Excited to see both A Wrinkle in Time AND Ready Player One these next few weeks 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Excited to see both A Wrinkle in Time AND Ready Player One these next few weeks 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
I feel like I‘m so behind with my reading. I need engrossing books now, ones I won‘t want to put down. Suggestions?
What do you do when you just can‘t sleep...? Read on the Kindle app on your phone of course!! Any other insomniac book nerds out there? #unite
As someone who lives with manic depression and an addictive personality, it was refreshing and funny and written the way my mind works. Yeah there was repetition and thoughts didn‘t seem finished or points were irrelevant but that‘s exactly how the mind of a manic depressive works and it‘s as exhausting as it reads! I‘ve actively sought out the rest of her writing so that‘s how much I enjoyed it - and I don‘t usually go for biographies
Emmeline is an ancestor of mine and i am reading so much about her and the rest of the suffragettes to hand down this awesome knowledge and pride (and feminist values) to my children
My reading seems to have really slowed down. I can barely keep my eyes open whenever I open a book right now. Am writing the list of books I want to get the children for Christmas and boy is it long!!!! They already have SO many books but there are so many more awesome ones to buy. We need more bookcases (nowhere to put them)
I have loved programmes like The Crown and Reign as of late and they make me so thirsty for the ins and outs of the genealogy of the royal families so.... here I go! First non-fiction for a while too!!
I‘m not sure where I found this image but I think it sums me up so perfectly. I love choosing to be alone; usually with a good book and a cup of tea... but I truly hate the heartbreak of loneliness
Never have I cried so much at a book. It was a long and terribly hard story to get through and I had to walk away from it a few times (usually in tears) but it's a story so very worth reading. Beautiful writing and immersive characters. I became so invested in this story. It truly broke my heart time and again. Definitely recommended but arm yourself with tissues, comfort food and a teddy to squeeze; you'll need them!
How having fibromyalgia feels #chronicpain #fibromyalgia #invisibileillness #spoonie
💔 the third book I've ever cried at. This is now the third time I've cried over this book and I'm only 54% of the way through #bewarned
I feel like my heart is being ripped out. Why did nobody warn me???? 😭😭😭😭😭
Just reached Chapter 2 and already I want to cry big ugly tears 😭
I am a huge lover of both books and tattoos and have been wanting to combine and immortalise the two for a long while but I don't know what to get. Heck I'm so bad at making decisions I'm not even sure what my favourite book is!!! Does anyone out there have any literary tattoos OR what would you have inked on you to share proudly on your body that you're a total book nerd!?
Just one of the aisles at #AlgarveBookCellar in Carvoeiro. I go every year and always leave happy 😍
Now which to read first....? #birthdaybookhaul #besthusbandever
Princess PJ's and Neil Gaiman to help make me feel better #fibroflare
Like every politician but especially our latest election in the U.K. 👎🏻
You will need a strong stomach to get through this. Read it in less than 24 hours, couldn't put it down. A lot of blood, gore, violence and torture but well written. A little obvious at times but isn't it so with life?!
A brew and a new book. My eldest son turns 10 tomorrow and is having his friends over for a sleepover - lots of Xbox, movies and junk food; so we're all banished upstairs!
What's so wrong with glasses and braids? 😠
I truly loved every second of reading this book. It was a fresh and different layout and worked really well. An easy read but with so many thought-provoking and life-changing moments that really made me stop, think and plan accordingly. Heartbreaking, funny, clever, witty. Recommend to your gal pal or sister and then hug each other tightly after!
I don't tend to do many reviews as I get too bogged down by other people's opinions and bizarrely, it makes me so paranoid and guilty to disagree or love something others hated... but, I freakin LOVED this book! Did not expect to at all but oh my days, what a cliffhanger - I practically screamed at my phone! Cannot wait to read the next one!
Living with chronic, invisible illnesses - books truly are my salvation 📖 the greatest gift I was ever given was the ability and passion to read - like I've passed on to my kids (even my 5 yr old is a fluent and avid reader)
Starting it right now 📖
Stick with it. I was disappointed, a little bored throughout the beginning of the book. It didn't help that the grammar/editing wasn't particularly great (missed punctuation). However, I stuck with it and found the latter half a lot more enjoyable. Definitely not one of the better books I've read this year, and (in my opinion) not particularly worth the hype surrounding it, but still a good read.
When it hurts to hold a paperback and sit in one position for too long... thank goodness for Kindle on iPhone 📱
This whole section has brought me to tears (not all in pic). How I would've benefited from hearing this when my mental health problems started when I was a teen. Patrick Ness writes mental health and teenagers/teen life so freakin well - it's like he's speaking to 15yr old me. Nobody should ever feel like a burden.... trust me; it never goes away.
Once I've read this, I think I've read all his books. I love Patrick Ness ❤️❤️❤️
Kindle for iPhone allows me to read in bed even at my weakest... which I am today. Fibro sucks
And onto the next. I can't believe how much I'm reading (it's still minimal compared to most) and I'm thoroughly enjoying being back, fully immersed in books. Looking forward to this - I loved And The Mountains Echoed