The city of Chicago is shut down so it‘s the perfect time to dig into this book!
The city of Chicago is shut down so it‘s the perfect time to dig into this book!
Got the book! Excited to start this book and the next round of #LMPBC!
Hey fellow #round4 #lmpbc #groupj people! I picked four books that I am super excited to read, and I hope one of them works for the group. They are all arcs. I hope that‘s ok with everyone.
A murder mystery with a sci-fi twist. I enjoyed all of it and never saw the end coming.
It finally came!! Can‘t wait to read this one! #libraryhaul #futurefavorite
This book has destroyed my #readingplans for this week! But I am loving it. #libraryhaul #currentlyreading
I was a bit ambitious last week, so some repeats here. Hope to do better with my #weeklyreads this week. #currentlyreading #readinggoals
If you love Tamora Pierce, you will love this book. I did. One could pick on it a bit but honestly, it‘s a great read, and I will never stop loving Tamora Pierce.
I have missed the past couple of weeks, but I am hoping to get lots read this week. So, here are this week‘s #weeklyreads. #currentlyreading #readinggoals
Just picked this beauty up at the Library! I used to read them as a kid and can‘t wait to see what this one is all about. #libraryhaul
I am excited for this week‘s line-up of #weeklyreads books! A female spy, book on the Women‘s Prize for Fiction list, plus the two from last week: lesbian coming of age tale set in the Victorian Era and gothic tale of missus and servant. #currentlyreading #readinggoals
#DNF Great opener but I couldn‘t get behind the story once the random, hillbilly family was introduced.
I was not very successful last week with my #weeklyreads so only one change. Hoping to do better this week. #readinggoals #currentlyreading
Last week was highly successful. I finished all four books! So let‘s try it again. Four new books this week. #bookgoals #weeklyreads
Loving this book! Just got it yesterday and already know it‘s love. #libraryhaul
I have been slipping in my reading lately, so I am trying something new. Every Monday, I will post a photo with 3-4 books that I plan to read that week. I am hoping that will help with planning and accountability. Sometimes I just can‘t decide what to read! I am sure that I will add books as I get them, but these books will be the goal. #weeklyreads #bookgoals
Just started this morning and I am already in love. There are hoarders, cranky old people, mysterious happenings, queer characters, saints, and beautiful writing! This is going to be a good one. #booklove #progressreport
This book blew me away! I picked it up because it was getting some great attention and hype. And I thought the connection or similarity to “The Shape of Water” made it worth it. Lucy, a down-on-her-luck PhD student, is asked to housesit and dogsit for her sister and attend a support group for women just getting out of relationships. But this is not a book about therapy, instead a blunt, erotic look at love and its place in the world. #mustread
Ok #impbc #round3 #groupr... Here are my picks for the the round. Let me know what you think! The last book in the pile is “The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock” by Imogen Hermès Gowar.
Finished up this book last night for @Samplergal #13inthree. Didn‘t quite make the 13 but got to about 10. I did finish up three books that I have been waiting to finish for quite some time! Goal accomplished!
Checking in for day two of #13inthree. About 7 hours in (accidentally cleared by time from day one), and I am loving the push to read. I have finished two books that have been hanging on my “Currently Reading” list for months. Both wonderful! Thank you again @Samplergal for the push!
2 hours in and one book that has been sitting on my “Currently Reading” for months is finished. #13inThree @Samplergal
"The Stranger in the Woods" in the woods! #metareading
Lunch out with Heather O'Neill's #baileysprize long list book. It is amazing!!! Seriously going to be one of my favorites of the year. Follows the lives of two orphans that grow up in the same Catholic, nun-run orphanage. Not a great start to life and from there, it just gets worse. You would not think it is possible, but it is. #bestof2017 #sogood
Sometimes you just need your mommy, sometimes your mommy just needs to read Zadie Smith
Getting some reading done today! One #BaileysLongList and the runner-up of #tob17 plus some poetry and some needed catch-up on the great Louise Erdrich.
A hundred pages in and I know that this is a book that will stay with me. It is a powerful read and an important one. Don't let the YA label dissuade you; this is an timely and intense read that everyone should have to read. #cantputitdown #powerhouseread
Commuting to work with Zadie Smith. I can't wait to sink my teeth into this one. I am a huge Zadie Smith fan; clearly a bit behind in my reading of her work, but no less excited. Heard mixed things about this book, but I know it won't disappoint!
The lovely gifts from my #cupidgoespostal buddy! I think you were nervous about the selections but I love Patricia Briggs! So excited for the next Mercy Thompson. And Birdsong is the next book in a series I started. Perfect! Thank you so much @AprilMaesBookHabit
Not a very successful #24in48 with only 12 hours total. But a great reading adventure nonetheless. Can't wait to try this again!
Being close to someone meant the entire rhythm of that person's life was synchronized with yours... The puppy and I approve this statement.
So being the reader that I am, I got my nieces and nephews books for Christmas. And they loved the books I got them! You never know how that is going to go especially since they also got new Kindles, but they wanted to read the books instead! A win for bookish aunts everywhere! #readerswin
A monster grocery store!? I am loving this hilarious and fun graphic novel!
I didn't know milk and honey would be the last read of the year. But I can't fit one more in. Happy New Year to everyone! Enjoy the last few hours of 2016 (So many good books this past year)! I know I am already trying to decide how many books to post for my Goodreads challenge for next year (150, 175, 200, I can't decide!) See you all on the other side!
I now know why this book keeps showing up on lists of the best books of 2016 and the most lasting books of 2016. It is a troubling and profound read about poverty, but an amazingly good one. Everyone should read this book to understand something that is generally hidden from view. (5 stars)
"If all your life you endure the consequences of a single deed, then you cannot imagine life before it; it is almost as if the consequences precede the action. The deed itself meanwhile becomes harder to imagine as some isolated event which, by some easy twist of human will, might not have happened at all."
The Mothers and I are voting today!#civicduty #ReadingontheGo
"They shatter and rebuild, shatter and rebuild, shatter and rebuild until they are old and worn and stooped from the work of it." Somehow this is hopeful to me. #lovethebook #teenread
"She was now a person who had to imagine a body she had known, a face she had loved, buried under boards, while over at the Montrose bird sanctuary, indifferent seagulls and winter birds gathered in the trees, and life continued for most things on earth as it always had."
For the full quote... #teenread #awesomeread
"Sometimes, when you least expect it, you become the girl in the woods. You lose your name because another one is forced on you. You think you are alone until you find books about girls like you. Salvation is certainly among the reasons I read. Reading and writing have always pulled me out of the darkest experiences in my life. Stories have given me a place in which to lose myself." Why I read.