This genre is one that I would never usually pick up! But this book had me sad, happy, and then angry. I was not an ending I was expecting. I really want to watch this film now 😍. What did anyone think of the film compared to the book!!??
This genre is one that I would never usually pick up! But this book had me sad, happy, and then angry. I was not an ending I was expecting. I really want to watch this film now 😍. What did anyone think of the film compared to the book!!??
I picked up this series by complete accident one day a few years ago. At the time it was so good... but after reading again last year it may be one i never get back into. The story in the first one is so strong then i feel it looses its meaning in the second and third book. The first one touches upon the importance of stopping gang violence but I feel like the other two are more about the importance of trying to be what society wants you to be.
So I have recently read this too... I have just ordered her new book and have already got the next one in this series on pre order 😍... I absolutely love her writing style, it flows so perfectly and there is no waffling in any of her books. All there is just pure story. All the characters are well written and all completely different. Also the UK edition covers are just beautiful 😍
I'm a sucker for really trashy trash books... but this one really got me going through all the emotions these books should! I laughed, shouted and even cried. But I really like that the main female character isn't some damsel is distress all the time and that she will be controlled by no one but herself! 💪. Anyway if you read this be prepared to go through all the emotions you can think of!
OMG!! They have mentioned that shadowhunters having a institute in my county but now they are officially here 😱😍. Woo go team Cornwall, UK!! We may be small but we are mighty 💪💕 and it's literally 30mins from where I live 🤗
#cornishandproud #cornwalluk #cornish #countrybumpkin #shadowhunters
I can't wait for July. My books are now officially here for #ourclassicsummer reading group. These are the three main ones we have picked!
The Winter's Tale,
Northanger Abbey
20000 leagues under the sea
I can't wait to read 20000 leagues under the sea! Never read anything by Jules Verne before.
Anyone know if his work is good or not?
#collinsclassics #classicbooks #classicreading #2000leaguesunderthesea #northangerAbbey #thewinter'stale
I absolutely loved this book. It's one of my month finishes. I went through almost every emotion whilst reading this. It was my first book by this author and I'm definitely going back for more. Has anyone watched the film yet?? And is it any good? I would hate for it to ruin the book for me if it's not 😣
Thank you all so much for all the welcomes and all the follow suggestions (I'm still working my way through them all) 😚💕 I can already tell I'm gonna love it here as much as I love instagram!!
My current read is LOS I don't want it to end... but I can't wait for my summer book club reading with the guys from #ourclassicsummer on instagram created by one of my favourite people @areadersrambles Check her out guys she is amazing 😚💕
Well hello! I'm so excited to start this account 🤗. Even though I have no idea how it works 😨... someone help me!
#bookstagram #somethingnew #community #bookpeople #booklovers #books #bookcommunity #watershipdown #lovetoread