So we set our wedding date yesterday and now im trying to figure out how to incorporate books into my wedding decorations 😊
So we set our wedding date yesterday and now im trying to figure out how to incorporate books into my wedding decorations 😊
Cannot get the whole pic in, but this is my current read. I think the cover has a 50s noir creepy feel.
Read this book this month. Taking me back to my youth. Reminded me how much I loved it.
Finished this book on the weekend. I had my ups and downs in this book. It made me sad, angry, frustrated with the system and happy. A book written by a strong lady.
Finished this book this week. Took me a little bit to get into it as the start is a bit slow, but the roller-coaster ride the book takes you on in the main characters survival kept me intrigued. I ended up really liking it.
Some of the books i brought from a charity bookfest on the weekend.
This is the first book i have ever cried at the end. Told from the perspective of a teenage girl who knows she is going to die.
Beautifully written!!!
I just finished this book. It took awhile for me to get into the book due to it being a bit confusing with discussion of the political issues in Isreal at the time it was written. But once Ingot around all of that it was your typical murder mystery book. Very enjoyable.
I think I have already beat this number and im only 37, who else thinks this?? #booktrivia #books
Have decided to give the popsugar 2017 reading challenge a go #popsugar #readingchallenge #2017
This is why I love being on holidays, I can get my ebay purchases before the fiance comes home. Got these before I put myself on a book buying ban.
I posted before that I really couldn't get into this book, but I stuck with it and I am really liking it. And to top it of, the book is based in Isreal and I kust finished watching an episode of Bizarre foods based in Israel that came on while I was reading the book.
This is my current read. Have only just started it but I am already finding it a bit confusing due the all of the foreign language in it and having to go back and forward to work out what is being said. I hope the more i get into it the more I can keep up with it.