Just finished this. I think I just need to be left with my feelings.
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Some of the dialogue didn‘t flow and there was more “romance” in it than I was expecting but bah, still a brilliant read and highly recommended.
Just finished this. I think I just need to be left with my feelings.
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Some of the dialogue didn‘t flow and there was more “romance” in it than I was expecting but bah, still a brilliant read and highly recommended.
I wanted to love this book. And I really did. Truly stunning tale told with grace and intelligence. I regret that it was on my ‘to read‘ pile for so long.
So many feels right now. I just need to be left with my feelings.
It took me a few chapters to get into this book as Ali Smith has an unconventional writing style. But once I‘d got my eye in, I found this to be a beautiful book about a friendship between an older man and younger woman with Brexit as the backdrop. It made my heart ache at times and laugh at others. Would recommend.
Now onto Orwell.
I think I made a mistake watching the film adaption first, although a few years ago. I didn‘t fall in love but can see why people do. It‘s not one I‘ll pick up again.
Well - I am a bit “meh” about this book. It didn‘t tell me anything that hadn‘t already been reported in the media and I didn‘t think it was well written. I read it due to the hype. I am not recommending nor recommending this.
I am trying to read a few more classics. I have just finished this - just brilliant. Dickens was a wonderful writer and I really identified with Wemmick. Not necessarily the duel personality but certainly the castle. A great hideaway from the woes of life. His paradise. #classic #classicliterature #dickens
A really lovely read for any music fan.
Absolutely brilliant book. Well researched and well written. Admittedly it did take me a while to read as I started it and then put it down for a while. That is not the books fault. I just wasn‘t ready for it at the time. F
This is a recommended read. It is difficult to read in some of the scenes because you feel yourself abhorred by what is happening and by some of the women‘s actions in the book, asking yourself how someone could do that to a person. But then you remember, the events Alderman has written about whilst not in any historical timeline has happened at point in history. They are still happening today. To women throughout the world. And that made me sad.
Merry Christmas. Yeay. Books.
Would recommend this to anyone interested in our current situation. She makes many good points. On how Trump has built his brand and how that helped in becoming President and that he is a culmination of the neoliberal project.
Lines like that make me feel queasy. "Waiting for homeowners to default". Really? Betting on people's lives. No wonder the system crashed....
I've had this audio book downloaded for a while and I keep dipping in and out of it. This is a book that on audio is actually quite hard going because it asks you to complete exercises (I listen to audiobooks when driving). But yesterday I picked it up again as I'm at a crossroads professionally and did find it a helpful exercise. It may just take me another few months of dipping in and out to finish it though!
Great film. Great book. My call to the wild is nowhere as extreme as McCandless' though. I like camping in the Peak District from time to time. There is no way I could disappear completely on my own but I can certainly see the appeal. This book is a cautionary tale and it depends on your opinion on McCandless as to if you'll enjoy it. I did and would definitely recommend.
I do love time off. I just get to read and read and read some more. Brilliant book by Bill McKibben. A must read. It does batter you down into a fit of depression through the first half but makes up for it in the second half as he lays out his plan on how we are going to proceed forward into the new world. #climatechange #booksforadifferentworld
And that is what scares me the most. #climatechange #booksforabetterworld
Reading this thinking of the huge and catastrophic climate events currently taking place. Being from the UK we are thankfully largely sheltered from big events in our little, rainy country but that won't always remain so. Not on our current trajectory. #climatechange #booksforabetterworld
Half way through the monster book of Middlemarch but feeling the need on this dreary Monday morning to read about wilding ones soul. #booksforabetterworld #iwanttobreakfree
As a keen gardener I love Gardeners World and it's main presenter, Monty Don. His voice has a calming voice about my favourite animal.
I tried to buy this in a book shop in Whitby but they didn't have it in stock. The lady asked me why I wanted it as I looked too old to be sitting my A levels. I informed her I wanted to read it, for fun. She just chuckled. What have I let myself in for? #georgeliot #literature
I have just read this one in two days. It was a good interlude to my usual heavy political texts. It is not the best written or even the best story but it's interesting enough with some interesting characters. I will finish the series and then get back to my serious non fiction reading.
Finally getting round to reading this having just raided a second hand book shop in Whitby. So far so good. I usually read non fiction so fiction is a nice change. #divergent
Unfortunately Litsy doesn't list this so I've suggested it. A Life More Noble.
Finally finished. There is a lot of information in this book. I will have to go back to it in the future and reread certain chapters. Essentially he promotors the idea of running an economy that is socially just, universal income and powerful information structures. I agree with most of what he says. Again, if you're a politics geek like me then go for it and read it!
I should have this book finished today. It's been quite a read.
Lunchtime reading. Seriously can I run away to the woods yet? #nooksforabetterworld #wouldratherbereadingathome #notwork
I don't think Mill would disagree with Marx. #mill #marx #leisuretime #booksforabetterworld
Just finished this absolute beast of a book. A lovely account of John Stuart Mills life. Of course you may not be a political nerd like me and therefore find it heavy going. If you do enjoy politics and the works of Mill I'd thoroughly recommend it. If not then maybe you can spend three weeks reading something else.
Back from holiday. My tutor has just lent me this biography of John Stuart Mill. This will keep me busy for a few weeks I should say!
#utilitarian #liberalism
I've admired Alys Fowler for a number of years due to her appearances on gardening shows so when she released this book I didn't know what to expect. I was met by a personal story of her marriage breakdown and falling in love with a woman, so beautifully written you felt the heart ache and the love she must have felt. Mixed in with plant lore, history of Birmingham's canals and industrial past. Truly a lovely book.
Onto the fourth book this week. Why am I not on holiday all of the time so that I can read 24/7? Oh yeh. I'm no where near rich enough. Bah!!!
We live in a world where we can instantly download things and send cruel messages in an instant. Proper letter writing is a dying act. For environmental sake that is perhaps a good thing but not for the old romance of letter writing.
Onto the next one. I love holidays. I read a lot of non fiction so chilling out with a story. #holidayreading
Just finished this. Taken me a few weeks although granted I did read a few others as well. For a biography of Marx it is fantastic and brings his life alive. Agree with him or not he has had a huge influence on political economy. I have much respect for him and the ending did bring me to tears. Bit awkward on a beach reading about Karl Marx. #marx #holiday
I don't think Karl Marx had reading it in the sun on holiday in mind when he wrote his works...
I had a little bit too much to drink last night so not feeling great today so treated myself to a book shop visit to stock up on books before we go on holiday. #orwell #orwellian #politics #personaljourney #holidayreads