This “of” is gonna bug me all day. Was it an error? On purpose? Surely their editors wouldn‘t have missed it if they‘d have even written it in the first place. 🤔
Buuuut, it‘s a quote so the mistake had to be by the writer-downer. Right? 😭😂🙃🤷♀️
This “of” is gonna bug me all day. Was it an error? On purpose? Surely their editors wouldn‘t have missed it if they‘d have even written it in the first place. 🤔
Buuuut, it‘s a quote so the mistake had to be by the writer-downer. Right? 😭😂🙃🤷♀️
I want to read my book over there, but I‘m stuck under kitty. I, too, really didn‘t think this through 😏
Had to jump in to Eileen after reading “My Year of Rest and Relaxation”
According to my kindle I‘m 46% through, and so far I‘m liking it. Still waiting to be wowed but haven‘t given up faith 🤞
Best book I‘ve read (/listened to) in a LONG time. The main character is just the right amount of nuts—only thing was I didn‘t like her comparing herself to the person at the very end... still would give the book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Now on to her other books 😍👍
You guys I feel like I should be wearing white gloves to even be touching this 😍
Just got the first three comics in the new series!
Oh this is gonna be good 😂
I‘m currently at the book tour‘s Ann Arbor stop—going to see him live! 😍
ICYMI enjoy #worldbookday with 9 free Kindle books from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/article/read-the-world
I'd say it's a pretty perfect Friday. Sitting under a kitty, reading "Lock In", and really enjoying it. ?
(I find myself wondering how I'd design my liminal space. There would definitely be cats.)
Wow. I loved the story and the art and the detail...can't wait until July 10th for the next one!
Ripley's always been my favorite, but I love her even more after seeing this hectic crowd she lives with. Poor kiddo! 🙀
"Hooray!" said all of our friends. Because that is what friends say.
I really love acquiring useless knowledge 👍❤️
Lol! This would totally be my luck attempting to get anywhere in a foreign country. (Loving this book, btw 😍)
There was nothing wrong with this book really, just wasn't what I expected? The author says they weren't making fun of him (Dahmer) or mistreating him, but it doesn't appear to be true. I will say he did seem to put a lot of effort into making sure he got the story as accurate as possible though, I'll give him that.
There is no litsy app for the kindle fire??? 😱
Well there goes my easy way to post screenshots 😠
Anyone know a workaround or do I just have to send the pics to myself?
I'm sorry for the cross post, but so you see the girl on the right? She died this year, and her sister (left) had a book wishlist set up by a friend of the family to help keep her mind off of it. Please check out the twitter post? Maybe pass along a book if you have an extra tenner? Thanks! ❤️
So this theatre company did a "shadow cast" play of The Labyrinth. IT. WAS. AMAZING!! (And see? I kept it bookish cuz she's readin' ?)
Hehehe. Daughter is taking the pup trick-or-treating with her. Or was it staying home and handing out candy? I don't remember; I couldn't hear over the cuteness of Frida in her costume. 😍
The ultimate Luddite 🦄
Been reading a lot of fun, cutesy things lately. Sometimes we all need to, I think. This one is making me smile so drat 😁
Ok, @MinDea I'll bite this time. ? ?
--books per month really varies. And I almost never read straight through. For instance, currently I'm in the Lumberjanes series, the Giant Days series, a bunch of other comics, Gwendy's Button Box, Boy Snow Bird, Ginny Moon...I think you get the idea ?
--I prefer shorter (~500p) books unless I LOVE it then it can't be lone enough ?
--if I'm in a reading slump I don't sweat it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rest in comments
Today's daily deal has a wonderful sounding narrator. I didn't care for the movie, but I got this just to listen to his voice 😍 (and, the book is always better 😉)
Oh wow. I knew that the other marks affect the pronunciation, but always thought the bars were just stylistic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've only *just* opened this book and it's already got me drooling 🤤
****side note/QUESTION****
If I only keep posting blurbs or quotes and not reviews, do the pages from the books I post about not get added to my totals? I'm bad at reviews and seems weird just posting the yes/no/bailed with no review 😐
So. My book came. 😏
(Thanks again for letting me know about the popup, @MinDea ! And Rufus appreciated the new cardboard...)
Score! Got both these books for under $15 with cousin's member discount. That calligraphy book is the EXACT type of thing I went in for, too. 🙌
OMG. Robin Sloan will be at Literati Bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI this upcoming Monday! I almost missed it 😮
$11 on Amazon? Yes, please, TYVM! 😍😍😍 (and thanks for the heads up, @MinDea ! Also cool bonus if it still comes with audio code. 😁)
😆 Ripley is still my favorite, but Jen is starting to really grow on me. ❤️
Guys! GUYS!! I've been waiting for this hold (along with volumes 4 and 5) to come in to my local branch for aaaages, and it's just been sitting available on a shelf at a branch I can't get to. I finally tried to order with interlibrary loan and got THIS message. 😭
It's ok, though! I called my branch, and was informed the other branch is closed for remodeling, so the LIBRARIAN ORDERED FOR ME through MeLCat. I LOVE MY LIBRARY! 😍
I have to wait for 'What Happened', but I might enjoy ONE OF THESE!? in the meantime??! Who MADE this algorithm, Overdrive? 😂😂😂
Aaaaand I guess I'm done reading for the evening ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm so excited! This is my current favorite series to read and my request finally came in at the library 😃
#LitsyPartyOfOne (am I doin that right? 😁)
This is really cute. I went in knowing nothing about it so it was a little off-putting at first, but it ends up being great, and I am eager to get to the second one. 😍
Y'know...this could *totally* be from this decade. 😶