Trying to find a recipe I want to make this week and cake across this ... phrasing‽
Trying to find a recipe I want to make this week and cake across this ... phrasing‽
Finally rereading Lord of Chaos so I can remember where I was at in this series before I took a break. Book 7 will be a new read 😬
Why do I have a feeling Moiraine isn‘t actually dead?
Oh hey I‘m trying to get better at keeping up with my social media this year.
I‘m rebranding! Check out my YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGoyfY4UewBSHzLrwQ4ouCg
I decided to be fancy and serve myself ramen on a silver platter while I edit 😂
Can you just imagine being purposefully pelted with potatoes and turnips by will? 😂😂😂
Scholars - they‘re scary. #AnsaThoughts #duskandrime
I love passages that both do and don‘t break the 4th wall at the same time 😂
This is, by far, my new favorite way to describe resting bitch face 😂
I‘m so stoked for the Hocus Pocus Readathon!!! Who wants to join me? 🧙🏻♀️🕸✨🧹🍁🍂🎃 https://youtu.be/GuCEX3t6zno
So for this #mbcreadathon checkin we‘re supposed to name our favorite book of the year. I know it‘s gonna be a Jay Kristoff book, but I won‘t know which one until I get my hands on Darkdawn 😂 #mbcfrogsread12
60 hour checkin for the #mbcreadathon and I‘m almost to the 24 hour goal 😂 #mbcfrogsread11
It would depend on what period of my life our ask this question. They all hold a place in my heart. What‘s your favorite series? #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread10
What are some of your childhood favorites? It was hard to pick for me to pick just these, but they do stand out vividly in my memory. #mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread8
4 ⭐️
Nearly 9 hours into the #mbcreadathon and I‘ve finished A Discovery of Witches. If you‘re in the mood for a paranormal/witch-vampire love story overshadowed by a fantasy mystery then you‘ll like this book! Now to get back to more reading #MBCfrogsread5
When you run a digital countdown instead of tracking time read digitally... I track total time manually lol. #bujo entry to come at the end of the #mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread3
Don‘t mind me. I‘m just fangirling over #AuroraRising while waiting for the US release of #Darkdawn ⚔️ 💀
Aurora Rising SPOILER FREE REVIEW https://youtu.be/4FsaeY9e2g0
I finished 29 books in July and tried to talk about them https://youtu.be/abaMKtIN9hg
I have a feeling that this is going to be my favorite read from my August TBR. I don‘t think I could write a better review than this one that already exists (linked below), but if you like Star Trek vibes mixed with the story progression coming from different character perspectives - then you‘ll love this book.
4.5 ⭐️
Whoever started the rumor that this is a feminist twist on Lord of the Flies is very wrong. The only thing it has remotely in common with Lord of the Flies is that there are boats and people on an island. The only reason it isn‘t a five star for me is because I don‘t plan to constantly reread this - although I can see myself rereading it in October in a couple of years from now. Full review> https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2922822351
So I finally refilmed my August TBR because I found the rules for this year‘s #NEWTsReadathon2019 https://youtu.be/eVHCUMoaU_o
😂😂😂 that‘s a pretty disparaging range
I‘m excited to participate in my first #readathon where I‘m actually going to try to interact with people 😂😂😂 join in if you want! #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread
I mean ... I would have enjoyed it being called banditbane 😂
So I finally broke down and bought a book light ... and now I‘m an angler fish 😂😂😂
That moment when you realize the phrase underwater basket weaving might actually be a real thing 🙃😅😂
I finally finished enough of the other books I was reading so I can get to this one 🤩
I just dusted this book off from 7th grade ... totally forgot that I had doodles in it 😂😂😂 #NEWTsReadathon2019 here I come
New video on my N.E.W.T.s #readathon #tbr coming soon. I‘m shooting for my Outstanding in Astronomy with this one 😅
Definitely liking this more than Prince of Thorns 🤷🏻♀️
4.5 🌟watch my review here: The Name of the Wind SPOILER FREE REVIEW + Bookshelf Vlog https://youtu.be/5yGNXZv-_C4
So I was trying to learn how to make cute thumbnails for YouTube ... note to self do not use the recompose tool like this #photoshopfail
I Am I the only one who reads this passage and hears it in Goofy‘s voice?