#lmpbc I‘m starting a little late this month but thanks to @BridgetteM I‘m sitting down with a pink drink my highlighter and pen and getting my read on!
Its a little dark and twisted but so far i am amazed at the touch of humanity hidden in the dark places. Not to mention the fact that even though this story seems to be steeped in one trigger after another, the author does it with so much... panache? grace? that you really dont suffer from them and it really gets the point across about the character or situation. Dont get me wrong the story is quite vulgar, but still quite good so far.
#lmpbc I‘m starting a little late this month but thanks to @BridgetteM I‘m sitting down with a pink drink my highlighter and pen and getting my read on!
I am so not happy with Reyes! The Motorcycle Gang leader sounds super hot! And cliffhangers drive me nuts! It‘s definitely a good third book. I can‘t wait to be able to get the fourth.... have to wait till pay day though. 🥺 I would have to say though, my favorite part of the books are the little blurbs from tshirts and bumper stickers that she has at the beginning of every chapter!
#LMPBC @suvata
@MeganAnn they tried to cover up my hashtags so I wrote them everywhere... as well as made him write one just so he wasn‘t left out! 🤣 It should be to you in just a few days!
#GroupU #LMPBCRound7
I did like the base of the story i just didnt really like the way the author set the story or the progression. She uses some PopCulture references, I had a little fun with those. I found some Harry Potter, Finding Nemo, Alice in Wonderland, and Gremlins. There were moments i wish she wasn't so detailed in her descriptions and others where i wish she had more. I seriously could have done without the vivid imagery of a vamp being mauled by dogs.
I absolutely love this book. I listened to it via audible and the narrator is phenomenal! I love how she portrays the voice of ML. The story line is great and the characters were witty and sarcastic. Which again the narrator portrayed perfectly! That is, i believe, the end of the series even though there is one more book pertaining to this subject and these characters. I believe it is more of an epilogue book... i will let you know!
Hey Ladies!
I just wanted to check in on everyone. I haven't heard from anyone in a while and i wanted to see how things were going. How is progress? How is Life? Are we on track to send out books? Have you already started sending out books? Who's in what order? Are we sending anything with our books? Have you been so busy you feel like your failing... No? Just Me? Oh Ok! Shoo!
@Pogue @MeganAnn @BridgetteM
#Lmpbc #lmpbcgroupu #groupu
So i figured out that my little hole in the wall office is not secluded enough to be listening to my audio books... books like “Crimes of Cupidity“ because the sexy times is um... not appropriate for conservative walk ins. My Co-workers have suggested that i make my books a little more PG. sooo i guess ill have 4 books going at all times. Two listen, One kindle, one paperback. Ugh this could get confusing!
I love having audio books so that i can always have time to get into a book. And i love this series so far. But i felt the need to forewarn anyone who decides to read this... because I'm one of those shmucks that doesn't read the warnings that authors write. This book has some serious triggers. If your not expecting it it will catch you. But other then the fact i cant read warning labels... This is a great book! Cant wait for the next one!
Oh my gosh! I am not allowed on goodreads on the computer! It is way to easy to add books to your to be read list!!! That was scary! I just found alot of my old authors and added over 20 books! That i counted!!!
1. I am a certified technician! I work on cars! I finished my certifications just yesterday! 2. I disliked very much so the book named Dear John. (It was horse manure and might have ended up in the fireplace of a long time navy wife.) 3. I met an author just yesterday! Jon Coon author of Ghost River and I‘m looking forward to reading it! 4.Neither they are both miserable. But possibly too hot because at least I won‘t be racked with muscle aches.
1️⃣Armageddon: Expeditionary Force, Highfire Crown, Minotaur 2️⃣It had been years since he had last seen the bulls of his fathers tribe, years since he felt the comforts of stability. 3️⃣soda,coffee, water, coffee, hot chocolate. I AM SO TIRED OF ROAD FOOD! #weekendreads
I love the elequense of how Mat Best defines freedom. #quotstnov19 @TK-421
1.Chess (my son loves playing and i like that he spends time with me when he wants to play.)
2.I think i would like to go to the Egyptian Red Sea
3.There is always room for improvement.
4.I put off reading the Homeland series by R.A Salvatore mainly because its really not my style but me and SO made a deal... he reads mine i read his
5.If you had only three books left to read before you die... what would they be?
@howjessreads #friyayintro
On my last post....
Has anyone heard the Prof Croft Books?
I couldnt tell but do they have any sexy time moments in the books? I think i want to listen to these books on my road trip but i might offend the GareBears ears! 😂
I'm about to go on a 16 hr road trip. I need a fantasy book that's long and with no sexy time romance. (the GareBear hates listening to sexy time)
Something with a great narrator that doesn't have a monotone voice (unless the book is just so good you don't even notice.) I need something that we both might like. Im more of an urban fantasy lover, hes more of a sifi lover.
I would love ideas!
“Aww, you cut off his hand for me?” “Thank you!”
This chick right here is who I want to grow up to be!!!
PS.I super dont like that it cuts my pictures.
I am in absolute love with this book and its series. I hate cliffhangers but with this series i will put up with it! ML is sassy and smart and laugh till you choke hilarious! She is the me i wish i was but unfortunately im a slave to this mouth filter!
I still think of this movie every time i get on a plane! #quotsynov19 @TK-421
So sorry i havent kept up! Crazy days!
Today's #Day6Marooned
Ok I have been working on the poem part on and off all day. Unfortunately I wasn‘t able to get it in sooner because my truck and side hustle kept me busy all day. But here it is. It reads -in the comments- #namasteNovember #spinepoem day 3 done! Late... (not sure if you can see the books on the ends.)
@Eggs Ok so this isn‘t book related but this year has been phenomenal and if I‘m #2GreatfulFor anything it‘s this right here! My family! #namasteNovember
#quotsynov19 this quote is from 1 of my all time favorite authors. Sherrilyn Kenyon wrote this in the prolog of No Mercy. When I read it for the first time it sent shivers up my spine. It resonated so thoroughly w me that a few yrs later I ended up getting it tattooed on my forearm so when I‘m going threw bad times I can read it & hold my head high! If you have never read anything from Kenyon I hghly recommend the Dark Hunter series! #day2dynamic
I wanted to repost this so that I could find it later also to maybe tag a few pages so others could find it as well as spread the word! So excited! #CreepyChristmas #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings
I was looking for one of my favorite quotes from Hook with Robbin Williams but I came across this and I kinda like this explanation of my lawlessness! Day 1 done of #quotsynov19
I am super ready for round 007 for #markuppostalbookclub , #lmpbc #groupU
@howjessreads #friYAYintro. 1.twizlers, 2. I love audiobooks because then I can stay in a book even when I‘m driving! But if it was a choice between the audio and book I would reach for the book every time. 3.i feel like November is going to be just another month. There may be turkeys this month but my kids go to school out of state and I feel like the only time I win is when they are home for the holidays. 4.four, 5. purple!
It was ok. I don‘t like how it progressed so i had a hard time sticking with it. Won‘t read it again but not upset I read it. I would give it a 2/5.
Paradise is the third book in this amazing series. Me and my husband don‘t normally agree on our book choices but this book is so full of sarcasm and suspense and humor! We weren‘t able to get this book in paperback and it‘s where we learned that if there was ever a book to listen to on audible it would be this series! The guy that does the reading is so talented. His name is RC Bray and from hear-tell he sought out Alanson and asked to narrate.
So I have my book for the #markuppostalbookclub (Round 007)! Can you guess which one I chose??? WhAt did y‘all choose???
#thisorthat I don‘t like being to warm but I would go for a spooky hike any day!
I didn‘t think it would be so good! Honesty when I got it I thought it would be young romance but it‘s really not. I love how the heroine is very confident in who she is and that she doesn‘t let anyone get away with crap. I love her humor and her sarcasm. I will definitely be getting the next book because spoiler it ends in a cliffhanger!
The book was good once I was able to get past the fact that it wasn‘t about the character that first started the story off. It seemed like a slow build and a quick end but the ending was good so I guess it helped. I‘m looking forward to the next book...mainly because it‘s about the chick that started off in this book.
I‘m a little upset. The book started off from a woman‘s point of view and there seemed like there might be something there between the lady that the book started with and the hero. But NO! And the progression of the book is a little maddening! I wanted them to have something! Ok so I‘m pouting... but come on!!!
I can‘t tell who the love interest is!!! It‘s driving me crazy!
I‘m not sure if it‘s just me but I feel like each chapter leaves you on a cliffhanger. It‘s driving me nuts! Each chapter hits a high point then ends with something that the main man is declaring! I love SK and she does and amazing job but so far I am on chapter 8 and I know Iv been like “what! The books over!?” At least 3 times so far!
So I‘m not really able to read the long books that I like because I work all day and come home and work some more on my own business so when I can listen to books I get excited. I love the book so far. I‘m about 8 chapters in listening and o gotta say I love the reader! SK uses him for a lot of her books I think and he is great switching between characters. He actually does a jack sparrow voice quite well! I love it!
“You May take my life, but you will never brake me. So bring me your worst, and I will definitely give you mine”
I couldn‘t keep reading it. I usually love books like these but there was something that just didn‘t work for me. She finds her tri guys and then she has to face her dads. It‘s not weird it was just lacking something... not sure
I kinda liked it. It was a lot different then the first book and kinda shows how sometimes we hurt the ones we love. I am really looking forward to the last two horsemen!