My booktube-a-thon TBR! I'll hopfully find an ebook so that all the 7 challenges will be completed😇
My booktube-a-thon TBR! I'll hopfully find an ebook so that all the 7 challenges will be completed😇
I have nothing else to say😂😍
RATING: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 | 5 STARS!
For those of you who hasn't read HIAYLM, you probably should! If you're looking for a diverse, coming of age, not cheesy kind if contemporary YA book, ypu should totally pick this up! But beware of the feels😭😍
qotd: what's your guilty pleasure genre to read?
Mine's got to be diverse and nit so cheesy type of contemporary.
P.S. I don't read contemporaries most of the time.
I've been trying to finish King's Cage for like months now😔 I'm about 100 pages left but instead of finishing it, I've started to read other books (which is not healthy) but I'll be back on it when I'm Finished with LoS!
QOTD: do you love the shadowhunter's chronicles?
Because I sure do!😍
when you accidentally tipped off your bookshelf and a sea of books happen.
What are your current read guys? Also, what is your favorite book of the year yet?
My current read is More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera, and My 2 favorite books by far this year are History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera and A List Of Cages by Robin Roe! It has to be a tie because the feels!😍
P.S. Lord of Shadows and ACOWAR are automatically my favorites!🙊
Guys! Have any of you read this book? If so, what are your thoughts about it?
I wanna be pumped (by good reviews) before reading this series! But please no spoilers🙈
QOTD: favorite series?
---------- The Mortal Instruments | ACOTAR
RATING: ????⭐ | 4.5/5 STARS
I really love this "trilogy"! But in my opinion, ACOWAR is definitely not one of those books that ended the way it should be. The main characters aren't that much struggled. And ~spoiler~ no major character died? I do want them all to live but my point is that they've risked their lives and nobody died. But let us alljust be happy about it?
RATING: 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐ | 4/5 STARS
One of my most anticipated books of last year. It was a good kind of read but it didn't really reached my expectation😔 But look at those end pages! They're gorge af!😍
Any thoughts about this book?
QOTD: If you've read this series, who, by far, is your most favorite character?
Mine is definitely Evangeline!
still have to read this book! probably moving it to my top priority after my current read. what are your thoughts about this book guys? please no spoilers tho!🙈🙉🙊
Definitely one of the BEST sequels ever! I'm usually not impressed by the second book in a series because often times it disappoints me😔. However, this book got all the feels! Gosh I can't even contain my excitement about it!😍 I'm only 507 pages in (yes, I read it so slowly because I wanna savour every page of it) and I just don't want it to end soon since the next and final installment will not be released until 2019! ugh😩