This was an incredible read. At various parts, I was laughing, crying and jealous. I even neglected my Christmas knitting to finish it in one sitting. Now I‘m very behind but the read was worth it.
This was an incredible read. At various parts, I was laughing, crying and jealous. I even neglected my Christmas knitting to finish it in one sitting. Now I‘m very behind but the read was worth it.
I couldn‘t put this book down. An excellent way to celebrate my first day of winter vacation. Ambler was likeable but not overwhelmingly familiar. It was clear from the beginning that something kept him aloof from others. The cast of suspects had my head spinning as characters were not who they said they were or appeared to be. The plot was intricately woven around the library and it‘s research capabilities. This is a mystery that I recommend.
It was hard for me to stay interested in this book. Everything is crazy now so it could be that my reality is coloring the story. I hated how easy it seemed for Lestat at first. He learned with ease and was able to help others almost immediately (hard to read when I'm at a point where I can't help others). I will try this series again soon.
I enjoyed this book. Stoker and Veronica make wonderful partners; they play off each other beautifully. Their rejection of traditional society expectations conflict with their investigations. This is a wonderful read.
This book was a nice escape from reality. It had me laughing and crying. It is a perfect rainy day #romansty.
I loved this book! It made me think about how prisoners are treated. Some of the descriptions of Newton's cells were horrifying. This book also showed what I already knew: reading changes the reader.
I enjoyed this book but I struggled to finish it. The dual viewpoints were hard to connect. Lou did not seem to add anything to the story and her role was confusing until the end. Jo's story seemed capable of being the only view. The overall story was a stereotypical gangster/flapper story. It was interesting but did not keep my attention for the duration.
I enjoyed this book. I liked the way Horan combined the story of Fanny with Louis. She expertly wove the tales together while separating them to give individual perspectives. This was an excellent read.
I adored this book! I enjoyed reading about the relationships behind the scenes at the magazine but I became enthralled when Anzio was discovered!!! Anzio appeals to me 100% (I want to live there and learn all of its information). This book is a must-read!!!
This book was interesting but I did not particularly like it. I had to force myself to continue reading and finish the book. Luke was a normal enough teenage boy but his supposed writing of the new religious masterpiece was unbelievable. He could not communicate clearly his desires throughout the entire book until the end. It was a good coming of age novel but the context was hard to believe.
I love Flavia de Luce and this book cemented that relationship. She is becoming more aware of others' feelings but staying true to her nature. The change is not overwhelmingly fast giving it a false undertone. I enjoy this book and did not figure out all aspects of the mystery. I hated the cliff hanger!!! Now I desperately need to get to the library to find the next in the series!
I enjoyed this book. It read as a wonderful mix between a mystery and a traditional Roberts romance. I appreciated the factual aspects of the police work. Roberts wrote of a realistic love that hit many bumps and came out stronger.
I enjoyed this book. I have been a fan of Murder She Wrote for years and Jessica Fletcher is one of my favorite literary and TV characters! I did not, however, enjoy the focus on her romantic life; she had Frank and has George, why does this storyline keep getting exploited? This romancing was the only thing I did not like about this book and was only a minor annoyance. Would recommend this book to mystery lovers!
I loved this book! I was skeptical in the beginning because I love the Sherlock Holmes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Thomas created a perfect female Holmes and Watson. This book is a must read for any mystery fans!
I enjoyed this book. I envied all of the couples devotion to faith. They overcame a ton of obstacles only while working together. I found it kind of unbelievable that they never truly faltered (that seemed a little unrealistic). Such challenges seem to prompt at least slight questioning of His plan. Overall five sweet stories making a good #romansty
I loved this book! I really enjoyed reading all of the included recipes. I might try a few for my little sister. This was a great coming of age story. Ansley grows into a mature human who realizes that she has faults. I dislike and pity Patty but I pity Parish more. This is a must-read for people who love coming of age stories, cupcakes, or fun!
I enjoyed this book. I loved Roberta's store and restaurant concept. The cookware sounds cool. I had no idea who the murderer was but I guessed about some of the false trails. This was a great #cozymystery
I enjoyed this book. She writes in a conversational tone that is accessible and advisory. It never feels like the success of Nasty Gal is unreachable. Amoruso encourages others to find their own Nasty Gal and gives general advice on how to survive until you get there.
This was an excellent #cozymystery. It was well-written with interesting characters and wonderful actions. I also loved Hoover and the cat whose name I can't remember. Would recommend.
I adored this book! It was the perfect blend of history and fiction. The characters were amazing and the story pulled you along as you raced to solve the mystery. This is a must-read!!
Halfway there! #deweysreadathon. Here are some of my favorite women with my reading buddy! #thereadingwomen and #readathon @thereadingwomen
I loved this #cozymystery! The setting and characters were magical! The storyline is hilarious and connects well with Agatha Christie! For a longer review visit my new blog:sarahsreadandstitch.wordpress.com
This was a wonderful story. Peter and Amanda have a sweet relationship despite large challenges. I enjoyed the different viewpoints from the various time periods corresponding to the book's creation, Peter and Amanda and the book's discovery. Lovett melded each section of the story together flawlessly.
This book has become one of my favorite anthologies. I knew that I enjoyed reading Julia Quinn, but I found three new (to me) fabulous authors to read! I connected with every character especially after hearing their story. I actually thought Bea's story moved a little too quickly. The epilogue was perfect; I can only dream of that being me one day.
I read this book in one sitting. It flows so quickly that you get drawn into the story and become the main character. It is the perfect first novel of the series. I loved the combination of detective and psychic elements of the story. This is a must read for #cozymystery lovers!
I enjoyed this book. I love the writings of both Tolkien and Lewis even taking several classes about finding the hidden symbols within their writings. I found the historical analysis of their motivations interesting; this book expanded my knowledge. It was well-written and organized flowing almost like a story. I loved the focus at the end of book on rethinking life.
I can't wait to read this book! I loved her Gallagher girl series. The young girl who is secretly a spy appeals to my sense of adventure! Just waiting on my library hold! #YAYAY2
This book made me feel so sad at times. Several times I had to put it down and walk away because I knew the pressure surrounding Mrs. Ali and Major Pettigrew. I cried when the pair let the village and others expectations separate them. The ending made me very happy.
This book unsettled me. Like the characters in the story, I misunderstood the relationships between Bobby, Val and Rose. I appreciated how highly books were valued in their lives providing means of escape. I felt a sense of uncertainty while reading that did not disappear at the abrupt ending. As so many characters mentioned, "life has no ending:it just keeps going"; it felt like the story kept going beyond the last page.
I enjoyed this book. I found my attention wandering, however, at times. The action seemed to consistently happen at a high pace; the descriptions were of high quality but the nonstop action was tiring. I believe there could have been more descriptions of the characters or background stories explaining the fast-paced action especially the motivations of Pendergast. Overall an enjoyable read but too action-heavy for me.
I enjoyed this book. I almost broke several mugs from laughing uncontrollably. I tried to sympathize with Margie but when I imagined having her life, I wanted to cry. MacInerney has an exquisite skill for writing humorous things with a metaphorical straight face; her characters act seriously even when chasing a pig across a soccer field or facing a unicorn-masked flasher. This is a must-read!!
I almost made it all the way through an audio book. Except I cheated and read several chapters on an e-book because the narrator was reading too slow and I was desperate to know what happened. I loved the characters. The villain was a terrible person who hurt everyone but was caught in the end. My favorite character was Emmy with her pink outfits and easy acceptance. #romansty
I enjoyed this book. This was an amazing story. The villain reveal at the end of the book shocked me. I had no idea what was coming next. I appreciated the connection between the chess game and reality. The musical connection is interesting but I was not familiar enough with the punk music genre to understand the references. Overall an excellent read and a great whodunit.
I loved this book! The writing was masterfully done. Historical details were accurate and informative. The people such as the Templars were unique and lovely. My favorite character was Mintie the goat. I cheered when he stole the show at the polo match! This is a must read!!
What the world just happened? I loved this book. The twists and turns kept me enthralled. The end shocked me. More please!
This was a good book. I struggled at times to not skip ahead to the exciting parts. I found some sections to be slower but willing to believe that could be due to my inability to listen to audiobooks most of the time. Will definitely try again in book form.
I love her writing! She is amazingly understandable. As a psychology major who is constantly asked to explain popular claims, I appreciate her acknowledgements of her literature research as well as her knowledge based on self-observation and self-reports. Her ideas are really applicable.
This book was almost better than the first one. I enjoy the characters as much enjoying the new characters. I liked the game more because there were more players and they melded together better.
I enjoyed this book. It is well written and very realistic. Some parts made me extremely sad such as the poor living conditions and the characters' situations. Molly was a fantastic main character always looking for the next thing and helping others.
I loved this book! I am addicted to the Library!! Kai and Irene are wonderful characters and have great adventures. As usual, can't wait to read the next one!
I enjoyed this book. It was hard for me to read at times because of Sidney's superior attitude. I did not guess the ending which was surprising and satisfying. Overall it was an excellent book but I could not get beyond Sidney's attitude and matching behavior.
Amazing book! Read this in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. The only aspect that made me unhappy was that there was not a lot of Kai in the main story. He had his interludes but I enjoy the "teaching" moments with him, Irene and Vale. Cannot wait to read the next book!
Enjoyed this book. I loved the different perspectives from the letters. It makes the history much more personal. The characters are perfect.
This was a great book! I couldn't put it down. It seemed a little bit jumpy at the beginning as it moved from character to character but they tied together beautifully. The ending shocked me. Can't wait to read the next one!
Loved this book!!! I found myself relating to most of the book including some of the crazier anecdotes. This book made me feel great that I am not insane or at least the only insane one. The writing and tone is hilarious in its sincerity and bluntness mixed with sarcasm.
This was an incredible book. I cried for most of the heartfelt story. I did not know the connection between the characters but I suspected one existed. I loved the sweet ending after all the tears.
Wonderful book that makes dreams a reality. What a weird reality it is! Great characters especially Poppet and Widget. The main characters were utterly human with likable and dislikable parts. Well written!
This was an amazing book. Reading from the Jodi and Khakki's viewpoints at the same time was so moving. The message that they left for Carolina was so simple but also so difficult to realize. Loved this book!
Beautiful book! Well written and fast-paced. Loved the extension of the Sleeping Beauty story! Can't wait to read more by Stacey Jay! #youngadult