“There are some things in life you can alter - your weight, your appearance, even your name - but there are others that wishing and trying and working hard can never make any difference to. Those things are the ones that shape us. Not the things we can change, but the ones we can‘t.”
Summer is here & I'm diving into my TBR accordingly 😎 #beachreads
So many 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 worthy moments in this book, this was one of my favorites.
Oh my god, this book.... kicked in the stomach, brought me to tears, made my heart swell, sink, and everything in between. Fans of JoJo Moyes will seriously love these beautiful characters and their stories.
I may have to re-think my stance of not being much of a science fiction fan; this was a fun one! The revealing of the plot & characters solely through interviews and journals entries hooked me right away, as did the question of which would end up enduring-their morals or desire for scientific progression. The characters, from the anonymous instigator to feisty Kara, all had wonderfully strong personalities I could've spent many more pages reading.
"Literature not only illuminated another's experience, it provided, I believed, the richest material for moral reflection."
First book of 2017! I could not put this down. A hauntingly beautiful testament to the power of love and unlikely sources of second chances. 4.5 ⭐️
There could not have been a more perfect book to end the year with. I love all of Cheryl Strayed's other works & this compilation of her wisdom, wit, and inspiration made me smile the whole way through. I wish I would have read it before Christmas so I could have given it to *literally* everyone, but there's always next year!
Beautiful inside & out. Brit Bennett's words cannot help but be felt deeply. I loved this one so much!
Uncomfortably eye-opening, undeniably important. Jodi Piccoult takes an issue our country faces every day head on for a book that is incredibly ugly, and also beautiful and powerful. I just cannot recommend this enough. 5⭐️
Not sure if I'm more excited to finally be getting to this one or to be heading into NYC for the weekend! Either way, I'm one happy reader. 🤗 #trainread
I love Maria Semple's crazy, fun, passionate characters and this one did not disappoint! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I probably would not have picked up a book about the invention of the light bulb without All the Books' recommendation (thanks, @bookriot), but am so glad I did! Moore's fictionalized account of what (and who) drove different forms of inventions from icons Einstein, Westinghouse & Tesla made for an entertaining read. 3 1/2 ⭐️
Saturday night in with this babe and I couldn't be happier. I've been counting down its release with @smepstein for months & months & months and finally I am HOLDING A COPY. asdfghjklsjaj; #fangirling #booktober
It's a curl up in bed with a beautiful book kind of day. #HelloOctober
Indulging in Liane Moriarty's newest today, among other fall favorites. 🍂🍎🍁
Few things make me happier than fresh sunflowers & a long awaited, much anticipated library hold coming in!
Who would think science fiction could feature such a beautiful love story? This wildly mind-bending and thrilling book will be a contender for one of my favorites of the year for sure. I just finished and my whole body is tingling. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
UM, thanks for the warning? But things already HAVE.
Brain = scrambled #biblioweekend
Labor Day Weekend Library stack! Starting off this #biblioweekend with Dark Matter. #amreading
Home & delaying returning to the real world justttt a bit longer by spending a lazy Sunday finishing the last of my #vacationreads. A fun one!
This book lives up to its hype, that is for sure! I was expecting a thriller, and instead found myself falling in love with many of Hawley's complex characters and intensely disliking others. Really superb character development throughout, and the way plot details were leaked a little at a time made it unputdownable. 5⭐️ #vacationreads
Happiness is vacation reading
#maine #thewaylifeshouldbe #vacationreads
Monday morning pick: "Missing, Presumed"
(I couldn't resist the opportunity for alliteration)
The heart Three Pines & its characters are written with just shines off the pages of the #InspectorGamache series.
We leave for vacation at 6am tomorrow and the only thing packed is my book bag.......... #priorities #vacationreads
Road trip read numero uno! This book has been calling to me so I'm really excited to have a couple of uninterrupted hours to get into it. Does that make me a bad co-pilot? 😎
#ThankDumbledore that this book allows us all a few hundred pages back in this wonderful world 💛
The clerk at my library told me they've started keeping my holds on a special shelf because I "order in bulk." I'm going to go ahead and say my weekend is booked... ?
An alluring illustration of how far the simple, universal need to belong to something, anything, can drive some. Evie's journey, the whole dark, twisted, and increasingly creepy way, is one that'll stay with me after the lights go out for a while....
"Hell was a place of remembering, each beautiful moment passed through the mind's eye until it fell to the ground like a rotten mango, perfectly useless, uselessly perfect."
I've been saving this for a weekend when I have absolutely nothing planned so I could completely immerse myself in in this book I've been hearing soo many wonderful things about. Can't wait to dive in!
I loved the different storytelling in this book... how I'd want to scream for it to move forward so I could find out what happened, while instead it pulled me back and back and back, one day at time. Definitely a compelling read.
I was sad to discover that graphic novels aren't my thing while reading this, especially after loving the first novel so much, but I did realllly enjoy the integration of Chuck Palahniuk as a character! I find him fascinating & this adds a whole other, fun layer to the story.
Thanks to my fabulous library my summer TBR pile is shaping up verrrryyyy nicely 😍
That moment when your bookish soulmate gets to the same part of the book that hooked you... 😂
I liked this book *almost* as much as I loved the cover.
A quick, enjoyable read perfect for summer that had vibes of both Meg Wolitzer's "The Interestings" and the "sure everything is ending, but just not yet" theme of Jennifer Egan's "A Visit from the Goon Squad."
"If I were you," Tom said, "I should stick to reading, writing, and arithmetic."
"But what good is it to teach a child to count, if you don't show him that he counts for something?"
L O V I N G this book so much!