Good book, lots of strategies to help you & your middle schooler get through these transitional years.
Good book, lots of strategies to help you & your middle schooler get through these transitional years.
It took me a bit to get into this one, but once I did it was a fun read.
FWIW I didn‘t finish the book. Not because there‘s anything wrong with it, it‘s a great book on a great topic. I quit because I think I‘m one of the lucky ones that is generally happy. I am content. I don‘t have a lot of negative self talk. If I find myself in a funk I can refer back to this book. If you struggle with being happy, you should check it out.
While I‘m not a fan of the style of writing (too verbose, too drawn out and vague), I did enjoy the story itself. My heart goes out to Duchess. She never really had a childish and endured such a rough life…I hope her adult years are easier.
Sonali Dev is such a great writer. I liked this book as much as I liked her Vibrant Years book. The theme of this book is about finding yourself and what makes you happy, and not doing things that keep everyone else happy & keeps their lives easier at the expense of yours.
A quick one of course to follow the last one. This was good, about being happy and all the ridiculousness of life as an adult.
This book was sooooo long. It was interesting. The forward really got me interested. I was surprised I kept reading it. It took me almost a month, when I‘m used to reading 8-10 books a month. There wasn‘t anything particularly thrilling or page-turning or cliff hangers. There were a ton of character & places. But it was interesting enough to read it all. I likely won‘t do book two, but am glad I read this one.
An interesting read. I found the timeline confusing at times (had it been two weeks, two months, or five days…who knows!) but otherwise was quite interesting with a twist that was hinted at but still surprised me.
Very interesting read about Trevor‘s life growing up in South Africa and not really fitting in anywhere.
I wasn‘t sure about this at first but it grew on me & I really enjoyed it by the end. Looking forward to book 2.
To be honest, the premise of the ‘constellation‘ is a bit too woo-woo for me. But other than that it was a fun story.
The Barbara part was better than the margeaux part. I‘m still a bit confused with Roger and Marcel. The character development was lacking in some areas. But the relationship between Barbara and her grandmother was beautiful.
Not my fave to be honest. The characters weren‘t that well developed, and there were a lot of characters. Learning about the mountain lions was interesting, but a lot of the story was hard yo follow or hard to understand the connection or importance. I get that it‘s a mystery & you‘re not led to it from page one, there are curves in the road…but this was a bit too jumbled for me to want to read more from the author.
Book #2 in the series. Continuing the saga of Kianthe and Reyna this one has adventures with pirates & more. Maybe not as cozy as the first, but I‘ll bet the next one is.
Book #5 in the series. I think this is the final book of the series. I did really like it, but the sex in this one is quite graphic. This one is from Nedra‘s point of view rather than Feyre‘s. I‘m surprised there isn‘t also one with Elain as the main character.
I‘m not sure how I feel about this book. It was a bit woo-woo at the beginning but I kept reading hoping to understand why Nora‘s car was in 3 places at the same time. I never did find out, but I read until the end and felt unsure… not satisfaction or closing but more unsettled. It isn‘t a bad story, just a bit unsettling I guess.
This is the second book I‘ve read from this author & they are riveting. Each seem to be stand alone books, not a series. Can you imagine being a pathologist fellow checking out forensic genealogy and discovering that you are the missing baby charlotte from 30 years ago!
Wow. This was a good one. It‘s heavy at times, as it should be with the topic of women‘s rights in Iran over the last several decades. But it has funny parts, a tremendous friendship, and some really good and decent human beings. I knew a tiny bit of Iran‘s history, but this opened up my view of it and I hope things get better there in my lifetime.
Book #3. Read this with my kiddo. Still a fave series.
Book #2. Read this with my kiddo. Still a fave series.
Book #1. Read this with my kiddo. Still one of my faves.
Read this with my daughter. It‘s about an Asian American family that moves back to the US just as covid hits. It‘s a timely story about family, racism in America, and how to be the better person.
A cozy story. I like the idea, even if it‘s a bit predictable. It‘s cute & funny & mostly heartwarming. Looking forward to book 2.
The humor, detail, knowledge, and character development are similar to the Thursday Murder Club series. I like the duo of Amy & her father in law. A bit like Only Murders in the Building, but with people more familiar with investigating & the seedier parts of life.
Book #14 in the Hidden Norfolk series. A good mystery in this one, and a few good beatings too (both physically and emotionally). There are a few repetitive themes, phrases, etc in the series but overall I can overlook them and just enjoy the story. I am worried for Tamera‘s job in the next one though. Some hints in this one are leading me down that path.
Book #13 in the Hidden Norfolk series. Another good mystery that kept me guessing to the end.
Book #12 in the Hidden Norfolk series. It‘s funny how most of the series has a double murder, with the second related to the first. This was another good one.
Book #11 in the Hidden Norfolk series. This one is a sad one. I thought I had it figured out from the beginning, and I did get it mostly right, but the turns to get there were not what I expected.
Boo #10 in the Hidden Norfolk series. An odd murder, then a double murder, with both victims having loose ties to Tom. We see his shell crack a bit in this one.
Book #9 in the series. Another one with two murders who end up being linked. This is a fun series, I like the characters.
Book #8 in the Hidden Norfolk series. This story had a lot of things going on. Not just a murder, but other scandals too. We get to see a bit more behind the curtain into the personal lives of the team too which is nice.
Book #7 in the series. Quite a good mystery, it much less on the personal front. Although the personal stuff we do learn is quite good.
Book #4 in the series. It felt short, but I liked where it went. Valerie sounds like a nice place to live.
Book #5 in the Glass Library series. Finally this is getting somewhere. My biggest gripe though is that it‘s such a ‘copy & paste‘ of the Glass & Steele series. However, I‘m really looking forward to book 6 when Matt & India show up.
Book #5 in the hidden Norfolk series. This was a complex multiple murder story that Janssen was able to figure out in the end. The characters are evolving & urs nice to see a bit more of the personal side of them.
Book #4 in the hidden Norfolk series. This one kinda started out feeling like I missed a book. There‘s been a bit of time between book 3 and 4. But that‘s ok… the story is a good one and they bring on another new team member.
Book #3 of the series and it‘s really getting good now. A lot of Tom Janssen‘s personal life and background gets learned in this one. Along with a murder mystery to solve too.
Book #2 in the series. Tamara returns, Tom too of course. and Eric is growing into his role. Secrets never stay buried…that would be the moral of this story I think.
Book #3 in the series. So much happens! I almost thought it was ending here, but luckily it keeps going. The war with Hybern is not what anyone was expecting. Many bargains were made. Only time will tell if they were worth it.
I forgot to review this a few weeks ago. It‘s managed to suck me in for good now. I can totally picture it as a tv series too…a lot happens, the plot thickens, the characters evolve.
I never read the book, but I enjoyed the movie Crazy Rich Asians. This book is by that same author. It was interesting, but so pretentious. I don‘t hail from old money, or new money either, and all the name dropping doesn‘t mean a thing to me so that part was annoying.
This was a charming book. I really enjoyed the authors previous book, the lost bookshop. The story collector is quite different, and not as good in my opinion. However, it is a nice little romcom set in the charming Irish countryside amongst The Good People.
This is an interesting oral history of a woman born in 1901. Based on the author‘s grandmother. I read The Glass Castle a couple years ago, about the author‘s life growing up & especially her dad and his crazy schemes. This book was interesting as it showed her mom came from stock that wasn‘t much less chaotic.
What a page turner! I was hooked right from the start. You think you know what‘s going on, then it gets turned on you as you hear a different version of something. Really well done. I wish it ended just slightly differently, it was a bit too abrupt at the end. But otherwise great.
A follow up to the The House in the Cerulean Sea, follows Arthur, Linus, and all the kids as they fight to protect the freedoms of the magical community. A laugh out loud, heart warming, loving take that should help remind us to be more accepting and inclusive.
Book #4 in the Thursday Murder Club series. I think I say this about all of them - but what a ride!
Book #3 in the Thursday Murder Club series. This was a fun one! All the gang is there plus a few more memorable characters and a rollercoaster of a mystery to untangle.
I really enjoyed this one. Liv and Emily, great examples of women not living up to their full potential, being taken advantage of, and not doing what they need to in order to really be happy. Then a traumatic event jump starts their transformation. They learn about themselves, make friends, and become their better self.