This book was pretty lengthy and in the begging I wasn't sure I'd finish it. Once I got past the beginning and really into the plot, I actually liked it!
This book was pretty lengthy and in the begging I wasn't sure I'd finish it. Once I got past the beginning and really into the plot, I actually liked it!
WOW!!! Just finished The Readymade Thief and it was so good. This book was right up my alley with tons of suspense and a story line that gets better and better with each chapter. It's so well written I couldn't put it down! You can preorder it now, available in stores on August 1.
This story is set in the 1800‘s in London England. Lady Susanna Macalister is unlike most girls her age, she doesn‘t want to be betrothed and end up in a loveless marriage. Everyone including Susanna assumes she will marry the very wealthy Lord Riverton, but an accidental run in with Lord Ian Wescott will make her question everything she thought she knew. This book is full of twists, a beautiful love story, and a fairy tale ending.
Relaxing in bed on this fine 4th of July. Just finished A suitable affair and it was good! I'm not usually into books written in a different century, but I really enjoyed it.
As far as the story, I enjoyed it. I just got lost because each chapter bounced around to different characters and different generations, which made it difficult to keep everything straight.
Parts I liked, some parts dragged, others didn't make sense. I really wanted to like this book but just felt so-so.
I was hoping for a little more spice and scandal, lol Guess I have a dirty mind. It was still a good book, with a great message. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, and the honeymoon period will end and what are you left with?
Wow, this book was so good I read it in one sitting, not joking. It was very suspenseful and so well written. I love when a book has those jaw dropping moments, twists with characters you don't expect, and a story line that has you on the edge of your seat. A must read if you like suspense/thriller.
What a beautiful story written by a dad, about his families struggles with cancer. Elisha's daughter is diagnosed with a pediatric kidney cancer, and the story follows Zoe through surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. I am a cancer survivor myself, and was really touched by this story. Appreciate your health and live your life to the fullest.
I was introduced to Tony Dury's novella's when I read Lunch with Harry. I really enjoyed reading it so I looked forward to reading his next book, twelve troubled jurors. The book is only 42 pages long, so you can read it in one sitting. The book is inspired by the movie 12 angry men.
I read all 418 pages on my plane flight home because I couldn't wait to see what happens. Such a suspenseful story, it had my biting my nails. The book comes out July 25th. It would make a great movie!
I loved this book! Generations of family have cherished this thriving orchard, and a few couldn't get far enough away from it. A story about not selling out, and keeping something important to you at whatever cost. You'll love the characters and the story they have to tell.
This is the perfect book to take to the beach. Bonny is an ER physician who loves her job but struggles with issues in her personal life. She's out grown her marriage, and her daughter Piper is constantly getting into trouble. After a patient of Bonny's dies accidentally, she decides to take some time away, and go stay at the river house she visited as a child. Old friendship are renewed and new ones formed. I hope the author writes a second book!
I loved this book. What a beautiful story about a woman who has given up, she no longer wants to live her life. An attempt to end it all doesn't turn out as planned, instead a twist of events occurs, that will forever change her, shape her future, and give her a fresh start. I enjoyed the characters, their stories, and a whole lot of love that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy. This book would make a great movie.
What a great book. I loved the story and the characters, but I also loved the learning lessons behind the story. As woman, we are so hard on ourselves,We also judge other woman, and compare ourselves to them, when we have no idea what's going on in there lives.Cecily is recovering from a nasty divorce, and is left feeling unattractive, unwanted and like she's losing control of her life. She struggles to gain self worth and learn to be happy again.
I don't know what to say. I loved the girl on the train, but this author uses waaaaaaay to many characters in her book. I was on page 40 and she'd already introduced 10 characters. I actually started writing down who was who so I could keep it straight. I never give up on a book, so I pushed through. There was a few plot twists, and the ending left you with that mouth drop open moment, but overall, I was disappointed.
I had to read this book for my book club, and it took me a whole week to finish it because I could not get into it. I read a man called Ove and wasn't too impressed, so I didn't go into the book with high expectations. I just couldn't get into all the" pretend land and people" in the story. It seems like this book has mixed reviews, a lot of people really like it, and some don't.
I was given an early addition of this book, and went into it with zero expectations. Some of the book I enjoyed, and I was happy with the ending, just felt she added content she didn't really follow up with, or parts to the story she didn't need to ad.
"Love"d this book! Such a sweet love story, with a surprising twist towards the end. This is Kristy's first book, and I can't wait for her to write another one.
Huh? Anyone else read this and end the book wondering what the heck happened? I was great, liking it, then the last 6 or so chapters I feel like I was reading a whole other book. This book will be released in May, there's so many other wonderful books out there, skip this one.
This picture is perfect for this book, which is about a girl growing up in Fiji. Kalyana tells us the story of growing up Indian, living amongst the Fiji people. Her struggles with her family, a tragedy, politics, and how she evolves as an adult, and learns forgiveness.
I was given the privilege to read this book early, and I'm so thankful. This is a story about a woman named Natalie, who travels to Thailand to work for a year in an elephant sanctuary. Her relationship with Sophie the elephant will warm your heart, and probably make you cry too. The story is so well written, so detailed, I was entranced reading it. I highly recommended this book, comes out July 18.
I was able to get an advanced copy of All the best people, and I really enjoyed it. I had a little difficulty getting the characters straight, but it all came together a few chapters in. I enjoyed the story line, the plot, and the characters.
This is a wonderful short story, about Ella, a very busy doctor working hard to send money to her parents to help care for her dying brother. Harry, a gentleman in every way, who is still healing from the loss of his wife due to a sudden heart attach that takes her life. They stumble into each other's life's, right when they each need someone. The story is only 70 pages, and I was so impressed with how much story line they fit in so few pages.
I really had to hang in there and not throw in the towel. I was expecting a little more excitement, but it fell flat. Wasn't bad, just wasn't great. Tiny little reveal at the very end.
So Renee Carlino is one of my favorite authors, and I always brag I've read every one of her books, well.....searching amazon and realized I hadn't read this little gem. Of coarse it's a mussy, gussy, can't resist love story and I read it in 4 hours. Now I can say I really have read all her books!
Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this book. The quality of the writing, the story line, the characters, all consuming and wonderful! I loved reading about the Chinese culture, tea and the healing powers of Pu'er. Such a beautiful story, I wanted more. I'm even more excited to go to Lisa See's book signing next week!
I'm still not too sure how I feel about this book, I didn't love it, didn't dislike it. It was a good story line, that could have gotten better. I wanted more for the main character, a life, love, a career,something.
Let's support one of our Litsy gals, and buy her new book. It sounds like a suspenseful read,I love it! I pre-ordered mine!
Moving, heartbreaking, eye opening, beautifully written.
This book was a pick for my book club, and I hadn't heard of it until they announced it. It's always interesting to learn about the cultures of other countries, how simple life can be, and how the people are happy and survive on so little. If your looking for nonfiction quick read, this is a good choice.
Well......I noticed so many people reading " A Separation" so I thought I should see what it's all about. I don't know if I'm becoming a book snob, but I didn't get the hoopla! I was waiting for the plot to build, some shockers, twists, something. There was none. I was very disappointed.
I loved loved loved this book, and every single one of Renee Carlino's other books as well. It was such a sweet story, and I loved the ending. If you haven't read any of her books, go get them now, she has another book coming out in July.
So I have a question, or a propositionfor you all. Would anyone want to join a book swap? I buy so many books, and have no one to pass them onto, and if your like me, you have a long list of books you want to buy. So.......if you like the books I'm reading, and you have a new bestseller you've read and love, and want to swap, why not! We can message each other, and send the book to its new home! Anyone want to try it? Message me back.
The book started off a little slow, but as I read it picked up and got interesting. Couple little jaw dropping moments, that got me hooked. It was a very easy/fast read. I read it in 2 days.
So I read a few posts about this book, and it got rave reviews, and everyone was talking about the build up of the ending. For me, it went from a suspense thriller, to a sci-fi book. The ended turned the book into something spiritual, or fake. Maybe my expectations were too high? Some parts I liked, most I didn't. You be the judge.
Look who I got to meet.....Debbie Macomber. She is the sweetest, and so funny! Can't wait to start her book.
Any book of Debbies is awesome, I loved this series and it led me to want to read more. Her Alaska series is great too!
What can I say other then I loved this book. It was long, it was unlike most books I normally read, but I couldn't put it down. In fact I liked it so much I ordered her other book " free food for millionaires".
This is by far the worse book I've read. I picked it up last year, got through a few chapters and gave up. My book club picked it for march, so I decided I would try again. So disappointing. No story line, extremely boring, and I struggled to finish. I've spoken to many people who feel the same, but if you liked it, I'd love to hear why?
One word.......steamy. This book is the first in the trilogy, and I can't wait to read the next two. If you liked 50 shades of grey, you'll like this even better, if your more on the prudish side, skip it. lol I really liked the story, the characters, and the hot sex scenes.
Just finished "My husbands wife". Confusing title right? I liked this book, not love, but liked it. It had a good story line, a few little surprises and the ending was good. Read the reviews and decide for yourself.
Picked up this this gem at Lax airport. So excited to fill it up with books I've already read, books I want to read, and books I loved so much I want to remember them to share with others.
Everything you want me to be was suspenseful, but not as much as I hoped it to be. You don't really find out what happened until the very end. There is no real twists, no shocking revelations. It was a fast read, so I wouldn't steer you away from it, but there's so many good books out there.......
What a beautiful tribute to a loved one lost to the shooting in France. A very short, easy read. Antoine Leiris wrote this book about his wife Helene and there son who who left without a mother.
This was a great suspense novel. It kept me guessing the whole time. You have to pay attention, because the two main characters are women, and each chapter goes back and forth, one character from the past, one in the current day. It's a good read.
Well I had high hopes for this book, but I feel like it could've been a lot better. I was expecting this great suspense novel, but it never quit hit the peak of excitement. It kept me reading, but the plot twist was never there, I figured out the ending about half way through.
Wth? I don't know what I missed, but how did this book make the " 10 best books" list? It was horrible. The book made no sense,there was never a reason, a conclusion, and ending, nothing. It took me forever to finish, but I did, because I'm not a quitter. Lol my advice:Don't waste your time.
I read all three books, very quick reads, very short books. Probably better to have put them all in one, but that's ok. I love Colleen Hoover, she's one of my favorite authors, but didn't really care for these books. Unless your a big fan of hers....I'd skip them.
All good things must come to an end, including this book. I have loved all of Taylor's books, and this one didn't disappoint. It's the story of a famous actress, the life she lived behind the scene's, her 7 husbands, and many many secrets. Go pre-order, book is out June 13th.