Excited with my latest bookstore haul. I am beginning with Sarah Pearse‘s The Sanatorium. Here‘s to getting out of my latest reading slump. #bibliophile #thrillers #readingslump #bookhaul
Excited with my latest bookstore haul. I am beginning with Sarah Pearse‘s The Sanatorium. Here‘s to getting out of my latest reading slump. #bibliophile #thrillers #readingslump #bookhaul
The couple of rainy days were perfect for this cozy and engrossing read. I truly enjoyed it and I flew through the pages. Delving deeper into the wonder of paranoia, paranormal, and the sneaking new threat of “smart devices” as friend or foe. That final touch added a modern layer to a well loved premise. #bibliophile #Turnofthekey #lovereading #ruthware
I could not stop reading this book. I was a bit under the weather and bluesy, and this book drew me in. Such a guilty pleasure.
The insight and pleasure gained from the introduction alone makes this a gem for one who ranks The Great Gatsby a favorite. I highly recommend this book to all who inspire these words (from my 9 year old daughters): “ Only an extreme lover of books, like mom, would find a book all about another book to read.”
#TheGreatGatsby #books #bibliophile #americannovel #FscottFitzgerald #booklover
How can I resist a book with such a wonderful beginning. I anticipate that this will be a joyful read.
This is such a delightful read. I just have to say that it made me crave the idealistic fellowship of such distinctive and charming characters. As the book came to a close, I felt a bit sad that the coziness of their company was over. Though they all faced horrible adversity they bonded with hope and loyalty rising above the ugliness they faced with the beauty of their friendships.
I recently restarted this wonderful series of comics. It is by far one of the best graphic compilations I have read. The multiple Eisner awarded to this series are greatly deserved. This series offers both engrossing plots with many beloved characters from the numerous stories, fairytales, mythology, and folklore and a whimsical humor that helps us come to love them as we learn about their various journeys. #fables #graphicnovel #fairytales
If I could string together all the lines of text I‘ve read aloud on the road, I‘d be able to tie a bow of words around the world.
I am loving this novel. The whole tone of the work captures so much of why I spent most of my undergraduate time studying Russian literature. I always loved how some of the works expressed a playful lightness even when dealing with such tumultuous times within the country.
That being said, I am taking my time with this one.
Such a gift. His essays reignited my passion for reading. “ My Father‘s Gloves” ...