Books, cats, and hammocks. Savoring the last few weeks of quiet before school starts.
Books, cats, and hammocks. Savoring the last few weeks of quiet before school starts.
Is there any better way to procrastinate than with a new book? Should I be grading some essays? Yes, but I'd rather sit in the sun and escape to space.
My students will tell you that I'm more than just a little obsessed with WWI poetry, so it's no surprise that I chose a book set in WWI for my spring break read. I'm really excited to start this one.
I'm so grateful to be taking a few quiet days away with @Johanna414 and a few other good friends. We found a house in the country with a hot tub and a very comfy reading couch (not to mention pasta delivery to the house). I kept seeing this book on Instagram, so I grabbed a copy on my way out the door.
If ever it needed to be proven, @Johanna414 is truly my Best Book Friend because we got each other the same book (The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo). So excited for some new books to read over break! After I finish Dune of course (sorry Jo, I promise I'll catch up).
@Johanna414 organized a book exchange at school. Luckily I got paired with the best person 😉, so I went a little crazy with the book orders. Who knows which ones are for her and which ones are for me? Does it matter if we're just going to lend them to each other anyways?
This was beautiful and funny, which is a hard combo to stick the landing on. It tackled mental health and families so believably. My favorite character was actually the side character Orion. He's exactly the type of boy I hope my son grows up to be. Or maybe Uncle Toby, who I loved and related to way too much as a 30-something surrounded by teenagers daily.
Taking advantage of the nice weather and nap time to start a new book.
Is there anything better than listening to rain on the metal roof while curled up with a book? Here's my first book choice for summer break.
Only one day left of school, then the sweet bliss of reading in the sun (and keeping a toddler alive). Is there any better suited combination of best friends than an English teacher and a librarian? Thanks for all the book recommendations @Johanna414!