“The decisions you make can become your life. Your choices are you.”
“The decisions you make can become your life. Your choices are you.”
“Our stories are what makes us unique. The combination of stories in our lives – the unique mix of the stories we choose to read, choose to live – makes each of us just a tiny bit different from everyone else on the planet. Viviani knew that we are our stories.”
“This Poppy isn‘t perfect, in fact it‘s been
and sat on every day for months. But, if you let it, it will bring you courage”
“To find out what a story‘s really about,” the Librarian said, “you don‘t ask the writer. You ask the reader.”
"Let them be bad ideas. Ridiculous, irrational, pointless ideas. Because sometimes the worst ideas turn out to be the best ideas of all."
The members of Edith's family are very intelligent and sheltered but they must work together to get the grandmother's house ready to sell after she dies. Edith isn't excited to spend her summer in a small Florida town but it becomes more exciting when she meets her cousin and they find a list their grandmother made. Edith and Rae decide to complete the tasks. Edith hopes that by accomplishing each task she break out of her shell.
The five privileged River Point Boys have been friends for many years. Things aren't what they seem to be with this group and one morning when they go hunting and only four boys return. Love this mystery and the format. Kate tells most of the story but we get to read transcripts of police interviews and also hear from the killer himself.
Quirky characters in a mystery book that has many twists at the end. "Little Lydia" is still living in the nightmare of her near death experience with the "Hammerman". When one of the bookstore patrons is found hanging upstairs with a picture from her childhood in his pocket she sets out to unravel a mystery that leads back to that fateful night of the attack.
As a Dave Ramsey follower I loved reading a book about finances that his daughter wrote. I think she brings the perspective of youth to the book. Though I do wish it had some more advice on how to not be envious of others I think she had a lot of great advice and it reminded me what the path to financial freedom is.
Back in 2000 or 2001 I did a section hike of the A.T. It wasn't the most pleasant adventure but after reading this book I had a greater appreciation for what I did and what many hikers attempt to do. This is the story of "Apostle", the reason for his hike, and what he experienced along the way. There is definitely a God message but it didn't seem pushy. I would think that one would have to believe in God to see his majesty and attempt this feat.
I remember back to the time this murder took place and the subsequent trial. The media sure painted her as guilty and that's what I assumed. That was until I read this story. If you like true crime, mysteries, memoirs, or detective stories then this is a must read. I read it as an ebook.
I can't wait to suggest this book to my sixth grade teachers and pair it with Kwame Alexander's The Playbook.
A must read for your sports loving, especially basketball, kids. Twin ballers Josh and Jordan Bell have been taught well by their dad "Da Man" who used to play professionally in Europe. This season new factors are entering into the equation of this tight knit family; a girlfriend and their dad's health are all about to change the family dynamic. My students will eat this book up! Recommended for middle school and high school students.
I have been putting this book off but decided to bring it on vacation. It's a must read for any teacher who wants to be a "good one". Have the tissues handy. Wouldn't recommend as a class read aloud. Would recommend for upper elementary and middle school. #campbrarian
Enough intrigue to make me want to read it but I must say the main character Lo was a tad bit annoying. Basically she is a hot mess. I found a lot of the scenarios in the book a little to "convenient". I felt like giving it 4 stars on Goodreads was an insult to the books I have given 4 stars to so I gave it 3. If you read this book great, if you don't then you just saved yourselves some hours.
I love books about little known history. This narrative nonfiction book goes back and forth between the author and Knud Peterson, founder of the Churchill Club. This group of young men started to resist the Nazi's invasion of Denmark. This is the story of the group and their acts of sabotage.
Biography told by Eva Mozes Kor, a survivor of Dr. Mengele in the Auschwitz death camps. This story is intended for young adults and I would recommend it for upper middle school and high school. Books like these should be a required read so history never repeats itself.
"At Auschwitz dying was easy. Surviving was a full-time job." - page 75
I loved this book! Likable characters and fun adventures as they search for Bigfoot in their town. The characters aren't without issues and I liked how the lessons they learned were interspersed throughout the story instead of saved up until the end. Perfect book for upper elementary and middle school students.
A popular title at my recent book fair and after reading it I can see why. Lida finds herself at a work camp while Allied forces are fighting the Nazis yet she still spends over a year there. You get sucked into the story quickly and can't put it down. I think this a book that upper elementary can handle. Not total blood and guts but some mention of what occurred.
I read Into the Wild 16 years ago in grad school. I was excited to read this account of Chris McCandless childhood, as told by his sister Carine. I am sure telling the truth in this book has been freeing because she and her brother have had quite the life.
Alex, the 11-year-old main character, loves space and plans in travel with his dog from Colorado to New Mexico to launch his iPod into space.The story is written in the format of Alex speaking to his iPod. I can see him as an annoying character but he did grow in me and everyone else in the story seems to like him. My issue with this book is how many social issues and problems the author threw into this book. Wow it's a lot! No elementary school.
An interesting book. Sloan has abandonment issues so it's not helpful when her dad and sister leave her alone to visit a neighboring town. Then a blizzard comes. And there are the town wolves. And then there is an older neighbor who fell on her pitchfork and needs medical attention. Warning: There will be death in this book. Appropriate for middle or high school.
For an adult I think this was a simple read and a "careful" story. Bat is on the spectrum and we see those traits come out in his actions in the story. It just seems like everything turns out "to perfect" for him. I do think it's great to see a character with a loving family with some "basic" family issues. I think this book would be good for a 2-4 grader.
I can see so many of my students in the main character "ghost". Castle lives with his hard working mom and he has a dad in prison. He has been running from many parts of his life. It isn't until a track coach takes interest in his life that he tries to turn it around.
Great book. The storyline goes back and forth between 3 women all telling their story during the years of the Nazi Invasion. Some parts are hard to stomach but I have a fascination with this topic. Though it took awhile for the ladies paths to intersect I loved how it all turned out.
I am typically not a reader of fantasy books but I picked this one up and really enjoyed it. Alfie and his dad go from rags to riches in this story when Alfie inherits Hexbridge Castle and a magic talisman. There is a price to pay for his new fortune.
The sky is the color you will never find in your crayon box; it is so pure, so blue, that it simply cannot be re-created. The quietness hums in your ears and feels like it could swallow up the day with it's peaceful charm; there's just a tiny breeze but not a sound of humanity – only nature in its every day routine.
Just warning you, I have a strong desire right now to buy a camper and go exploring. So since I have been hustling and researching my dream over the last few weeks that's what's on my mind. This book was a quick read. It's about a real women's camping group,
mostly with vintage trailers. There are some basic purchasing, restoration, decorating tips, and recipes. Mix that in with stories from the road and I really enjoyed it.
Book was alright. Hoodoo is born into a magic family but a demon is coming to collect from a sin of his father's.
A good wholesome book with a quirky fifth grade character. Gertie is determined to be the "best" at something in order to catch her mother's eye and get her to stay. That's not going to be easy when a new student comes to town.
"You're so busy wanting what you haven't got that you don't properly appreciate what you do got". - Aunt Rae
Co-written by two author each who assume the role of a fifth grade boy when writing the story. I loved the back and forth point of view during the boys first week of school. Main focus of the story is how the two boys overcome a school bully and form an unlikely friendship.
Great chapter book for your lower level fourth and fifth grade readers! It is basically a story of two brothers, older one drafted and younger one at home, who are writing to one another. Takes place during WWII and is not graphic at all. Kids can relate to it. I will definitely be adding this to my library collection! PS - I have heard this author speak and he is a really neat guy. I could listen to him talk all day!
If you love someone you have two choices: hold on to them or let them go. But clinging doesn't mean you love them more and letting go doesn't mean you love them less.
The story of 4 Guineveres who were dropped off by their families at a convent during different points of their lives. United by their names the four girls have a close bond as they navigate life in a convent. The main story covers a year of their life that changed everything. Lots of good quotes in this book and I appreciated the Catholic focus.
Story written in prose so it was a 1-day read for me. Definitely touches on the genocide in South Africa with "kid gloves" meaning that the gory details aren't spelled out. Pinkney wanted to focus on personalizing the story and I think she accomplished this in a way that an elementary or middle school student can handle.
"When we are poor we wish to be rich, when we are rich we wish to be loved, when we are loved we wish for freedom from pain and endless life and unchanging happiness".
Overall I am not really sure what to make of this book. It wasn't what I expected after reading the blurb. Anouk is a teenager chosen to excavate a subterranean palace dating back to the French Revolution. I did get confused by all of the underground rooms but found it suspenseful enough that I flew through the pages. I would not include this in an elementary library collection.
A quick graphic novel read by the popular author Raina Telgemeier. Would be good for an elementary or middle school library. Nothing scary about it.
A good book that I found myself wrapped up in. Daisy is left alone in her huge family's mansion after her mother disappears on day. Then comes a stranger shows up one day. Will Daisy survive and find her mom?
Good book for upper elementary and middle school students. Nothing really scary in this book but it did get me hooked.
Very cool cover but that is all I liked about it. I would NOT add it to a school library - any school library! Loads of cussing, sexual references, and strange characters. I question my sanity for staying with this book until the end!
So I am not sure I like stories written in prose. It took me a little while to get used to the ramblings of the narrator. Has a great underlying story but I found the "choppiness" of it hard to handle. Was it horrible - No. Were there a lot of parts I liked - Yes. Recommend for middle school and higher.
I had never heard of the Kindertransport before. Great book to add to an elementary or middle school library collection. I love the short stories about different children, reading their actual interviews, and seeing family photos.
Simple book about the escape made my 3 prisoners of Alcatraz. I loved how there are resources in the back that the reader can go to to find more information. I think this a good nonfiction companion guide for the Al Capone does my…trilogy. Recommended for readers in grades 5-8.
I just love this series of books. I am an adult and they scare me! I find myself flying through the pages. I love how the author uses vintage photographs in the book and story.
Good book about a teenage girl who contracted Polio and now lives in an iron lung. For her new neighbors Georgie and Emmitt, whose curiosity leads to a friendship, Phyllis is a friend they both need. Unfortunately Phyllis has ulterior motives. I would NOT have this in my elementary library. Overall I think it was a great read.
Great mystery book appropriate for upper elementary and middle school students. I loved learning about the Indian culture and felt like their was an appropriate amount of action and intrigue to move the story along. Overall I really enjoyed it!
Free will is not lost, even if someone died and is given a second life. And it's the same kind of free will we have in this life.
For the first time in my life I had a grandparent willing to read to me. It was like finding a stash of gold when you were just about to stop believing in its existence.