Been waiting on this one and my library finally delivered the hold!
Been waiting on this one and my library finally delivered the hold!
Heading to Cape May for a long weekend visit. Hoping to read several books but as there will be a new puppy to play with, that might be unrealistic!
I always enjoy these wonderful book oriented mysteries and this was no exception! It was nice to catch up with Brooklyn and Derek and meet a few new characters. I very much enjoyed how far the relationship between Brooklyn and Inspector Lee has come. It took a while to get to the murder but the mystery of who was the killer was well done.
This wasn't what I was expecting so I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped. However, if you are looking for a memoir that addresses the struggles of mental health, substance abuse, and celebrity culture, this will be a good one.
Participating in the #AHAReads summer reading program and using this to meet one of the prompts - a book set at least a century before the time frame I know most about.
I read this because I work in the same library system she did but I was not the target audience. Also, this was marketed as something very different than what it actually is.
For those in the #LittensLoveRomance #bookclub I thought you might want to know about this if you haven't seen it already
Couldn't tag the novella so I tagged another book in the series.
This was ok and I get that Gin is paranoid and with good reason. I also get that, as a rule, when there is trouble, it's about her. But the sheer number of red flags regarding the perpetrators and Owen that she ignored in this is mindboggling. #UrbanFantasy
Eden's romantic suspense are what I consider dessert books. They're on the short side for novels with very little angst but lots of heat. They are fun and fast reads with various romance tropes. This one is a grumpy sunshine trope. Overall, I enjoyed it though I had a few minor quibbles. #romantsy
The information in the book was good but the writing style left a great deal to be desired. Very repetitive and jumped around a lot with few transitions to help the reader follow.
As someone who was a lobbyist for a decade & is a resident of DC, I avoid fiction books about politics. I avoid romances featuring Congressional staff or mysteries set in the Capitol, for instance. So I didn't particularly enjoy this cozy. The murder mystery itself was okay - though the murder weapon “mystery“ wasn't & I suspected the culprit in her very first scene - but the backdrop of the political campaign in this one made it not for me.
No matter how you feel about the Elgin Marbles, this book is worth reading. This was an excellent and quick read. I very much enjoyed learning about Mary and her adventures and was impressed by the source material. That said, the author did take a little too much liberty in applying reasons to actions for which she had no source material, only assumptions.
This was an okay romantic suspense. This was actually the first book I've read by Anderson, and it's a little confusing because it is almost a continuation of a previous book. I liked the setting, and I liked some of the characters. However, the murderer was glaringly obvious, and the book could have been about 50 pages shorter as the massive amount of repetition slowed down the pacing.
Did not do a good job of holds management as both these came in while I already have three other books checked out!
Forgot to post this when I finished reading. It was interesting to see Sebastian & Hero in a different locale - I like that they were out of their comfort zone - but still just as determined to see justice done as always. I also enjoyed that Sebastian's penchant for murder investigations had clearly spread through the gossip of Europe. The one thing I wished for that didn't happen was a short epilogue showing them back in London.
I've picked up several books over the last week that I just haven't been able to get into. It's quite frustrating to want to get lost in a book and not be able to!
I didn't realize when I started this that it was a novella and that it was the prequel to the one Eden book I DNF'd. That said, it wasn't bad but it really isn't a full book - there isn't really a romance, just the initial chemistry. It's really a set up for the full length book that comes next and that's the one I had a real issue with so...
Forgot to post this when I finished it. A really interesting book about 2 forgotten medieval queens in what is now France. History buffs will definitely enjoy this one.
It took me a bit to really get into this but once I did, I couldn't put it down. I enjoyed how it connected to previous books and showed some of the longer term ramifications of decisions. It's also interesting that it's the the third (out of six) featuring a Mercant.
For being book 17 in the series, you'd think Gin would have learned something by now. While I liked this ok, it was really aggravating in parts.
Class is over and I have the weekend off work! I'm about 75% done with Venom in the Veins so I hope to finish that and read the three ARCs pictured. Fingers crossed!
"Tonight is going to be awesome!"
I tend to read this series in bursts so it has been a little while since I read one. I enjoyed the slight change of Gin trying to solve a crime and catch a serial killer, but in taking her out of her element, Estep seemed to dumb her down a little which I didn't appreciate.
I only checked this book out because the cover model reminded me of an actor I like so...
It wasn‘t bad but it was just too slow for me. I also found both main characters to be a little boring. Probably more me than the book to be fair.
DNF - I just couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to accept the premise that a supposed expert would have 5 months to move but waited until the final three days, which were a holiday weekend, and built in no buffer time or leeway for anything going wrong.
Pictured book is out today! #Paranormal #romance and the second in the series but for some reason neither is in Litsy so I tagged another PNR by the author.
Can't wait for tomorrow (my day off) so I can read this ARC!
This one's very interesting. I got an ARC but I'm just now getting through it because of classes. Lots of women who were famous/infamous in their time but that most people have never heard of today. It's not as strictly linear as I would prefer but it's a good read.
Spent the long weekend in Cape May with friends which was lovely but I didn't get any reading done. Only three more weeks of class and then I can hopefully get lots of reading time in to catch up.
Pictured book is 99 cents in pre-release and includes 19 different authors' contributions. Couldn't tag it because it is not available yet. #fantasy #romance #paranormal
Great #historical #romance on sale now! First in a series and the author was just named Library Journal's best indie author for her state.
This is me this morning! I'm supposed to be #SaturdayLibrarian but I missed my bus because I was reading.
The last two classes for my certificate program started this week, so I'll be spending a lot of quality time with this book over the next 10 weeks!
This just didn't say anything new or have any real solutions.
Classes start today but I got one last book in yesterday! Overall, this was well-written and had a lot of interesting information. However, the early part of the book flips back and forth in time which is one of my pet peeves so I personally found that annoying.
I love a good true crime and history of crime combo! Looking forward to reading this one!
I saw this on FB and cracked up so I thought I'd share. Who on here doesn't relate to this? 🤣
Overall, this was a good narrative history for general readers. History buffs or those with academic level history backgrounds will likely find it less interesting. One caveat-I read an ARC version of this so I'm assuming the couple of factual errors were fixed in editing.
Amazon offered a $5 discount on a set of books and I chose this #historical #romance that sounded excellent. #romantsy
We've got a snow day here! I didn't get to sleep in but a day of reading makes up for it 🙂
1. I unintentionally started a tradition that the first book I read each year is an ARC of the next Sebastian St Cyr mystery and I see no reason to stop the tradition.
2. My friends' wedding.
3. To give myself permission to DNF books I'm not into without feeling guilty.
#SundayFunDay @ozma.of.oz
For the #history readers, this is on sale at Amazon for 2.99 in the US and UK. Not sure for how long.
I lowered my goal from previous years as I knew I was going to be very busy. Lots of rereads but an overall very enjoyable reading year.
Happy New Year to my fellow readers! Here's to a great reading year for everyone.