I laughed, I cried, I giggled, I sobbed. #TheLooseEndsList is the absolute perfect summer read. Strong voice. Funny characters. Loved every minute of the #SnowGlobeMoments
I laughed, I cried, I giggled, I sobbed. #TheLooseEndsList is the absolute perfect summer read. Strong voice. Funny characters. Loved every minute of the #SnowGlobeMoments
Absolutely loving this YA historical fiction. It's funny, fast-paced and the characters are fantastic. Love the three POVs. Great read!
"But there have been times when I really stopped myself from doing something special. All because I was scared someone might look at me and decide I wasn't good enough."
I laughed so hard reading it in bed one night, I woke my husband b/c the bed was shaking. Feel bad admitting it since much of the book is about the author's mental illness. I find myself seeing dead raccoons in a whole new way--read the book--you'll get the joke. Very well-written.
I liked this book overall--I did think the science was a little over layman's heads in some parts, but it didn't overrule enjoyment of the book. And I'm a sucker for time travel. Interesting debut and great use of culture to world build. The illustrations set it apart from other novels like it.
I think I need to start with, why is there no sequel? I mean, I get to was a TV show, but really? Delicious characters, amazing world building, cool plot, tons of places to visit next and no sequel? I know you're a busy writer Mr. G and I enjoy many of your other books, but . . .
I admit, there may have been some tears shed during this 25th and final Elephant and Piggie book. A satisfying end to a delightful series. We love Mo Willems!
While this book was written primarily for writers, it works for anyone working creatively, even if it's creating a business. Pressfield talks at great length about Resistance, something all creative people struggle with regularly. Excellent book.