"Stories are wild creatures, the monster said. When you let them loose, who knows what havoc they might wreak?"
I love this quote so much!
"Stories are wild creatures, the monster said. When you let them loose, who knows what havoc they might wreak?"
I love this quote so much!
"You do not write your life with words, the monster said."
"But the problem with being weird was that everyone else was normal."
Weirdly Amazing! If you haven't read this yet stop what your doing and go read it. Five Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I can't wait to read the next book!
I just started this book not to long ago, and didn't think I really like (seeing as I tried to read it before and wasn't into it), but oh I'm only half way through and I'm in love. Hopefully I'll have a review up when I'm finished, though it may take some time seeing as I'm reading it slowly, because of life and I really like taking it one page at a time.
I went into this book not knowing much about it and high hopes from the author who brought us Simon, and I'm glad to say it didn't disappoint. With a main character so relatable as Molly and a story so easy to get into I was soon in love, so only 80 pages in I knew the book would soon be on my favorites list (much like Simon). I can't wait to see what new wonderfully fun and dorky characters will come from the creator of Simon and Molly!
Oh my goodness! That ending!!! I got to the last hundred pages or so, in this book, and one second I'd be laughing and the next crying my eyes out or both. It was an amazing Trilogy and I'd say my favorite of the shadowhunter books I've read so far. Five Stars.
4.5 Stars
If your looking for a YA book like Pirates of the Caribbean I would definitely recommend you read this, or if you just want an action packed pirate adventure (with a hint of romance). It's fairly action packed and super easy to get into. At points I couldn't believe it's a debut novel!
Overall: a very quick to get into enjoyable read! With twists and turn befitting a pirate. And I can't wait for the next book, to see what'll happen next!
Five Stars! I really enjoyed returning to the world of the Lunar Chronicles, and though the art wasn't exactly what I was expecting, I loved the whole book. Pictures and all. And throughout the book you get to really see Iko grow as a character. I really can't say more without spoiling it, other then if you haven't read the Lunar Chronicles go read that then Wires and Nerve.
Where's the next book when you need it?
I love Rick Riordan's books! They just make me laugh so much!
I hadn't heard a whole lot of stuff about this book before starting it, but what I had heard was good and it ended up in my TBR pile. Hence my having read it. What should I say about this book? For starters I was very surprised at how easy it was to get into this book, it had me hooked from the start.
I loved the jokes and illustrations, how they perfectly fit in the story.
Overall: It was a easy, very enjoyable read.