I have not actually picked this book up yet, but I want to read a Victoria Schwab book so badly!!
I have not actually picked this book up yet, but I want to read a Victoria Schwab book so badly!!
Rebellion, Sharp Shooter, Desert, Magic, Girl Disguised as Guy!! Enough buzz words for you?? This is a really fun, fast paced read.
Throwback to my Night Circus themed Sweet Sixteen featuring a dress made by my grandma, a fortune teller, chocolate mustaches, and the awkward part of my teen years 🙈
“She wasn't interested in telling other people's futures. She was interested in going out and finding her own.”
If you have not read this series, I do not know what you are doing. This series is everything a fairytale retelling should be 😍
One of my most recent reads and one of my new favorites! This book feels like it has everything I want in a book. A girl disguising herself, steampunk, space pirates, diversity, and a beautiful cover 😍
The Night Circus was the theme for my 16th birthday, (that's how much I liked it) if anyone's thinking of trying it out 😊
For those of you that are unsure about whether you should Read Red Rising, check out my video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PVITV7CNdno
Anyone here that has already read Red Rising?
CUTENESS. THE EPITOME OF HOW A CONTEMPORARY SHOULD BE. Wonderfully imperfect characters, friendship, romance, French Landmarks, and family and friends drama folded into a slow burn pairing
Read and loved this book. And all the rest. And the fourth book may or may not have been my most exciting release of 2016. Great binge read(: Need I say more?
pic: via my bookstagram!
This book is fantastic! It has such diverse characters: a redhead girl, and an Asian boy. This diversity in literature is rare right now, and something I, as an Asian, deeply appreciate. Definitely five star worthy! pc: Amazon.com
Just read this book for a third time recently. Hazel's words are permanently etched in my brain by now, but I still sobbed just as many times as I did the first time I read this. That's the sign of a good book😍
Getting The Crown soon! Just out of curiosity, anyone else in love with Kyle?
The book's summary on the cover while accurate, almost doesn't seem to cover the story in its main storyline. Regardless, the six POVs are all wildly unique and engaging, making the book easier to read.