1. My sweet bean Buzz
2. About a month
3. He likes to knead my hair to relax me
4. @the-flashley
1. My sweet bean Buzz
2. About a month
3. He likes to knead my hair to relax me
4. @the-flashley
"Kick Ass, Claim Your Woman Card, And Crush Everyday Sexism"
Jumping on the Funko train and made a version of myself! I love it!
This was a fairly fast read. It was just ok to me, though I really love Doctor Who. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the Star Wars Shakespeare book.
I'm a really big fan of the show and I enjoyed reading this. I just wanted more written about the actual creatures and spirits, more details on his hunting interactions. It's a quick easy read and makes me want to start watching the show again.
I wasn't sure how I felt at first and then before I knew I had finished the book. I really love the characters and watching the progression that they make. I will definitely be picking up Practical Magic, that takes place years after this book. I hadn't made the connection to the Practical Magic movie with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, but now I'm excited to read the book and watch the movie!
One of the three books I'm actively reading now. I haven't read any of her stuff before but I am enjoying it so far!
A lot of people don't like this because they think it's cliche and to an extent I would agree. However, I think her poems are relatable and the pain she talks about in her poetry is very real to her and others. I liked it alot.
This was amazing. Cannot recommend this book enough. The plot and characters are amazing. As soon as you think you know what's going on he switches it up!
So I had to read this for a class and it was really interesting. It was a dense read but the author breaks it into sections/subsections within the chapter so you can take breaks. Good for those who are interested to see where data is going on print vs digital reading.
Such a good book! I've heard mixed things about the show so I'm excited to start watching that!
It was so good! I didn't know how I felt at first but it's great! There are several twists and turns I wasn't expecting, very exciting read! I can't wait to get my hands on book two!
My latest haul from the bookstore. About to start Sleeping Giants.
I really enjoyed the first book and the second one was alright. I am definitely interested enough to continue the series, this one was just kind of a let down.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.
George R.R. Martin
I can't wait to finish my tattoo next week! Adding colored ink swirls down the rest of my arm
This book is raw, powerful, heartbreaking, and real. The experience that Rupi Laura describes are troubling but they transform into something beautiful. Her poems are relatable on many different levels and reach so many different audiences, not just women. Highly recommend for everyone to read.
I've read some of her other books and I just wasn't as impressed. A good filler novel if you are waiting in between series
My books came in today! I'm starting with "Dead Feminists: historic heroines in living color" so excited!
I really enjoyed this Ron Rash novel. I definitely think this one is now my favorite.
This cover really caught my eye and the back enticed me more to buy it. Curious to see where this is headed.
I really enjoyed reading this book. If you are a fan of Sarah J. Maas they ha e a very similiar style. Definitely interested enough to read the next book.
So I've read two other Ron Rash books and I like his writing but I am really enjoying this novel! The characters are refreshing and familiar and the plot is interesting. I'm really lucky to go to the school that he teaches at, I'm hoping to get to take a creative writing class with him in grad school! #OneFootInEden #RonRash #WCU #EnglishMajor
Really enjoying the book so far. I don't like it as much as Maas's Throne of glass series but this is a good filler till the next book comes out.
Reading this for another class again. Forgot how much I liked this book.
"X is for the women whose voices weren't heard. X is for the radical histories that didn't get recorded. X is for all we don't know about the past, but X is also for the future. X marks the spot where we stand today. What will you do to make the world rad?"
- Rad American Women A-Z
I just got this book today and I can't wait to start it!
"Rattle the Stars" I love my writer's tattoo. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Not a huge fan of screenplays but it wasn't bad. Really want to see the movie now!
Different. Short and easy read, just not a 'wow' book for me.
My TBR for day 1 of November. I'm really looking forward to finding the time to actually sit down and read this! #APhotoADay16
Really enjoying this so far! Sanderson has a great way of developing characters and an interesting storyline.
This will be an interesting read
Damn swindlers #Assassin'sBlade
Absolutely amazing novel. I haven't been swept up by a series like this in quote some time. It's been great seeing Sarah J. Maas grow as a writer!
A really great book by Sarah J. Mass. I really enjoy her writing!