I was listening to ‘Educated‘ while at work, and this passage from ‘Educated‘ floored me so much, I had to take a break, sit down and force myself to refocus.
I was listening to ‘Educated‘ while at work, and this passage from ‘Educated‘ floored me so much, I had to take a break, sit down and force myself to refocus.
Currently Reading.
Everything else will have to wait!!
Almost halfway through Empire Of Storms and I cannot read fast enough!
Fiiiiiiiiiinally! 💜
This bit from ‘Guernsey‘ is particularly relevant to me because * I AM* a bookseller that wants to own my own bookstore 📚
Now that I‘ve finished reading The Odyssey, I can finally start reading this!
Finally got around to reading ‘Obsidio‘.
So far I‘m liking it, but ‘Gemina‘ is still my favorite in the series.
Classics can be pretty daunting reads sometimes, but I‘ve been wanting to read this for a long time, and now that I‘m finally doing it, I‘m really enjoying it!
Current Read 📖
This book is so beautiful and amazing
I will cry over it and fight for it and love it until the day I die.
Enjoying this so far, but the alternating POV chapters are driving me crazy
Re-reading one of my faaaavorite books 💖
Goal: Read this 870pg book before the new season starts
Deadline: Sept 5th
Success ratio: estimate of 10-20% (but my reading tracker app says I can finish it if I read nonstop for 24hrs 35mins!)
Obstacles: Also reading 5 other books; short-term attention span; distractions like the internet; me being human, thus needing sleep, rest and food; running out of post-it tabs and being unable to continue reading til I restock; life
Ok so let's do this!
When a favorite series gives a S/O to another favorite series 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
All words that are relevant to me 📚
Kaz and the gang are back! I'm off to Ketterdam! Byeee! #CrookedKingdom
Perfect way to wash away the awful aftertaste I got from reading 'Cursed Child'.
Also made me love Professor McBadass McGonagall even more!
I find it hilariously ironic that a person with six dogs would have a cat as her Patronus.
Anyway, I am reading JK Rowling's Pottermore short stories and I am loving them!
Finally gonna attempt to start this.
Happy birthday to the author who invented the Science Fiction genre when she was just 19 years old!
Mary Shelley (born 30th August 1797)
It's been days since I finished this book, and I still can't get it out of my head. I can't function properly. Like I'm in a perpetual state of augmented reality, where everyone and everything is moving, and I'm in extreme slow-motion mode.
"To the people who look at the stars and wish.
To the stars who listen-and the dreams that are answered."
That moment when you meet a character for the first time and you know you're doomed.
Hello, new book BF. 💘
I haven't read anything in over a week. I've been so busy and haven't had a chance.
I can feel myself getting restless and having withdrawals. 🙁
I need to read harder!!!!
I'm only five chapters in, and I already prefer this way more than ToG.
Chapter 8: The Battle Of Yorktown.
200+ pages down, 700+ more pages to go.
One of the many reasons why I love Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
One of the many reasons why I love Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.