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Joined June 2019

Dark Sacred Night | Michael Connelly
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I changed my answer from So So to Pick, because I actually enjoyed reading this book and I can‘t wait to finish it. I haven‘t read any other Harry Bosch books so I might be missing out on some stuff but I think I‘m catching on. I really like this book and would recommend it to some people.

MrsBabki Looks like a harder read? Was it? 4y
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Dark Sacred Night | Michael Connelly
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I haven‘t read to much yet but during the break I had to find a book for the 30 minutes per day reading and it was one of my dads books that he owns so I tried this and so far it‘s not to bad. I put it as a so so because I haven‘t gone to far to any twists or big plot stuff. It‘s a detective novel. If you like those I‘d say you would like this. It‘s a fairly big book with around 500 pages in it. But I think I might like it.

Cfischbuch Way to try something new. He‘s a good author. Stick with it. 5y
MrsBabki I like that you are searching titles out! Impressive! 5y
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I picked this book up originally because it was being made into a movie a while ago, and I sometimes don‘t agree with the book being better than a movie, but in this case I think it was way better. Part 2

Cfischbuch So glad you think the book was better. There‘s so much in this book I can see that it would be hard to put everything in. Have you tried his other book Armada? 5y
MrsBabki Well, now I have my answer. 5y
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This book is about Wade Watts. He lives in 2044, in the stacks, a town made out of RVs stacked on each other because of an energy crisis people could no longer live in houses. When James Halliday died, the creator of the oasis, he left behind all of his fortune to the winner of the contest. To win you have to find 3 keys and 3 doors. Will Wade win the contest or will a corporate team beat him to it? Part 1

MrsBabki Did you like it? I really liked the movie, but have heard the book is better. Have you seen both? Which do you like better? 5y
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Shooter | Caroline Pignat
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This book is from what I‘ve heard is this is an action book. I haven‘t completed it but so far the main part hasn‘t happened yet but I think it has potential. If you like books about people stuck in situations they don‘t know how to get out of then you will love this book. Overall I will keep reading it but I think it has potential. But this book is about a lockdown with kids stuck in a bathroom and later they find out it may be a shooter. #3

MissYaremcio Great job Will! I would make sure you read over your reviews before posting as I do see repetitive sentences in it! 5y
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Dear Martin | Nic Stone
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Dear Martin is about racial problems in our world. With Justyce being in constant trouble because of his race. If you like books that deal with problems in our world. This book has a good pace and you can keep up with the story easily #2

MissYaremcio Your review has me wanting more! Make sure you have more details in your summary next time! Keep up the great work! 5y
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Dear Martin | Nic Stone
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Justyce McAllister is a straight A student, and has a path straight to a good career. While trying to do a good deed Justyce Finds himself in handcuffs. To find his haven he starts a project called, Dear Martin. Justyce finds himself in many bad situations because of his race. If you like books about modern problems, then you will enjoy this book. The authors tone is to bring light to modern problems in our society

MissYaremcio Well done Will! This is an excellent review! I must add this book to my to-read pile! 5y
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