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Nailed it! My reluctant reader can't resist these, so I've been bombarding him with ebooks and library books. Just now we took the scenic route home from the library while he read this to me. No pressure. #reluctantreader #highinterestkidlit #kidspick

Chelsea.Poole My kids love these too! 3y
mandarchy @Chelsea.Poole they seem to be hitting the spot right now. 3y
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#MurderTrending | Gretchen McNeil
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One of the reviewers said it‘s like ‘Hunger Games meets The Purge‘. It starts with a teen who was coerced into pleading guilty for something she didn‘t do. Now she is trapped on an island hoping to survive long enough for them to find the real killer. In the meantime she needs to outsmart notorious assassins & has many home viewers. Can she turn the tables?

I‘ve been in a #readingslump and this #thriller was a #bookrec for the #reluctantreader

Victoriahoperose Loved this one!! So unique and fun! 4y
LibrarianRyan I Love this series.!! cannot wait for book 4. 4y
Reggie You had me at The Purge meets the Hunger Games. Stacked! 4y
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Uncle Tom's Cabin (Original) | Harriet Beecher Stowe
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I've put off reading my book club's selection for this Saturday's meeting until now. My husband says watching the "Small House of Uncle Thomas" section of "The King and I" doesn't count, so I am digging in. I think this DOES count as my "book with a cover you hate" entry for the @bookriot #readharder2018 challenge. #reluctantreader

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Fort | Cynthia C DeFelice
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A summer adventure for those upper elementary kids. What‘s a summer without a camp-out, new friends, and a mystery?!? I‘d definitely give it to a #reluctantreader who “only liked Hatchet” 😁 #KindnessReads #tdscampread18 #bookbento

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Snapped this pic of my little guy sacked out on my bed after reading a bit of his book. He is my EXTREMELY reluctant reader so I have pulled every teacher trick out of my toolbox to help him. Anyone else have a reluctant reader? Any tips? #💜themrs #raisingreaders #reluctantreader

Samplergal Let him read about his favorite character. Then buy him a “costume” that is that character. Let him read only the dialogue of that character. Sometimes that helps. I‘ve also done a scavenger hunt. A card that starts a short story, then gives the hint for the next installment. Sometimes candy was involved, but I‘m going to deny it if asked. Lol. 7y
ReviewsbytheMrs @Samplergal oh he would love a scavenger hunt! Wonderful idea!! 7y
readinginthedark @Samplergal Let‘s be honest: bribery is just good parenting. 😆😉 7y
readinginthedark My son tends to enjoy books that he picks out more than ones I pick out just because he picked them. And sometimes I take him to the library to play in the kids area or for activities and events, just for the exposure. Then he‘ll see an interesting book on the shelf, and “Oh, maybe we can take that home. But just one book!” 7y
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