Recently, people trying to feed my 7 month old food without permission. 😒👊
2. A toss up between Dillard, Ga and St. Augustine, Fl
3. Big Book of Serial Killers 1400-something pages
4. NOS4A2 counts?
5. You have to fight the last literary monster you read about with the closest thing to you that‘s orange: What monster is it and what are you fighting it with?
Look at this face. This face isn‘t going to let me read or work on projects in peace today, is it? 😩💕
Today was a very, very long day, but I got to come home to the most beautiful surprise. 😍😍😍 (My husband opened it. I‘m calling the police.) You are an incredible, lovely human @Booksnchill ! Young Frankenstein is one of my favorite movies in the entire world. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yours will be in the mail by Saturday!
#WHATHUMP? #it‘sPronouncedI-gore #bookmarkswap
Corny, gory fun! I remember watching the movie as a terribly unsupervised child, over and over. 😂
I‘ve been slowly incorporating more veggies and health into my diet. Last year, when I decided to adopt a “more vegan” lifestyle, I found out that I was pregnant and had HG, because of course. I could only tolerate salami sandwiches and grits for about 4 months. This cookbook is equal parts hilarious and helpful. Any vegetarian/vegan Littens who‘d like to throw in some tips or recipes for my new journey, they‘d be greatly appreciated. 😙
I‘m ashamed that i haven‘t read more Gaiman. This graphic novel is beautiful and brings out all my mushy feelings about cats! 😭
This book has so much girl power in it. It‘s fantastic.
Isn‘t this wild? Nowadays, a large majority of people (in the US anyway) can‘t even handle seeing an infant being breastfed in public, so I‘m sure the same people look at a mom like she has two heads if she dare breastfeeds a child over the age of two. When did something so natural and beneficial become such taboo?
Okay, I‘m descending my lactivist soapbox.
In no particular order:
1. Tomie, Junji Ito
2. Rage, Richard Bachman (Stephen King)
3. Satan Loves You, Grady Hendrix
4. Every Last Lie, Mary Kubica
5. Hunger, Roxane Gay
• Gandalf/Amy Dunne (The INTJs)
• The Wanderer
• March
• Apartment life. :(
• 1 poop guy, 7 months
• tea, WINE, bad horror movies, baking, witch trial history, brains (psych major)
• 1-4
• Kindle, but I‘ll always love physical.
• I Saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus, The Ronettes
• I try to have every holiday at our place, so I can cook for people.
• Chunky
• Fic
• red bean mochi
• William Peter Blatty
#noteworthyNovember, day 13: My love of cats over people #quirks
I rarely read much poetry and when I️ do, I️ like to go back to it every now and again to digest it slowly, but I read this in one setting. I️ couldn‘t help it. Not every poem is pretty and flows easily. Some are quite purposely jarring and crass. I️ love them all the same. Calling it now, Flose Boursiquot is going to be huge. I‘m honored to have her first published book.
Every time I go to buy books, I try to grab something at random in a genre I️ usually don‘t buy. This time I picked up Flose Boursiquot‘s debut book of poetry. Her work is so raw and feminist, bravely shining light on the current issues that plague our nation and world, including but not limited to, racism, white privilege, misogyny, sexual assault, and class inequalities. She‘s a powerful voice for this generation.
This is the cutest comic. A reminder that platonic love is every bit as important and longed for as romantic love. Have we not all felt this way?