Interesting perspectives
Interesting perspectives
In trying to find a morning routine I discovered these two books for #profdev / #personaldevelopment and wonder which to start with. I found the infographics on https://readingraphics.com/5am-club-vs-miracle-morning/ and though they helped to show a basic version of this, though more insight can be found in the books. Anyone read these? I also like the concept of reading 10 pages a day min of nonfiction/personal growth books. Still reflecting…
An expert teen Chinese milliner in the South finds her voice as an advice columnist in the local paper for Southerners. This book explores southern society during the suffragette movement and segregation with diverse and dynamic characters #Bildungsroman I really enjoyed this #reesesbookclub pick. It‘s been a while since I‘ve read #historicalfiction and I‘m a total #covergirl
Anyone else looking forward to the new #netflixbookclub on the 16th #November21 with Uzo Aduba?! I‘m looking forward to learning more in the #buthaveyoureadthebook series #booktomovie #bookstomovies #bookstotv #booktotv
My first #20in4 and first #readathon in a long time! No guarantees but I‘m planning to finish the audiobook Monday‘s not Coming. Several of these are already started, and a few more that are TBRs. I decided to hold off on a few for #springhorror readathon in April, so that‘s 3 books I took off! I‘ve included #profreads for #professionalreading #profgrowth #professionalgrowth too #selfhelp #empowerment Thank you @Andrew65
What would you do over if you could? Nora gets a chance to explore past regrets and learn more about how choices made can cause ripples, into her and everyone else‘s lives, through various paths she could have gone. This book is about #regrets & #secondchances I think it‘s an interesting choice for self-reflection too. #onceuponabookclub
One of the reviewers said it‘s like ‘Hunger Games meets The Purge‘. It starts with a teen who was coerced into pleading guilty for something she didn‘t do. Now she is trapped on an island hoping to survive long enough for them to find the real killer. In the meantime she needs to outsmart notorious assassins & has many home viewers. Can she turn the tables?
I‘ve been in a #readingslump and this #thriller was a #bookrec for the #reluctantreader
Started listening to this thriller on my commute. Definitely attention grabbing enough to enjoy it! It was recommended to me as an audiobook and I‘m giving it a listen. Small town with secrets; and a reverend, who‘s the mother of a teen, just strolled in with secrets of her own. #commuteread #commute #audiorec #audiobook #audio #bookrec #bookrecs #bookrecommendation
I'm enjoying this story! Three sisters with different gifts, but only one will survive to rule as queen. I'm intrigued to find out how it will unfold.
Nothing says creepy like thinking your child is out to get you and discovering you might be right. This was definitely a psychological thriller. I loved the different character POV so you could see the thought processes of each. The characters are not perfect but it might be less interesting if they were. Overall a creepy experience.
Life got busy but I finally finished it!
Finally a third of the way through this now and it is starting to pick up!
Movie: Hocus Pocus
Candy: Mounds or Almond Joy
Book: Coraline/My Sister Rosa (I haven't delved too much into scary books yet)
Decoration: The witch where it looks like she crashed into the tree/house
Supernatural: Yay
Pet: Black cat
@Ddzmini @JoScho
Took a GOT quiz and got Daenerys on it this time. GOT is on the TBR pile at the moment but what I read from it was so similar to the tv show that I think it might be nice to revisit at a later date then it will be a movie via books 😄
#GOT #mypetsaremychildren #lokiandthor
My first ever #readathon is finished. Three books completed and a bit of Circe in the middle. Good night! 😴
#24in48 @24in48
My #readingbuddy Thor. I gave up on reading Sea Glass today because I needed a more exciting, adventurous type of story and the main character Opal is not my favorite compared to Yelena.
#blackcatsoflitsy #catsoflitsy #24in48 @24in48
Vintage Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales is the oldest children's book I own. The cover isn't intact but the book itself is in great condition 😄
Now back to the adventure of the Lunar Chronicles series' Scarlet by Marissa Meyer...
#24in48 @24in48 #hour36challenge
Dive into a world of sameness yet everyone there tries to be 'beautiful' with the help of the mysterious Belles'abilities to perform miraculous changes in form, skin color, hair, even makeup. Just what price is everyone willing to pay for it? The story is intricately woven and characters mostly have some depth, although sometimes it seems as though there are forced actions/reactions. Overall I enjoyed this audiobook and world.
#24in48 @24in48
The Book Whisperer is one of those books that was amazing. After I read it I debated my career path to become a reading specialist or librarian. It is one of those eye-opening books where a teacher(avid reader) has her 6th grade students read 40 books a year for independent reading instead of busywork. It was a fascinating, powerful read I'd love to gush about.
So far I am trying to figure out where to start. I usually base it on how I'm feeling to select the type of book to read. I think Circe, Lumberjanes, and the Children of Blood and Bone are stong contenders this weekend though. Any recommendations?
#24in48 @24in48 #nightstand #hour18challenge
The artwork is stunning and rich. The story is beautiful as it follows two young girls falling for each other during a time it was viewed as unacceptable and cycled to them finding each other many years later showing love is eternal. I don't usually read romance but I enjoy a well written one. I teared up at the end.
#24in48 @24in48 #truelove
This was too predictable for me from too early on. Otherwise I thought it was an enjoyable adventure.
I'm digging this #booklight I got from Amazon with its 3 light settings. My SO doesnt seem to be bothered by it so win-win😄
One of the TBR books...
Amazing story of a family growing up in the Depression era trying to get out of the poverty-stricken area.
One of the books that helped get me back into reading. Dive into the world of Ixia, assassins, and magic. It was a mostly enjoyable read and I am continuing the saga to find out what happens next.
"I wondered if I should point out the inconsistency until I remember Janco could argue any point, logical or not." -Opal Pg. 14
Trying to get through the books in order but getting back to Yelena and Valek's POV is my goal; Janco is amusing too. I don't want to miss the breadcrumbs from the other stories! And this is the first book in a while that I'm picking up so here I go!