For a Bookstagram challenge I had to pick my favorite villain. I never really had one? So browsing my books I suddenly thought of AIDAN. Now.. Isn't he kind of a villain? And I liked him!
Also loved those books. Can't wait for Obsidio!
For a Bookstagram challenge I had to pick my favorite villain. I never really had one? So browsing my books I suddenly thought of AIDAN. Now.. Isn't he kind of a villain? And I liked him!
Also loved those books. Can't wait for Obsidio!
These have been on my TBR for ages and still haven't read them.. Someday! Hopefully soon!
I read this one a while back and still have to think about it quite often. Some poems touched me in a way I never saw coming.
It was my first time reading poetry in years and I look forward to reading more now!
Is there a genre you rarely or never pick up?
Loved this book!
I'm doing a giveaway for a copy of this one - EU only. If you're interested: head on over to my Instagram!
Anyone else excited for this one? Haven't read it yet but it's one of my most anticipated releases!
Another one that's on my TBR. Hoping to get around to it sooon. Maybe #OWNtober will be the perfect excuse, haha.
Want to join in a month dedicated to reading your OWN books? Check out my blog and sign up!
It doesn't matter if you can't dedicate the whole month to it. We all know it can be satisfying already if you just get to read a couple of your own books. So why not use this as an extra motivation to at least read a few? 😉
Inspiration. Motivation.
I adored this. Simply adored. For my full review: check out my blog: http://booksandmunches.wordpress.com!
I won an e-book through LibraryThing and got to write a review on it. I really loved this romantic book. The sexual tension was amazingly integrated in the story and the whole book was so easy to read! Full review on my blog: https://booksandmunches.wordpress.com
Finished this the day before yesterday and loved it. Made me laugh, made me cry a little. Exactly what I was expecting from Jojo Moyes. You can read my full review on my blog! >> http://booksandmunches.wordpress.com
[I forgot to add my picture at first. Boo me!]
I just loved my own picture so thought I would share it with you, haha!
After reading Roar by Cora Carmack and writing my review [check my blog], it's time for a new adventure!
So I just got my armchair.. Totally loving it! It's so comfy and perfect for reading. 😍
I absolutely loved this series. I read all 5 books in a week. For a full review, check out my blog: http://booksandmunches.wordpress.com
It's weekend! And my evening consists of this and only this. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
My FairyLoot box finally arrived and I just had to share! Check out all those beautiful goodies, especially the pillow case! Lovelovelove it! #FairyLoot
I absolutely loved these books! To read my full review, check out my blog!
My next read! For the interested bookworms: I'm starting my own book blog. Feel free to check it out! First review will come up soon! Booksandmunches.wordpress.com
After a whole afternoon of cooking and baking, it's time for some relaxing. I'm completely ready to start Winter! It's probably been since Harry Potter that a series had me in its grip like this and I'm loving every minute of it.
Food and books.. All I need right now. I'm seriously loving The Lunar Chronicles!
I read Cinder like a highspeed speedy gonzalestrain and absolutely loved it. Now I'm going to enjoy some me-time with a lovely smelling candle (smells like a sauna according to my boyfriend) and Scarlet. 😍
Started reading this beauty yesterday, went out with my boyfriend tonight for dinner and read some more afterwards while drinking sangria. Just finished it and have to admit, I loved it! The way the point of view changes even throughout conversations is amazing since you get both perspectives. Absolutely loved it. Thank you, Lauren Kate, for recommending me this book to tick off 'a book recommended by an author you admire' on my Reading Challenge!
Just finished Heartless, and have been looking forward to reading Everything, Everything since it arrived. [God, I love bookmail.] So even though I've other books I already started.. This one is going first!
It's time for the 'book set in a hotel' prompt of my reading challenge! I have to admit, with a bit of shame probably, that this will be the first book I'll read written by Stephen King. 📚
This book is better than I thought it would be. I could barely put it down, had a few way too short nights because of it and don't regret that at all! It reads so easily, sucks you right in - the suspense is real - and leaves you satisfied at the end. Not one of those books I start hating because it leaves me with way too many questions. 📚❤
I never read anything other but the Twilight series so I really am curious how this is going to turn out... Fingers crossed, I guess. 🤗
Just bought this book yesterday with a gigantic pile of other books; yay for citytrips: when you need an even better excuse to buy books. Let's start reading!
"My motto has always been 'Time enjoyed is never wasted.' Except replace 'enjoyed' with 'drunk' and 'never wasted' with 'never not a good idea.'"
How wonderful a book is..
I'm not even on page 3 and I've been laughing for three times already.. I'm having my fingers crossed that this book is going to be as amazing as I'm hoping it is. If only to recommend to a friend of mine that has multiple mental ilnesses going on and would probably think it as amazing as I hopefully will.. Now, off to reading and laughing some more!
Time to start this one! Something completely different after reading Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo). And ofcourse there has to be some delicious salted caramel chocolate. ❤
I absolutely loved this book. it just sucked me right in, swirled me around and then spit me out again. So now I'm sitting here.. Kinda flabbergasted.. I can't wait to read the sequel and go back to this amazing world! ☆☆☆☆☆
"It's better to accept that if you have a good 80 per cent, then you just have to put up with the 20 per cent bad, rather than waiting for the 100 per cent good, and maybe ending up with nothing." - Men on the menu; Bambi Smyth.