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Joined November 2016

Chef, food writer and recipe developer. Food-Related Memoirs are my Fave! Cookbooks with well-tested recipes are an obsession!

I really didn't know that much about Ellen Burstyn's personal life. What a shocking true story! I found it completely engrossing and heartbreaking.

ReadingOver50 She has always fascinated me 7y
Suet624 Well! I love her as an actress and you've intrigued me with your comments. Guess I have to add this to my "gotta find" pile. 7y
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Has anyone read this? Your thoughts are welcome. I am having trouble getting into it. Should I stick it out? I'm on page 136!

NatalieR I enjoyed it and didn't have trouble getting into it, so I can't say you should stick it out. I'm trying to get better at bailing when I don't enjoy a book. Good luck on your decision. 😊 8y
8little_paws I thought it was Ok. Good but not a favorite. I listened on audio, it worked in that format because if I spaced out a little it wasn't like I missed anything major. 8y
Marchpane I haven't read this one. But I will say, I don't think sticking it out has ever paid off for me. If you really don't want to bail, maybe try skim-reading for a bit to see if it picks up. 8y
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DanaKristine Great comments and feedback @Marchpane, @8little_paws and @NatalieR. Thank you. 😊 8y
Megabooks I finished it, but I didn't particularly care for it. Life's too short if you're not into a book. 8y
JacqMac I finished it, too, but didn't love it. You won't miss much if you bail. I'm all for readings what you love. 8y
TheCanuckReader I did the audio version and found it kind of fluffy and predictable 8y
minkyb I enjoyed it. I thought it would make a good play. 8y
Kimmiesuze I read it. Didn't love it. Was kind of left flat by the ending so I don't think you'd miss much if you stopped. 8y
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Enchanted August | Brenda Bowen

I tried but I just couldn't get attached to these characters. I got halfway through and gave up. Hope I wasn't hasty.

melbeautyandbooks I think halfway through is more than enough time to make that determination. 8y
DanaKristine I have book bailing guilt!!!! Lol 8y
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Unbelievably delicious Italian recipes. One of my favourite chefs in NYC, Andrew Carmellini, thoroughly tested every single recipe in this beautiful collection. Try the Gnocchi! Perfection!

Joan_K Can't wait to check this out! 🇮🇹 8y
Hobbinol ❤️gnocchi! 8y
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Burnt Mountain | Anne Rivers Siddons

I stuck with it, even as the story became more and more unbelievable. There was a big buildup and then it fizzled at the slightly creepy and disappointing ending.

tpixie Thx for the warning. 8y
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Just a few of my cookbooks! Tried and true recipes that work! The Fried Chicken recipe is off the charts.

Gayan That looks like my cookbook shelf. 8y
Posemn The Dana Speers book looks well loved. 😉 8y
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Fabulous memoir.

lynneamch Love ALL Ruth Reichl's books! 😊 8y
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What an incredible life! I never really enjoyed watching The Two Fat Ladies on tv but this book had me hooked from the moment I started reading it. Clarissa Dickson Wright had a horrible childhood at the hands of her abusive father. As a young woman in London in the swinging sixties, she beat the odds and became a top barrister who was always the life of the party. And that's when the story truly begins!

EvieBee I adored this book as well! 8y
JDHawkins I definitely need to read this. I love watching that show. 8y
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I adored this memoir. Former New York Times Food Critic and Editor of Gourmet Magazine, Ruth Reichl takes you back to her quirky New York childhood, through her food obsessed formative years and then early culinary career working at Chez Panisse while living in a commune. So cool! A real page turner for food lovers.

Sapphire Garlic and Sapphires is even better! 8y
Sapphire I also have her new cookbook and there are some amazingly yummy recipes in it. 8y
DanaKristine I read Garlic and Sapphires too! You're right. It's amazing! I haven't purchased her new cookbook but thanks for letting me know that it's great. Buying it this weekend! 8y
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ValerieAndBooks Have you read Comfort Me With Apples also? Her second memoir. 8y
Zelma I love Ruth Reich. And like @ValerieAndBooks mentions, Comfort Me With Apples is worth a read too. I didn't care for Garlic and Sapphires as much but I am so excited about her cookbook. I know it is full of stories and reflections with each recipe. 8y
Zelma *Reichl (autocorrect 🙄 ) 8y
chlobee I'm thinking of getting this for my mom as a Christmas gift! 8y
DanaKristine Yes I also read Comfort Me with Apples. Loved it as well. 8y
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This deliciously fascinating, and sometimes heartbreaking memoir captivated me! I could not put this down.

Dragon I enjoyed this one 😀 8y
Lindy A fascinating memoir. I was glad there was an epilogue update in the paperback edition. 8y
DanaKristine Yes! Epilogue was key! 8y
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So far so good. Anne's description of her post war childhood and the dishes she ate on the family farm in Yorkshire, England is holding my attention. I want to keep reading. Love the recipes sprinkled throughout.

Spiderfelt This is my favorite kind of memoir. 8y
DanaKristine Then I think you'll enjoy it. I can't get enough of memoirs about chefs, cooks, farmers, food writers, etc etc... 8y
Hobbinol Welcome to Litsy! (I enjoy foodie books too🙂) 8y
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DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉👍📚😀 8y
DanaKristine Thanks for welcoming me! I'm addicted already. I feel so at home on this site👍 8y
MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you like it here, I think you'll enjoy your stay 😎👍🏻. And I know @BookBabe will want to pick your brain after I read your profile description ☺️👍🏻. 8y
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