Was more of a biography than I was expecting. I have a new appreciation for R.B.G. after reading this.
Was more of a biography than I was expecting. I have a new appreciation for R.B.G. after reading this.
Idk if this is a lost in translation thing, but it‘s gotta be, right? Right?!
"No one explained how herding up Asian and Arab Americans based on the color of their skin, seizing their property, and then forcibly incarcerating them without trial in work camps could be in their best interest. But then again, history had shown conclusively that the American public didn't need a complicated explanation as much as they needed a clear enemy to blame." - Bao Phi (Revolution Shuffle)
My inner Francophile is so pleased with this one.
My love for this book will never die.
I LOVE THIS BOOK! Best YA I've read in ages. Raw and real and just escapist enough.
The last 2 Potters will always be my favorites.
Ominous chapter is ominous.
Continuing through my towering #TBR stack.
Gail Carriger can always put me in a better mood. Not my favorite of her series, but still a fun steampunk, supernatural jaunt to pull me out of me funk.
I heart this book so much. Best self help book ever written.