My brand spankin' new release! My story is These Roots Run Deep and it is deliciously campy. If you need something fluffy and a bit tongue in cheek- you'll love my story. The other two stories in the anthology will scratch your romance itch. :-)
My brand spankin' new release! My story is These Roots Run Deep and it is deliciously campy. If you need something fluffy and a bit tongue in cheek- you'll love my story. The other two stories in the anthology will scratch your romance itch. :-)
Just started this. :-) This is a friend's all time favorite book so I have high hopes. :-) #amreading
"Slow burning...This romance captures the charm of small towns and tension of the late 1960s..."- Publishers Weekly
My current read. Have you read it yet? It is getting mixed reviews. I am a long time fan so I am sure I'll love it.
My brand new release! Eep! Today was actually my cover reveal. 💙💙💙
This is a hilarious, irreverent take on the vampy genre. I personally enjoyed the hell out of it. If you could use a little snark, and a lot of humor, you might want to give it a try. If you need your vamps sparkly and angsty- you may want to pass. I 💜 it.
I really loved this novella from award winning fantasy writer EJ Wenstrom. It is very gritty and is a great introduction to the world of her fantasy novel MUD. Her press just released it in paperback.
I wanted to like it more than I did but it was entertaining. I'll keep reading the author. 😊
If you are looking for something fast paced and thrilling then this isn't it. But if you are looking for a beautiful story that pulls you into the setting with its superb writing and beautiful imagery--then you will love The Book Of Speculation. (Full review on Goodreads.)
I loved Genesis Girl, and I cannot wait for Damaged Goods. I don't read a ton of YA--but I love the universe in this series.
So excited to finally read this. Hubs bought it for me a while back and I've been slammed. Today we are going fishing in the marsh and I plan to lay back and read. 💕 love this gorgeous first page.
COVER REVEAL! I read the ARC of the first in this series. If you love romance- then check out this series about earthbound angels (ummm angels of DEATH). I adore it! Randi is super talented. 💕💕
Coming up in my #TBR pile. I got this on a huge library haul recently.
Okay. I hate giving bad reviews. I just don't do it. I didn't enjoy this book- HOWEVER the writing was superb. The author proves yet again that she has a way with words. The story itself wasn't my cup of tea. It's not that anything was wrong with it, but it when I was finished, I was relieved. The characters made me sad. Many had no redeeming qualities and just felt like morally ambiguous people (at best) or simply bad people (at worst).
My friend Kelley Moore's summer love book NEXT AUGUST. You know I'm a sucker for sunshades and cowboy boots! 💖❤️
✨✨August Rylan has more money than he knows what to do with, and more secrets than anyone man can keep. ✨✨
Meg Cabot books are comfort reads to me. I devour them! Who is your fav go-to author for a comfort read??? #amreading
✨Doctor Amy spends her nights running a secret clinic for supernatural creatures. When she is forced to use her magic to save the lives of a centaur infant and its mother, she vows never to regret her decision, no matter the consequences.✨
#TBRlist #paranormalromance
Current read. These are always quick and cozy and I enjoy them. Fun to have a new Roe book after so many years. Review to come.
Okay okay...everyone is giving it a meh... But so far I'm enjoying it. It is slow, but it holds my interest and I don't mind a slower pace. I'm going to finish and then will share my review. 😬 we shall see...
I actually provided a blurb for this novella series. It is a fun novella sweet romance series that is an easy, quick read. I loved the premise and I always enjoy Wendy's writing style. I'll add my official blurb to this review (I have to see what said. I'm sure it was something snappy and fun, lol. ?)
⭐️⭐️found my blurb⭐️⭐️
"Swoon worthy romance that races the clock to find its HEA..."
Just snagged this hardcover copy from B&N for $5. Going into the never ending #TBR pile. I love this red cover. Gorgeous!
Coming up soon in my #TBR pile is this anti-bully novel by fellow bookstagrammers and author Nadia L. King. As a parent I love books that carry important messages without being preachy. Can't wait to read this YA debut.
On my #tbrlist. I'll have to read after I finish #nanowrimo but I'm looking forward to it. My hairdresser adores this series by Phillippa Gregory. I loved The Other Boylen Girl.
🙌🙌🙌 I loved this one so much (but Rainbow Rowell is one of my favs). The time period. The awkwardness of being the new kid. The feeling you have no control at that age...the sweet romance.
This wasn't my favorite Charlaine Harris book, but it was a quick read and I Enjoyed it. I'll keep on w the series. ❤️
I enjoyed this. ❤ Felecia Day is a lot of fun.
(My copy is w the old over...it has been re-released w a gorgeous, brand spankin new cover in 2016). I adore this book. The prose is beautiful and the author touches on some tough subjects all the while writing about monsters in quarantined Victorian London! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Such a great take on dystopian. Plus Jennifer Bardsley (aka The YA Gal) is great❤️.
I've had this one on my shelf since I was 17!! 😱 I am 31! Seriously time for a re-read. It used to be one of my favorites. ❤️ modern Southern Gothic is a fav genre of mine.
Ms. Wenstrom's writing is superb. I can't recommend Mud (or her noevella Rain) enough. ❤️📚
On My TBR list. Brenda Drake is such a sweetie that I want all of her books on my shelf.
I checked this one out from the library but had to return it before I had a chance to read it---it's still on my TBR list and I'm looking forward to reading it once #nanowrimo is over.
I'm in the middle of it. So far it is a pick for sure. I bought it without reading the back blurb bc I loved the cover so I wasn't expecting -----... But I'm loving it. ❤️📚
⭐️UPDATE⭐️- I finished this book last night (or early this morning...3 a.m. 😱) I loved it. Probably my favorite #YA that I've read this year.
My book about a magical family of misfits and the summer that changes everything...
#book #bookish #bookworm #bookdragon