#Page268 #bookstagram #buchblog #büchersüchtig #bücherwurm #lesenmachtglücklich #leseratte
#Page182 #bookblogger #bücherliebe #Büchernerd #ichliebelesen
The characters in books are sometimes so evil 😱
#books #omg #omgosh #evil #evilcharacters #prologue #sevenyearsago
#wingsoffire #escapingperil #tuitsutherland #tuisutherland
Stay tuned for lots of updates 😊
Happy February 29th! Nothing better than a delicious donut, hot chocolate and a good book on this chilly day!
#leapday #leapday2020 #leapyear #february29 #29february #2292020 #29februar #neunundzwanzigsterfebruar #schalttag #schaltjahr #schaltjahr2020
Oh books! How I wish I could keep you...! But sadly you must return to the dark shelves of the library..?
One day, one booksale day I will bring you home, and cover you once again with a blanket of colorful tabs and read the parts again that made me LOL!! ????
#books #bookshelf #bookstack #icantstopreading #booksareawesome #kidsreading #booktab #markingbooks #librarybooks #bookreturn #iwanttokeepthesebooks #buyallthebooks #bookstagram #bücher
I‘m reading this part out loud in my stories.. check it out 😄#reading #readingoutloud #lovereading
Too many to post so I‘ll just drop the page # 32 ...
Some creepy and some funny parts coming up!
#creepy #funny #creepyandfunny #wingsoffire #winterturning #tuitsutherland #tuisutherland #scholasticbooks
Review to come*** just keeping this as a place holder until I have the time to write the review.