Late night doodles
Clearing out my grandmother's house, feeling like a spare part, I went to the car to read. Then realising that without me to keep the peace all hell would break loose, I started counting down.
Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Shouting, immediately followed by my aunt storming out of the house. Right on cue
Loved this and gutted to not be able to keep it, worst part of bookswaps
Excuse messy bed in the background🙃
It's times like these when my dear mother is twenty minutes late to pick me up from dance that I wish I had brought a book with me, rather than having to awkwardly stand there holding ballet shoes and hope that she actually shows up
#riotgrams Harry Potter may or may not be the only thing I could think of for #somethingmagical and the Deathly Hallows was always my favourite so here we are, day 5, albeit late
Very behind on #riotgrams but I'll try to catch up, #howyouread: reading at 3am while sitting on the very edge of my bedroom window is a hobby of mine, perhaps not a particularly safe one
Wishing I could spend every day here, oblivious to the world with my nose in a book
Also shoutout to the dog for the photobomb
Since reading the book, so many lines now make more sense, have a different meaning, or have more depth than before. Hamilton is truly a piece of art, and I hadn't fully appreciated this prior to reading
"Comma sexting. It's a thing. Get into it." Massive thanks to @Embellembell for this birthday present, you know me too well
Thoughts are magnetic.