Don‘t let the small size fool you: This book packs a punch. Worth reading and pondering and revisiting.
Don‘t let the small size fool you: This book packs a punch. Worth reading and pondering and revisiting.
Started last night and then had to go to bed, in part because of the waiting room today. While there, being a mom in waiting, I read. I didn‘t cry or sob. What a gift this book is. As with all of Bean‘s writing, it‘s genuine and poignant and wrenching, beautiful and poetic and earthy. This book is something I needed and will need again. Highly recommended.
#catholicreads #bookview
It‘s been quite a few years since I first read this book, and I‘m savoring it as much now as I did then. These tidbits of loveliness, of perfectly explained reality, of life. Mmmmmm. 😍
#catholicreading #realityinfiction
Whipped through this one, and I‘d call it worth the reading. I like the straightforward approach and while I couldn‘t help but wonder if timeboxing only works in certain situations (but maybe this is an opportunity for me to do my own writing 😉).
Well, THAT was a delightful Friday-Saturday binge read. Romance (no smut). Some drama, some suspense, some laughs and chuckles. The saddest part was that it ended...
#bookbliss #goodreading #whenyoucantputthebookdown
I only stopped kat night because my body demanded sleep. But I don‘t think the day will end without me reaching the end of this book...sooooo enjoying it!!!
Now, for a rippin Good Friday night with a new ARC from one of my favorite authors...looking forward to redeeming what has been a challenging and low-reading week with this #justaLITTLEpressure #noworriesherbooksalwaysrock
Quick read that‘s going to lead to more reading for me. It rings true, and it‘s not a diet, which I would have major issues with. #dietsdontwork #lifestylechange Anyone else read it or embraced intermittent fasting?
Stayed up late finishing this last night. Fun read, recommended by a friend.
I couldn‘t put this book down. Great storytelling and hilarious anecdotes. Not only do I highly recommend it, but I‘ll be buying my own copy to reread.
My 8yo bought this at a book fair and invited me to read it first. (I‘ve so loved Cameron‘s other books.) This did not disappoint. I couldn‘t read it without smiling, and while it is middle grade reading, it‘s also delightful. I can‘t wait until my boy reads it and we can talk about it.
What. A. Book. Delightful and entertaining, Epstein makes his case and makes me want my own copy. This also makes me feel completely justified in learning something new...at any point.
I. Will. Finish. This. Book. 🤪
Don‘t get me wrong, it‘s great. I‘m just full of many other books. And my heart isn‘t all-in on zipping through it when there is another book nearby. But now my Finish The Book side is screeeeeammmming and...well, maybe I will.
But maybe not tonight. 😬😉
Back porch #bookview with a porter, a Novel on my Kindle, and the very wonderful new book by Kendra Tierney that I‘m ever hopeful about finishing before my reviews are due... but I‘m in a novel kind of mood. What‘s in your hands tonight?
“You pay God a compliment by asking great things of him.”
~ St. Teresa of Avila
#saidbetterbyothers #goodreminder #saintquote #catholicreading
I wasn‘t expecting to do much more than trundle through this for my monthly review pile. But! You guys! It‘s sparking my mind and it‘s all I can do not to go grab a notebook and pen! This is a gem, and I‘m definitely going to be (re)reading Gaudete et Exsultate soon.
#bookview #catholicbooks #whenyourreviewbookisGREATandyouwerentexpectingit
Maybe it‘s because I‘ve been reading W. Bruce Cameron‘s books in the last few months, and I much prefer his voicing of dogs. Maybe it‘s that I think some of the reincarnation spirituality in this is bull. Maybe it‘s just timing. This was well-edited, I‘ll give it that. And it was a quick read. In the end, though, it was like getting a turkey burger when you were expecting a T-bone steak.
Happy Monday!
#bookview #coffeeandjesus
Not a bad way to read Sheen.
#catholicbooks #bookview
When you‘ve been go-go-go all day and you just need a moment of encouragement and a pause to take a breath...
Because I heard it was good...and it was next on the pile. Have you read it?
In which I settle down to catch up on some work reading. From what I‘ve seen so far, I can‘t wait to see the final product. This is going to be such a great gift for so many young women in my life.
The bookhaustion tomorrow will be sooooo worth it...
#greatreading #whatabook #bookstoreread
Insanely early work day tomorrow and I musssst sleep.
#bookworkproblems #whatabook #greatreads
“You‘re not alone, and you‘re not the one in charge,” Mother said gently. “Ask for help when you need it, and give help when you can. I think that is how we serve God—and each other and ourselves—in times as dark as these.”
#bookquote #thenightingale #kristinhannah #truthinfiction
Time to curl up in the cool a/c and read, read, read. 🙌🎉📖
#sundayfunday #summerreading
Contentment is harder. It requires me to accept reality as I find it in this moment—the tasks I have to do today, the people I have to serve this hour, the flaws in myself and my life that I can‘t fix right now. Contentment means leaving the big picture to God while I muddle through the day-to-day. And I hate muddling.
“Praying for deliverance from fear is a crucial step for spiritual perfectionists. But before we can see freedom, we must recognize we are bound. That‘s often a harder step. Fear is a sneaky demon; it wears many disguises. And sometimes the religious voices we turn to for clarity and support only make us feel more afraid, embarrassed, and alone.”
I‘ll be honest: I wasn‘t sure what my takeaway would be from this one. It was in the pile I have to read and review for a monthly column. What, I wondered, would be the reason for the regular person to read this?
And there you have it. Do we know about life in China? Do we have any concept? Do we care?
This book isn‘t an unveiling as much as it is a straight on look. Cardinal Zen lays it out; he‘s direct and straightforward.
“There is no detective in England equal to a spinster lady of uncertain age with plenty of time on her hands.”
Had to pull over on my long drive because the rain was so bad. But it was such delightful company...
#audiobook #missmarple #readingontheroad
“You don‘t have to be a congenital perfectionist like me to have a problem with perfectionism. Nor must you demand flawlessness in every part of your life. Perfectionism is simply an addiction to control and a refusal to accept imperfections in some human endeavor.”
I couldn‘t put this down...picking up the continuation of A Dog‘s Purpose and the threads of that story. This holds its own as a book and I do think you could read it on its own.
Cameron captures dogs so well; I couldn‘t read this without looking at the dogs in my life and wondering what their internal dialogue is like.
Cameron also creates an interesting viewpoint on life and perhaps also about life and the end of life.
Kreeft is as entertaining and spot-on as ever, and this wasn‘t as dry — or as heated — as I expected. Gave me a lot to think about.
Interested in artificial intelligence, technology, the way the future could be shaped by the intersection of the two? It‘s coming — the future and the dominance of AI. But what does that mean? Webb not only provides detailed analysis, an impressive bibliography, and a history that‘s multifaceted, but she also crafts storylines that support different decisions we could all make. Yes, us. You and me. (Also pictured, my next read.)