Loved this series I waited so long to actually read this and I should have read it a long time ago it‘s so good 😊
Loved this series I waited so long to actually read this and I should have read it a long time ago it‘s so good 😊
All three books in this series have blown me out of the water completely! I feel so much for these characters, and I‘ve loved this journey so much. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a solid conclusion to a great trilogy! I alternated between the physical book and the audio so I feel like I got the full experience.
I finished this series and all three of these books count towards #SeriesRead2022! Woot!
Review wise this series is pretty special. It's weird and funny and dark and there's nothing else quite like it. It's entirely told in video transcripts, emails, and chat logs. On many of the pages the words become artwork. I've heard the audiobooks are well done, but I think you'll be missing out if you don't read the physicals books.
Wow,, this is probably the best book in the series. It has three more MCs in Rhys, Asha, and Katya, plus the others from Illuminate and Gemina. Through parts of this book I had to walk away, just to calm myself down from what I was reading. Obsidio has, anger, grief, sadness, and many other emotions, but hope is never absent.
#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView
My #WeekendReading
1. Finish Obsidio.
2. Read the rest of the Wayward Children series.
3. If time permits, finish Real Easy.
Oh, Obsidio, how you play with my emotions. The descriptions of wartime atrocities are especially harsh. If you care about humanity, there really is no choice. You root for the underdog because they are going to need it.
Finally going to finish the series today or tomorrow. This one is a blast, literally and figuratively. 😀
Okay. Something about me: I hate finishing series. Even though I read Illuminae and Gemina soon after they came out, I never finished Obsidio. I hope to reread them and read Obsidio during the upcoming readathon. :)
AIDAN continued to be my favorite. Though he‘s more of a grey character, it‘s hard to argue with his logic. Can‘t spoil this part. But my heart goes to AIDAN.
I finished it. I‘m crying. I don‘t wanna leave this series behind. Anyways, I‘ve also broken my back. Is it because I was hunched over a book? Yes. Do I regret it? Perhaps. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
This was such a good book! I loved Every. Single. Page of it. It‘s very heartbreaking that I‘ve finished the series now, but alas. The writing is immaculate and I‘ve run out of words. I‘ll just say, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
What a great way to start the year!
These seven little pebbles who started an avalanche heard all the way around the universe. They sit for a time in silence. Watching it all fall down.
“Of all the things I have seen and all the places I have been, you were the one who felt most like home”.
Every story needs its monster.
And the monster is me.
The dice is cast. But today we will shake the table upon which it lands.
AIDAN: I am not trying to be anything except AIDAN. That is all I know how to be. Every story needs its villain. And it‘s hero. And it‘s monster.
-of each other. You‘re my one. So let‘s live through this and see what the rest of it‘s like. Because I‘m fucking crazy about you.”
(It continues on another page, and that‘s the rest of it)
“A soldier‘s first duty is to her conscience. Not her company. Not her commander. Not her corps. Her conscience.”
“Would you kill one person to save a thousand, little spider?”
“Of course I would.”
“And by logical extension, would you not kill one thousand to save one thousand and one?”
“You know death. It is utility. It is necessity.”
“It only takes one pebble to start an Avalanche. ”
”Be the pebble.”
I‘ve never seen a man march to his own funeral before.
“Will you be here? When I wake?”
“Of course.”
She smiles, running gentle fingers across the screen. And though I cannot feel her touch, I am surprised at the comfort I find in it.
It is entirely possible to be alone in a crowded room. Your solitude only compounded by the faces around you. The presence of others serving only to remind you of how lonely you truly are.
This book was AMAZING I love everything about it, from the characters to the action, etc. I specifically enjoyed watching the characters from the past two books interact. Overall definitely one of my favorite series! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“A soldier's first duty is to their consience.“
“The die is cast. But today, we will shake the table upon which it lands.”
“None of us are perfect. Not people, not corporations. But we have the opportunity to determine our fates day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, with the choices we make and the actions we take.”
“Chum, if these last seven months taught me anything, it's that you can't afford to burn time.“
“It only takes one pebble to start an avalanche. “
“Be the pebble.“
“No one who lives in our memory truly dies.”