waited a long time to finally read this. feels a bit slow, honestly, but I'm almost done!
waited a long time to finally read this. feels a bit slow, honestly, but I'm almost done!
revisiting this book simply because I love VC Andrews.
rereading this as part of my gothic-fiction Halloween mood.
#gothic #laurenkate #fallen #teenfiction #halloween
I can't believe how much I loved this one. Charlie reminded me a lot of how I used to be when I was younger. The characters are so dimensional and everyone has their own hamartia, which makes it so much more real.
#perksofbeingawallflower #stephenchbosky #teenfiction #goodread
this book opened me up to a genre I'd never tried before, and it changed me completely.
#vcandrews #gothicwriting #goth
he loved all the gifts :D
#charizard #pokemon #notes #edwardalbee #stephenking #thomasharris #hannibal #theshining
I got my boyfriend some books for his birthday. they're wrapped because they're a surprise, so I'm pretty pumped to see how he reacts.
#StephenKing #ThomasHarris #EdwardAlbee #Birthday #Gift #Horror #Fiction