Cannot wait to check this one out. I love James Patterson!!
Cannot wait to check this one out. I love James Patterson!!
Captivating from page one to the last page. It was informative and interesting to read about their live and interactions with each other. My heart still goes out to Diana and both of her boys!!
Trying to clear out@some book of the month choices 🥰
When you cannot go to Europe this year… you do the next best thing. Read a story including it!!!!
Checking this book out to clear our some of my growing TBR pile ❤️
Reading this as part of a book club with friends back home that got me into the show and became part of the SPNfamily
Starting this one with the gorgeous cover for book 7 of 2020
Hitting this novel I won recently on Goodread #6of2020 #booklover
Old book of the month I haven‘t read yet... so here goes!!
A little slow moving at first and a tad confusing with all the names but it‘s an amazing story that leaves you guessing from start to finish
Broke one of my unspoken book rules.... saw the movie first and fell in love...now to check out the book!!
I got spoiled this Christmas... he just gets me
Touching and heartfelt from start to finish. It makes you want to hug those you lose just a little tighter. Definitely grab the tissues as moments will not tug but more like yank at your heartstrings.
Checking out this new book vis my library card on my iPad
This book made me laugh...made me cry... definitely made me celebrate my waywardness in the stories of actors and fans a like but mostly it made me happy I began this journey and became part of this amazing family. #spndamily
Checking this book about how Supernatural has touched the cast and fans lives.. finally using my library card for some e books!!
Checking this one out... love the Orphans Tale so cannot wait to see what this is about
Today‘s book haul #barnesandnoble #bookhaul #hugetbr #bookaholic #readerslife
Checking out this @owlcrate read that I haven‘t had A chance to read yet
Excited to start this book... have heard amazing things about it!!!
My Barnes and noble book haul today!! Thank God my fiancé supports my love of books!!
Going to start a book that I‘ve heard is good and at times funny 🥰
Starting a new book I got from Owlcrate. So far I‘m in love with it!! James Patterson presents has hit it out of the park ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #owlcrate
About to start a book my Mom keeps asking me if I‘ve read yet.. that‘s if my cat will let me 🐱📙❤️
I absolutely fell in love with this book and all the characters in it. I was able to clearly envision everything in this novel and had a hard time putting it down!! Well done Mr Czech!! You‘ve added another fan to your group ☺️
Finally getting the chance to read this. Im truly excited as the author was my favorite teacher in middle school back in Minnesota!!! 📕📗📘📙
I read an Irish country Christmas last year and loved it.. going back and reading some of his other books finally🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
When you‘re trying to read but your cat has other plans🥺😳
I won‘t making my reading goal for the year but i love trying!!! Only a couple chapters in and so far it‘s good.. based on a true story as the author interviewed him before he passed away in 2006.
Checking out this book that both my parents said was amazing!!
Amazingly well written book!! I couldn‘t put it down.. although it‘s a work of fiction it follows the life of Jack Gruener extremely well!!!
I received this book as a gift and was skeptical to say the least. What could a successful model have to tell me about living my life??? Well I was proven wrong!! I have a new respect for her and even walked away with a few tips to use in my own life!! Well worth the read.
Excited to start this hopefully entertaining book.. to a new me!!
Final quick read add on to Harry Potter book of the weekend. Pretty excited for this final one 😍