A short story about what happens when 16 year old Geraldine discovers she is pregnant. The available options in the 60s. Choices. Decisions. Moving on. Coming full circle. Short. Intense. Incredible character development for such a short story!
A short story about what happens when 16 year old Geraldine discovers she is pregnant. The available options in the 60s. Choices. Decisions. Moving on. Coming full circle. Short. Intense. Incredible character development for such a short story!
Beautiful historical fiction! A London bookshop owner, recently widowed, is asked to take on a Jewish refuge child. Gertie reluctantly agrees, and 15 year old Hedy arrives. Through teenage angst, language barriers, and air raids, a bond forms between Gertie and Hedy, but what happened to Hedy's parents and brother? A story of sacrifice, love, loss, how books can save lives, more love, and... Loved it!
Listening to the iconic Bob Newhart read this audio book was truly a pleasure! His dry sense of humor, sense of timing, and hesitant way of speaking just made this so much fun!
An Austrian family with Jewish roots is torn apart by the war when both parents lose their lives to the nazis and sisters, Sophie and Hannah are separated. Younger sister Hannah escapes with an American couple who are rescuing children &returning to the states to place them in new homes. Older sister Sophie goes into service as a Royal librarian at Windsor Castle. Dual timelines between the war and the present find us meeting (cont in comments)..
Another fabulous addition to my collection of Little People, Big Dreams books. Young (and not so young) comic book readers will enjoy this book, I even learned a few new things myself! Love the last page, it has a wonderful message for children and young readers😊
This book deserves as many stars as Simone has medals! I love the LPBD series so much, but this might be the most impactful, important, one I've read! I just watched an interview with Simone, she was talking about her mental health struggles & the abuse from Larry Nassar. This book speaks simply, but powerfully about these issues. Appropriately so for younger children. Two incredibly important topics to bring awareness to! Bravo, a beautiful book!
John Muir's Little Book of Essential Quotations is essential for any tree hugging, forest loving, bookish reader out there! I was reading another book and the author referenced John Muir and several of his quotes. Don't you just love it when one book leads you to other books you must read?!? (The book I was reading is called Wild Walking). I devoured the wise words in this little gem of a book and will now be going back to (cont in comments)...
I am a self-professed tree hugging, forest bathing, book lover, & lifelong reader. I've always been drawn to the woods, I need trees to survive. It turns out I'm not alone in feeling this way! Beautifully illustrated & full of interesting facts, plus hints & tips to creating a personalized experience for yourself & perhaps others. I enjoyed this book so much (thanks to Net Galley) that I have pre-ordered a hardcover copy when it releases in June.
Set in St Helier, Jersey
during the nazi occupation of the channel islands... The Wartime Book Club is a story of how books, & ordinary people doing extraordinary things can save lives! A story of bravery and survival, of commitment and dedication, of friendship & love. Of family, and what makes up a family. I enjoyed this book so much! Side note... I would love to see this story. Continue with Grace's granddaughter Poppy, & her island bookstore!
This book was recommended to me by my book club friends. This is a perfect book for book loving foodies! Mix one dry sense of humor, a dollop or two of nostalgia, a large dose of insight, a handful of appreciation, and a penchant for honesty, and you end up with this delectable morsel of a book! It is impossible to listen to these sexy descriptions of food without wanting to cook and eat your way through this book. So be warned,(cont in comments)
True story, i'm not a "Swiftie". Don't get me wrong, I like some of her music, but I am not a crazed fan. I am a huge fan of the little people big dreams series, and I really did enjoy this book! Excellent background and history, wonderful illustrations, an engaging story.
Dual timelines 1944 & 2011. Kitty and Charlie. Christopher and Kitty. Jack and Amy. Charlie and Kitty. Amy and Jack. First love, second chances. I can't tell you how much this book made me smile. Yes, there are sad parts, tender parts, emotional and difficult parts, but in the end, this book just makes my heart smile. Lorna Cook is becoming a master of historical fiction and a wonderful storyteller.
Awe, This is the sweetest, coolest book! This tree hugging, forest, loving, lifelong reader will be buying this for her grandkids💕 The author wrote this book after being inspired by a true story out of the Netherlands. Young lily asks for a tree for her birthday after visiting a forest. She names her tree. George and takes him for walks around the neighborhood to get fresh air and sunlight. What happens on those walks is (cont in comments)...
College professor Maddie receives a letter. Telling her that the grandmother she thought died many years ago has recently died and she has inherited her home and properties. Obviously upset over the fact that the grandmother she thought had died, has been alive all of these years Maddie heads to Martha's Vineyard to meet with the lawyer handling this case. Maddie learns that she is 1/2 Native American and her intuition tells her(cont in comments)
2 thumbs up, 5 stars, best read of 2024, and it will be hard to beat! Disclaimer: I've never been overly interested in the royals, never really followed what was going on outside of what made I headines. I didn't listen to this book when it first came out, there was so much talk about it that I didn't want it to influence my thoughts and again, I was just never that overly interested. Several people personally recommended this(cont in comments)...
I know I keep saying it, but I love this series! Truly one of the best kids series out there, and it's equally enjoyable for adults. I always learn something new, and this is such an inspiring, captivating story for children.
Started slow, picked up speed, and then I couldn't put it down. The setting is the quaint village of Finfarran, filled with quirky characters. A story of going home, of starting over, of villagers coming together to support one another, and for the common good. Feel good vibes and heartwarming fellowship.
One mysterious book, 2 sisters, 3 women, and a timeline of 8 years. The Library of Congress sends librarian Emmy Clarke overseas to Germany to help retrieve and catalog a vast collection of literature plundered by the nazis. Emmy becomes intrigued when she finds a book with personal messages inside and his compelled to return it to the rightful owner. What follows is a gripping story of resistance, betrayal, survival, and love.
"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul"
I'm currently reading/listening to 5 books.
Two of them, one Historical Fiction, the other a Memoir, have referenced this poem!
A strange and interesting literary coincidence ?
#BookNerd #LoveMyBookishLife #Read2Day #Messages
Short, sweet, touching. This book is described as "a series of short connected poems". These poems intermingled with beautiful artwork tell the touching love story of a Canadian couple. I enjoyed this sweet book, my only disappointment was that it was so short. But also, it was perfect ?
The cover and title would lead one to believe this would be a "beach read" but don't be deceived, this is mid-range suspense mix with romance. Rival twin brothers, Remy & Bastian, are the beneficiaries of a privileged childhood, and the privilege continues into their young adult lives. Continuously blaming each other and both refusing to be held accountable for any of their actions finally catches up to them when Remy's fiance(cont in comments)...
Beautiful story! Amazing research, rich with historical facts and beautifully descriptive details. You will love the strong( despite the fact that she thinks of herself as delicate) and spunky character of Alix! A beautiful story told by seamlessly weaving two time lines and two countries together in a way that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Book #30 (30!) In the Lucy Stone cozy mystery series. I've been following this series since lucy's kids were toddlers, the senior dog, a puppy, her journalism/reporting career in its infancy. Now the kids are grown, there's a grandchild, and the senior dog is slowing way down. But some things never change in Tinker's Cove and one of those things is murder and lucy will always find her way into the center of the mayhem. For a (cont in comments)...
This book has a ton of information that's great for a beginner! Simple to follow detailed explanations. Some history. I the ticket and lay fascinated by the section on chakras, & what yoga passes and crystals alighn when each chakra. So interesting, so informational. Truly a wonderful guide and handbook, one that I will continue to reference as I learn more and implement more into my practice.
I love this book! This made my heart's smile, just like this cute little pot does. Easy to read, filled with practical advice and words of up wisdom, & inspirational. So many passages highlighted! So many good quotes but my favorite is "live as if you were to die tomorrow. learn as if you were to live forever." Powerful, insightful, meaningful!
I have started and failed to complete this book on more than one occasion. It just wasn't engaging me. It lingered in my started, but not finished Kindle books and seemed to be taunting me every time I saw it. This year was the year I was going to finish it and do some clearing of the kindle. I think when I initially ordered the book (years ago), I thought it was gonna be more of a daily devotional, like one minute a day with(cont in comments)...
Just started listening to this one, hooked already!
The principal event in Never Too Late is a July 4th New York City attack even greater than 911. Although I'm not excited to entertain the notion of another attack on that scale, the rest of the book was pretty enjoyable. The family dynamics and the formation of friendship under such circumstances was interesting. Eye opening to see the things that might be holding someone back and the idea of it never being too late to follow (cont in comments)...
First in this new series... Coyote Canyon #1, Tulalah's story. Talulah returns to Coyote Canyon to deal with her great aunt's death funeral, house and estate. She immediately encounters the brother of the fiancé she left at the altar, her great aunt's interesting and outspoken neighbor, and soon enough, her jilted fiance. 14 years and since long enough to dissolve the grudge held by her ex fiance and the majority of his (cont in comments)...
Recommended by my yoga teacher, loving this book! Daily inspiration 💕
And unlikely group of mostly strangers come together to form the Bordeux book club. Each member is dealing with their own real life issues; Keeping so busy you won't notice your own discontent, caregiving for your sick mum while you're still at an age when you need your mum to care for you, slightly shy & awkward, a new mom who's lonely & dealing with postpartum depression, Dealing with teenage daughter angst... While worrying(cont in comments)
Still, one of my favorite kids series! The illustrations will capture children's attention, the text is simple and inspiring, and I always end up learning something new! Focus particularly inspirational and gives new meaning to conquering the mountain!
I love Trader Joe's and I love cooking! This is a great cookbook for busy people who want to eat well. The recipes are well written & easy to follow, simple directions & beautiful pictures! The paper quality isn't great-the pages are a bit thin, and I'd be happy to pay a few $$ more to get a better quality, more durable product. Also, keep in mind that many Trader Joe's products are seasonal & although I didn't see many of(cont in comments)...
Sunday Mugday, # Mugshots
Happiness is a new mug and new cookbooks 😊
#BirthdayGifts #HappyGirl #TeaTime
This beautiful cookbook is a feast for all the senses! Pictures of artful food presentations, recipes from fairly basic, to new twists on classics, to a bit more upscale. The author includes lots of hints & tips on how to put together a beautiful bounty, how to plan it from concept to table- every detail. This is a book you will reference, use, and display. just beautiful!
Love this series. The illustrations are always wonderful and eye catching for kids. I especially loved the illustration of Beyoncé. Big roar, beautiful! So fun to read this series with kids, adults will enjoy it too.
I knew I would like this book, but I enjoyed it even more than I anticipated! My # is #LoveMyBookishLife so, how could I not love it! I love Nina's humor, her lists made me LOL, & her commitment to her lists and her schedule is quite on par with mine. A book about a book worm who works in a bookstore and loves nothing more than going home to hang out with her cat and read. Sub my dog for her cat & it's me 😅 Quiet, calm, (cont in comments)...
I don't know how long it will last, but so far, I'm ahead of schedule 😁📚
Meh. A few interesting personal stories and helpful-ish facts interspersed with a lot of what amounted to "blah blah blah" and I felt myself zoning out over and over. I don't usually quit on books, but I was tempted with this one. I've read a lot of these types of books over the last year, and typically I am fascinated by the content, but this one just wasn't for me.
Ugh, mixed feelings on this one! As a newly minted semi retiree, I was excited to read this book written by a longtime local TV personality. It's a thin, short book. If you were to remove all of the quotes & excerpts, it would have been even shorter. Not that they weren't relevant, but... I think I was looking for more original content. There were definitely parts I enjoyed, things that resonated with me, but overall it just(cont in comments)...
Such a sweet, heartwarming story
of a mother's love for her daughter. Her laborr of love building her daughter a library book by book, year by year. A story of viewing a situation from a different perspective and how it changes what you've always thought. A story of patience, of forgiveness. A story of relationships; Mother-daughter, lifelong friends, husband's and wives, neighbors and acquaintances. Not everything or (cont in comments)...
Wow! Reading this book was like watching a movie in my mind. The descriptions are so real, I literally winced and looked away from my kindle more than once. The roller coaster ride of emotions, the raw honesty, the hurt and the anger, the pain, and the injustice. The lifelong bonds of friendship and support that were made. And the ending, the ending moved me to tears. This story is a story that was just waiting to be told & (cont in comments)...
I would probably give this and almost 4 ⭐️ rating. Not quite what I was expecting but still good. It is labeled as chick lit, fiction & contemporary. The title, to me, suggested more of a "spiritual, go with the flow, the universe will provide" kind of a theme. In reality I feel like it was somewhere in the middle of all of this. A midlife crisis leads to a journey (literally & figuratively) of self discovery, (cont in comments)...
4.5 ⭐️s!
Love, love, loved this book! This is the follow up/conclusion to One Day With You. As with One Day With You, this book also takes place over the course of 1 day. 24 hours. I love that format! This book brings in some fascinating new characters but also brings the story of Tess and Noah to a satisfying conclusion. Excellent characters,
some you will love and some you will love to hate. Excellent character development (cont in comments)...
In my opinion, this is Lynn Austin's BEST book yet! The era, the story; stunning scene descriptions and a story so beautifully told. The character development is phenomenal! An intricately woven tale of three generations of Stanhope women, set in New York during the "Gilded Era". Two great loves, 2 great loves lost. So many "lessons". Junietta, Sylvia, and Adelaide work through grief (so realistically written!) Cont in comments
Reading Just Another Day at Your Local Public Library by Roz Warren just made me want to read more by this humorist author! Our bodies, our shelves, has some repeated stories from Just Another Day but many of them are original to this book, and we do get a little bit more insight into the author and her day as a librarian. A "just for fun" read that is guaranteed to make you smile if not laugh out loud...
Thanks to Net Galley for allowing me to read another LPBD book to my read list. This is a fantastic series, always beautifully illustrated, and full of information that will engage both children and adults.
This quick read is engaging in entertaining, I enjoyed the evolution of the mother-daughter relationship. I think my favorite character would be Ben's daughter, Amanda & IMO, we didn't get to know her nearly well enough. Beyond that it was cookie cutter DS, repetitive, & predictable. A "good enough" book on par with DS's writing the last few years. I prefer the quality & content of the books that DS wrote when she wasn't writing 5-6 books a year?
If you love books, libraries, & a good sense of humor, then this is a must read book! This was our 2024 kick off book for book club; a year of reading books about books... Straight from the librarians mouth, this is a collection of humorous responses to frequent Library occurrences and questions. A compilation from both the authors library, & librarians across the country. From puzzling, to funny, to cringe worthy, such a fun read!