"On everyone's lap rested a book. Any book. In case the wedding got boring." ??
"On everyone's lap rested a book. Any book. In case the wedding got boring." ??
If the dedication is any indication, this book will be wonderful.
This felt like a gift for longtime fans. I don't want to give anything away, but I felt fortunate to revisit so many of my favorite characters...and in so many ways! I gasped, I cried, I got goosebumps...and I already want to read it again. If funds were unlimited, I'd be buying tickets for the play (and the flight to London!).
Second Harry Potter reference, and I'm less than 25 pages in! I am LOVING this so far, and not just for the references. The essays are so clean and the notes are perfect.
"There will be babies who will only know a country where everyone can marry." My sons. My sons will know this world. I'm glad.
Today's storytime selection. Loving this so far; I can't seem to put it down. It's not very suspense-filled; it's just beautiful and has me caught up in its spell.
Quiet library time while my oldest attends storytime. Been meaning to read this for ages! Read Oscar Wao in grad school and really liked it. Hoping to enjoy his short stories as well.
About 75 pages in and loving this so far. Sorry I didn't pick it up sooner.
"Normal." Wouldn't it be nice if we could all accept that someone else's life IS their normal and back off on the judging?
Started this today. Liking it so far. Doesn't the picture on the left look like Joffrey?
Libba Bray is terrifying me tonight. Wanna finish this story but am not ready. Chills up and down my arms!!
"He was here to burn something to the ground." [YAAASSSSSS!!!]
I've read many books about mental illness, but never one like this. It shows so many aspects of what Vivi is going through: the struggle, the denial, the pursuit of wellness, and the love and passion bubbling beneath it all. Very well done.
My gosh, is this book great so far! It's adorable and heartbreaking. And if all the blurbs say it's gonna make me cry then I don't know how I'm gonna handle it.
EXCELLENT beginning. I got chills. It makes me so happy when an author knows where she's leading me. I'm glad to be along for the ride.
"...they pick up grammar and syntax effortlessly through their reading...and they do things correctly without knowing why."
These endpapers are gorgeous! And the book is great so far. So many times I've held my breath to see if everyone makes it out okay.
Should be folding that massive pile of laundry in the background, but too caught up in sentence diagrams at the moment. I loved these in elementary school!
Going away soon, and this looks like a great vacation book, but I can't wait that long! Cover is gorgeous and story is intriguing. Must. Start. Now. Thanks, @thenovl!
Loving this book but hating the pages upon pages of italics to indicate flashbacks. My eyes hurt!