Hello old friend! This book was and still is infinite!
Hello old friend! This book was and still is infinite!
Such a great build up! Spicy too! Thoroughly enjoyed the realistic take on the world of research!
Can‘t wait for the Netflix series with Nicole Kidman and Liev Schreibner! One of the last Elin books to check off my list before I‘ve read them all! This one brought me back in the beginning to PA and my favorite spots!
“A quick Google Search of What To Wear To A Winery reveals a plethora of the kind of bright and airy clothes which can be plucked from an Elin Hilderbrand novel.”
“‘Never make friends with Moms!‘… ‘You‘re a Mom,‘ I point out.‘ ‘I know! And that means I have basically one night every two weeks when I can do something fun with other adults. Except all those other adults I used to call, are also parents and many cases partners so half the time the plans fall through because someone‘s puking or fell off a trampoline or forgot they have to build a volcano for science class by tomorrow!‘”
Big fan of Wynn in this novel and Harriet‘s break through with her parents. Reading all of Emily Henry in a summer! This will translate so perfectly on screen. Also another big Julia Whelan fan of her reading!!
Poppy and Alex remind me of my grandparents with their opposites attract romance! Such a good audiobook as Whalen is so great at voices and narrating. Finishing all of the Emily Henry books on audiobook because of her.
Such a cute read and honestly a perfect audiobook for the summer. Now I have to read the rest!
Ok I‘m ready to see the movie! I‘m very much sliding into 2024 with a TBR pile of non-fiction!
What a fabulous author and historical fiction! I would love to meet her coauthor as well. Def understand this as a book club pick and was such a delightful read!
I love Julia Quinn and the beginning took a turn that I wasn‘t expecting. I felt so connected to Francesca and her story because if the raw story to start. I say this about every of the Bridgerton books, this one is my favorite. This one will stick because of her emotional journey. Another great one! Only two left!
This was on my TBR pile and after his death I jumped right on it. What a great book to read via audio! RIP Matthew Perry. Your autobiography is truly your legacy.
Such a great read about an actual story - I felt like I was in the Sound of Music for the first part with Austria before the Anschluss. Beautifully written!
This was the typical Elin with a perfect Nantucket setting with a perfectly imperfect family and the ins and outs of a major moment in time. Every page felt effortless to read and made for a great beach read!
Love the Bridgerton series! Can‘t wait to see this one on screen!
From the start, I was hooked - he isn‘t bashing the royal family, it‘s a complete obliteration on the most disgusting British tabloid system and their relationship with the “Firm” and the comms teams of the royals. As a comms professional, it sickens me that a family can be torn apart by a messed up system. I don‘t care if Meghan is horrible or even if William has a temper, I care that a comms team can “leak” whatever they want and make it fact.
Oh it was so wonderful to go back to the world of Lily and Atlas! I just need to go to Boston and be a part of their world.
I read and loved the Winter Street Series and got a chance to meet Elin Hilderbrand tonight! Amazing lady! This series is a must read!
Read this before but got a copy to read the extra chapter … yeah still super messed up. Darkest one of all the #CoHo novels I‘ve read.
This is an amazing point of view and a wonderful insight into negotiating. Read it with my business book club.
This was a great one night read and the illustrations made it quite funny and light!
Just grabbed this series from my Mom and I love them! Especially from someone who goes to Cape May every year since she was born! Margaret‘s struggles and her eventual triumph and creation of the garden makes this light and a perfect beach read.
My daughter was reading this for summer reading in middle school and needless to say I read it in an hour. Sooo good, haunting and brought me back to that horrific day.
Back to the beginning for my favorite author. Excited to read about Sweet Edie‘s parents.
Because I loved Benedict‘s story so much I jumped right into my favorite character‘s story Penelope ..: I mean Colin. Must finish before the season starts! #bridgerton
Just started this Cinderella-esque Bridgerton #3! I can‘t put it down long enough to take a photo. Big Julia Quinn fan! Quickly reading book 3&4 before the third season comes out about Colin and Pen.
What a fabulously different take on my favorite author‘s usuals. Grace doesn‘t disappoint and Lizbet is such a great character. Also lookout for multi-book favorite characters Jennifer Quinn, Eddie Pancik, and so many others! So glad I have a signed copy of this gem.
Ahhhh the ending everyone asked for! Love love love!!
What a phenomenal way to storytell! Great beach read! I need to plan a trip to Nantucket soon.
What a great read! In my head Ruthann‘s was Dolly herself. I just heard that they are making it into a movie! Stayed up and read the last 100 pages late at night.
So wonderful and great to read alongside the series. Different but still quite wonderful!
Look what just arrived! I can‘t wait to start this tonight!
Nice refreshing book to be quarantined with. Definitely want to finish the series now!
Just started tonight but it‘s too warm for a fire so I‘m playing the fireplace on Netflix. :-) I have a feeling I will need to visit several old independent bookshops after reading this.
The first few chapters describing how the books burned and the knowledge, research and the antiques just gone ... her writing is so descriptive and a beautiful tribute to the wealth of knowledge lost that day.
Such a great read! Read it in three nights! To see what she had to overcome for higher education! Definitely one I‘ll reread when I want to appreciate my upbringing. Read similar to the Glass Castle.
More poetry for tonight and a darn great one! Keeping this by my nightstand for inspiration and quotes to email to people when they need it. Fun and quick read!
In the mood for poetry? Reading this on a lazy Sunday until it‘s finished. #journeyofsurviving #lovepoetry #somedarkness
“Junk attracts more junk. If you clear it off, it‘s likely to stay clear.”
I am not one for nonfiction but this is so captivating. Im in the thick of the beginning with Lincoln. So many things I didn‘t know and wonder about. I highly recommend!
The 2nd Grader is reading this and loving it. She didn‘t know Mommy read these books before the dolls were a thing. Kit has some great lessons!
“Every bookshop is a condensed version of the world ...” Oh this is going to be good! Thanks to my brother for a nice Christmas present!
What a splendid rendition of the book! I am not into graphic novels but this not only did it justice, it purely paid homage to the original. RIP Harper Lee and know that Fred Fordham did it well!
Just read this to my three-year-old, and he was very engaged. He was very invested in what happened to Red and Lulu. He is going to look for them when we see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree this week.
Reading to my son at our library while my daughter is at Girl Scouts. I love that I‘m raising readers! #Holidaybooks #RockefellerCenter #ChristmasTree