My daughter was reading this for summer reading in middle school and needless to say I read it in an hour. Sooo good, haunting and brought me back to that horrific day.
My daughter was reading this for summer reading in middle school and needless to say I read it in an hour. Sooo good, haunting and brought me back to that horrific day.
We read to remember...I purchased this book at my recent visit to the 9/11 Memorial in NYC, erected upon the remains of the tragedy‘s site. So much to take in and process. Read the book on the plane home, feeling the need to stay immersed in the memories of so many lost. @Eggs
I love how the author threads a boy‘s love for a dog into this #middlegrade 9/11 story. An important addition to a classroom shelf or elementary library.
#20booksby2020 #BBRC #YeahBaby #DogsRule
Book 287 11/15/19
#fallintobooks #neverforget #9/11
As long as I live I know I'll never be able to forget that day and as always on this day my heart is with my friends, family and my beloved NYC.
A boy who turns eleven on the tragic day of 9/11. Achingly beautiful