I enjoy the fact that Pereira acknowledges that there is no “cookie cutter” method to being a writer within the first few pages, she stresses individuality from the get go.
I enjoy the fact that Pereira acknowledges that there is no “cookie cutter” method to being a writer within the first few pages, she stresses individuality from the get go.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I have a love-hate relationship with this book, as in I hate how much I love this book because the book itself insists I should hate it and myself for reading it. That being said I can't wait to read another Palahniuk book #bookstagram #bookstagramfeature #chuckpalahniuk #palahniuk #chokenovel #bookworm #book #books
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dark humor and raw, real characters about sensitive subjects that are often taboo in the real world. What more could you ask for? Highly recommend! #book #nicolekidman #reesewitherspoon #biglittlelies #lianemoriarty #bookstagram #bookworm #2017readingchallenge #shailenewoodley
Sorry for the lack of posts ? Currently spending my spring break in NC with my school on a community service for Habitat for Humanity and I forgot to bring a book ? They told me to pack lightly but clearly I packed TOO lightly ? Anyways, we went to Wal-Mart so I picked up "Big Little Lies" since I've been wanting to read it for so long ☺️ #bookstagram #bookhaul #bookworm #book #lianemoriarty #biglittlelies #reesewitherspoon #nicolekidman
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! John Updike is probably the only man capable of convincing me to tolerate, let alone enjoy reading about, a man like Rabbit Angstrom. I understand no why this book is such a classic and marked a turning point in literature, I am so excited to read the rest of the series! #books #book #bookstagram #bookworm #johnupdike #rabbitangstrom #classics
This book has been on my kindle for forever, so I decided to finally read it! #tbr
I could go on and on about this book but it definitely lives up to the podcast! There's just something so special about reading stories similar to those told on the podcast in a tangible book. I highly recommend this to anyone that has or hasn't listened to the podcast! Also, if you haven't listened to the podcast "Welcome to Night Vale" you should start! ? #podcast #bookworm #bookstagram #book #collegelife #welcometonightvale
⭐️⭐️⭐️ This novel started off slow and I honestly almost gave up on it. Then there was a turning point, and it quickly picked up. I loved the characters and their stories, can't wait to read Fried Green Tomatoes! #bookstagram #book #bookworm
I picked this up at B&N yesterday and I'm so excited to read it! Can you tell I like true crime? 😏 #annrule #tedbundy #truecrime #novel #book #bookstagram #bookworm #winterbreak
I feel like this self-help book is a lot different from many others that I've read. Not only does it cover business or vague personal goals but it goes deep into the core of what makes people who they are. It tells stories of people that have fitness, relationship, and even intellectual goals. The appendices contain charts and more information about the people mentioned throughout the book, their quests, and even how you can achieve similar goals!
👋🏻Originally posted 12/12👋🏻 Snowed in and my final has been postponed to Friday so I'm just going to sit here and read! Yes, I am in fact procrastinating studying for my other finals 😂 #finalsweek #undergrad #college #collegelife #procrastination
This is the first Stephen King book I've read that had a crime theme as opposed to a purely horror theme. While overall the writing is great, the plot is a little weak.
First of all, I would like to express my sympathies to anyone who lost someone/was affected in any way by the Columbine shooting. Cullen does an exceptional job of research, I'm using the present tense because he does as much research as he can to find the truth. I felt like I learned so much more than I have about any other shooting because I was finally able to understand what really happened.
An amazing psychological thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I would compare this to how I someone may feel walking down the street and feeling like someone is watching them, which is completely accurate since the book is about a stalker. You're scared to turn the page (or corner, going back to my analogy) because when everything seems calm, you're unsure about what will happen next.
I don't know where to even begin, this book is AMAZING. So captivating, I had to make sure I had free time because I had a hard time putting it down. I loved how everything flowed together so seamlessly, even when the story went from past to present. This novel deserves more recognition! Also, congratulations to Flynn Berry for being awarded a Yaddo residency! Amazing first novel, cannot wait to read more of her work.
I LOVE this book! The main character, Nina, reminded me a lot of myself: someone with big dreams who doesn't take a lot of risks. I felt like her and I have gone through similar dilemmas including people doubting us, us doubting ourselves, and having to push ourselves harder than others may have to. It was amazing to read a book about a girl who not only is a lot like me, but loves books as much as I do!
After hearing some of Rumi's poems at yoga class a while ago, I decided to get an anthology of his poems and I'm so glad I did! These poems are truly meaningful and tap into your deepest emotions. I recommend this for anyone who loves poetry or anyone that has been looking to read works that are more meaningful. 🌞
The overall story about the dysfunctional family was enjoyable but the way it was written had a lack of substance.
An amazing motivational book for those that are hesitant to immerse themselves in a creative industry (writers, painters, musicians, etc.)
Perfect for readers that love satires about things that are normally considered "dark" or "strange" and have a twisted sense of humor.
I actually really enjoyed this book, as I've said before I love reading classics/books written by authors of different time periods because you get to see an entire new way of thinking. I thought it was very interesting to see how someone like Moore would imagine a utopian society to be like.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I actually really enjoyed this book, as I've said before I love reading classics/books written by authors of different time periods because you get to see an entire new way of thinking. I thought it was very interesting to see how someone like Moore would imagine a utopian society to be like.
T.S. Eliot is one of my favorite poets, so this anthology needed to be part of my home library 🙌🏻
T.S. Eliot is one of my favorite poets, so this anthology needed to be part of my home library 🙌🏻
I finished my 2016 reading challenge!! // I've never read Coraline before, but I saw the movie years ago so when I finally found the book, I just had to pick it up. The only way I can describe this book is that it's a darker version of Alice in Wonderland and reminiscent of Stephen King's works, even though it's meant to be a children's book, it's meant for people of all ages!
As a writer who's trying to pursue a career in the field, it was amazing to see the neuroscience aspect of something that is such a big part of my life. This book was incredibly informative with a multitude of techniques to help the reader/writer improve their skills, I recommend this book to anyone that would like to take their writing to the next level whether to build a career or getting past a bout of writers block.
The beginning of one of the most infamous duos of all time: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Although they're the same person, their extensive personality differences set them apart. The other stories in this anthology include "A Lodging for the Night," "The Suicide Club," "Thrawn Janet," "The Body-snatcher," and "Markheim." Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, I love reading the origin stories of famous characters.
The author made her advice very easy to understand and utilize in everyday life. I enjoyed her lists of "awesome actions" within each chapter, they were easy exercises and techniques designed for the reader to put her advice into action.
After being such a huge fan of Bones for years, I decided to start reading the series and I'm so glad I did! While the story doesn't follow the exact same plot as the show, the tv series stuck to the core of the book series (Dr. Brennan being a forensic anthropologist) and that's all that matters to me. I recommend this for anyone that loves crime series and the tv show Bones! 😊
If you enjoyed Gone Girl, this book is just as amazing! I cannot wait till the movie comes out!
Happy #nationalbookloversday to all my fellow bibliophiles! ❤️ May your life be filled with the many amazing adventures that only books can bring you! ? // Photo is from Flavorwire's article "20 Beautiful Private and Personal Libraries" ?
I really wanted to like this rewrite of Emma, but unfortunately I didn't. While McCall Smith is a great writer, there were huge pieces missing from this retelling of Emma, including some characters that made the original Emma what it is.
Sorry everyone, I just have to be honest about this one. Personally I thought that this book concentrated so much on settings and describing characters that had little to no depth that there was not much room for an interesting plot.
Amazing sequel to Stars of Fortune, I feel like the fantasy elements were way more prevalent in this novel, especially as the story progressed.
This book was my first time reading Nora Roberts' work and I have to say I really enjoyed it! This was an amazing fantasy fiction novel. The main character is an artist so even though I couldn't connect with them entirely, it was nice to be able to read about a main character with a similar background as me was great.
The author, Deanna Raybourn, clearly put in the time to research the society of the time period that this novel takes place in (1887). The lead character's sense of humor is quick and witty, with funny one-liners and her brutally honest personality of saying anything that's on her mind.
My first Rushdie and I can honestly say I really enjoyed it, the plot was amazing and I like how everything connected so well together. Can't wait to read another one of his works!
The author literally gives 468 steps on how to be effective as an adult so you're not just coasting by and hoping for the best. Her personal anecdotes and tips from friends add a relatable touch to the book. I highly recommend this to anyone that is about to be independent for the first time.
This is a must read for anyone that wants to take a more spiritual path to improving themselves. As the title suggests, the book is meant to strengthen your soul. While almost every self help book I've read has had amazing techniques, I was significantly more impacted by the teachings of this book.
This book is perfect for any of my fellow over thinkers. Sometimes I stress myself out when there's nothing to worry about at all, and Happy at Last gave great techniques to help me end that bad habit.
It's always nice to have someone give their personal perspective and talk about how they changed their life, and 10% Happier is a perfect example of that.
This book helped me realize a lot about how my unhappiness affects my well-being and how easy society makes it for us to be unhappy. I've had a rough year and I'd be lying if I said I'm not struggling to find my life purpose. But this book really helped me a lot, and I hope it can help you too.
This book gives a great perspective on, you guessed it, giving and taking. I've always had an issue with giving too much and being too stubborn to take anything in return, but of course giving too much isn't healthy anyways. If you think you have an issue with either side, I totally recommend this.
Just like The Call of Cthulhu, The Thing on the Doorstep and other weird stories is a collection of amazing classic horror stories. H.P. Lovecraft was an innovative supernatural storyteller. I highly recommend this to readers who enjoy horror books.
This was such an amazing classic horror read! It was different than anything I had ever read or seen and I love how the stories were told by different characters. If you're into classics and want to read something in the horror genre, you'll love this!
I had already packed this up so I had to pick it up from the #library and I'm so glad I did! This classic is an amazing satire, and although this edition was a long read, it was worth every page!
After hearing the term "Machiavellian" in school, on TV, in conversation, it was nice to finally read the source of this political way of thinking. It's archaic, but if you're looking to learn something new, you should check this out!
It was so amazing to read something that was so powerful that it made me emotional. I think Jodi Picoult's review (the bottom half of the picture) says it all. If you read this, make sure you have tissues!
This novel's main focus is on the ups and downs of strong female friendships. I will admit, I have a special place in my heart for novels with plots like this one. I recommend this book for any woman of any age 😊
The main character, Serge, is super intriguing! Overall, the story generally had slow parts and then picked back up quickly after. I think this is a great book for someone who isn't into the stereotypical plots of the mystery or crime genres and likes having an anti-hero as the main character.